ON-LINE AVAILABILITY. A. RDSI will make every reasonable effort to have the On-Line Inquiry Services available during the hours as indicated in this Agreement as follows: On Line Availability Schedule -------------------- -------- 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday Not Available Unless Previously Arranged Sunday Not Available Unless Previously Arranged Scheduled Holidays (Based on Federal Reserve Holiday Schedule) B. RDSI will provide system updates nightly for the Bank. Monday through Friday, based on the Federal Reserve Schedule. Saturday's work will be posted or updated during Monday's nightly update. In addition, Friday's actual reports should not be expected to be delivered to the Bank until the following Monday morning, delivery either by ground courier or via the MACROFICHE Report Storage and Retrieval System or the RECALL Optical Disk System. However, the on-line system will be available to the Bank on Saturday, so that regular business may be conducted. C. RDSI assures on-line availability for balance verification and transaction authorization to the RDSI Enterprise Server (host computer) at least ninety-five (95%) of the processing time each month (excluding scheduled down time for normal system maintenance) provided the Bank's network and data communications lines are available. The Bank shall be notified at least one week in advance of any scheduled Enterprise Server (host computer) downtime. D. On a monthly basis, RDSI will ensure that its on-line computing facilities are available for the processing of the Bank's on-line transactions at a minimum of ninety-five (95%) of the time, as prescribed by the Bank, measured over a calendar month at the point of departure from the RDSI Enterprise Server (host computer). E. On-line response time is a direct function of the data communication line speed and the Bank's internal network. RDSI will assist the Bank in analyzing and maintaining an acceptable and satisfactory response time and will assist the Bank in improving the response time when necessary. F. Customer Service is perceived as a significant benefit from RDSI. RDSI will provide Bank responses to questions as follows: (1) average response within two (2) hours of calling the RDSI Customer Support Center; and (2) a resolution on average of forty-eight (48) hours. G. In the event of human error on the part of RDSI which cou...
ON-LINE AVAILABILITY. A. RDSI will make every reasonable effort to have the On-Line Inquiry Services available during the hours as indicated in this Agreement as follows: On Line Availability Schedule -------------------- --------


  • RDDS availability Refers to the ability of all the RDDS services for the TLD, to respond to queries from an Internet user with appropriate data from the relevant Registry System. If 51% or more of the RDDS testing probes see any of the RDDS services as unavailable during a given time, the RDDS will be considered unavailable.

  • High Availability Registry Operator will conduct its operations using network and geographically diverse, redundant servers (including network-­‐level redundancy, end-­‐node level redundancy and the implementation of a load balancing scheme where applicable) to ensure continued operation in the case of technical failure (widespread or local), or an extraordinary occurrence or circumstance beyond the control of the Registry Operator. Registry Operator’s emergency operations department shall be available at all times to respond to extraordinary occurrences.

  • Service Availability You understand that Service availability is at all times conditioned upon the corresponding operation and availability of the communication systems used in communicating your instructions and requests to the Credit Union. We will not be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage thereby incurred by you in the event of any failure or interruption of such communication systems or services resulting from the act or omission of any third party, or from any other cause not reasonably within the control of the Credit Union.

  • System Availability Although we will try to provide continuous access to the Service, we cannot and do not guarantee that the Service will be available 100% of the time and will not be liable in the event Service is unavailable. Actual service or network performance is dependent on a variety of factors outside of our control. If you notify us within twenty-four (24) hours and we confirm an outage consisting of a period of two (2) hours in any calendar month, and not due to any service, act, or omission of you, a third party, your applications, equipment or facilities, or reasons outside of our control, you shall be eligible for a service credit. A service credit shall be computed as a pro-rated charge for one day of the regular monthly fees for the Service in the next monthly statement. Intermittent service outages for periods of less than two (2) hours are not considered service outages. Outages caused by routine scheduled maintenance are also not considered an outage. You shall receive advance notice no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of our scheduled maintenance. Scheduled maintenance will be performed between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. CST.

  • FUNDING AVAILABILITY This Contract is contingent upon the continued availability of funding. If funds become unavailable through the lack of appropriations, legislative or executive budget cuts, amendment of the Appropriations Act, state agency consolidation or any other disruptions of current appropriations, DFPS will reduce or terminate this Contract.

  • Undrawn Availability After giving effect to the initial Advances hereunder, Borrowers shall have Undrawn Availability of at least $10,000,000;

  • EPP service availability Refers to the ability of the TLD EPP servers as a group, to respond to commands from the Registry accredited Registrars, who already have credentials to the servers. The response shall include appropriate data from the Registry System. An EPP command with “EPP command RTT” 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR will be considered as unanswered. If 51% or more of the EPP testing probes see the EPP service as unavailable during a given time, the EPP service will be considered unavailable.

  • Funds Availability For determining the availability of your deposits, every day is a business day except Saturdays, Sundays, federal holidays and legal banking holidays in the State of Utah.

  • Excess Availability Borrowers shall have Excess Availability at all times of at least (i) as of any date of determination during the period from the April 29, 2016 through and including May 29, 2016, $10,000,000, (ii) as of any date of determination during the period from the May 30, 2016 through and including July 15, 2016, $15,000,000, (iii) as of any date of determination during the period from the July 16, 2016 through and including September 29, 2016, $17,500,000, and (iv) as of any date of during the period from September 30, 2016 through and including December 31, 2016, $20,000,000.”

  • Minimum Availability Borrower shall have minimum availability immediately following the initial funding in the amount set forth on the Schedule.