Order-In on Day Off Sample Clauses

Order-In on Day Off. Any employee ordered in on their day off (not attached to a shift) will be compensated at double time.

Related to Order-In on Day Off

  • DAY OF 20 ...............

  • WORKING DAY BEFORE AUCTION DATE Any intending bidder who intends to bid on behalf of another person, body corporate or firm is required to deposit with the Auctioneer prior to the auction sale an authority letter to state that he/she is acting on behalf of another person, body corporate or firm and he/she is authorised to sign all the necessary documents. All intending bidders shall be required to verify their identities by showing to the Auctioneer their identity cards prior to the commencement of the auction, failing which, they shall not be entitled to bid. In the event that the Bumiputra lot is sold to a non Bumiputra or if the successful bidder is below the age of 18 or is an undischarged bankrupt or is not legally competent to purchase the property, then such sale shall be cancelled and the deposit paid shall be refunded to the successful bidder and thereafter the Assignee shall be at liberty to put up the property for sale. A foreign citizen/foreign company may be allowed to bid for the property and if the bid is successful, the sale is subject to the foreign citizen/company applying and obtaining at his/her/its own cost to the Economic Planning Unit (if applicable) and/or relevant State Authority for the unconditional consent to the sale within the period stated in Clause 11 hereof but subject to Clause 22 hereof.

  • WORKING DAY BEFORE THE AUCTION DATE and pay the difference between the initial deposit and the sum equivalent to 10% of the successful bid price (“differential sum”) either via bank draft or cashier’s order crossed “A/C PAYEE ONLY” made payable to HONG XXXXX ISLAMIC BANK BERHAD / XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXX or remit the same through online banking transfer within THREE (3) WORKING DAYS after the fall of the hammer by the Auctioneer is made. The initial deposit and the differential sum shall be collectively known as “the deposit” and. Working Day means a day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) on which the Assignee is open for business in Kuala Lumpur. The balance of the purchase price is to be settled within ninety (90) days from the date of auction sale to HONG XXXXX ISLAMIC BANK BERHAD. Please refer to the Auctioneer’s Online Terms and Conditions on the xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx on the manner of payment of the deposit. For further particulars, please contact Messrs. X.X. Xxx & Associates, Solicitors for the Assignee herein whose address is at Xxxxx 0, Xx. 00, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, 50100 Kuala Lumpur. (Ref No.: A/KC/HLIBB-LC/2024/178520/Yani, Tel No.: 00-0000 0000, Fax No.: 00-0000 0000) or the undermentioned Auctioneer. Xxxxx X-00-0X, Xxxxx 00, Xxxxx X, Xxxxx Xxxxxx XX, / XXXXX XXXXX BIN XXXXXX 12, Jalan Yap Xxxx Xxxx, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. (Licensed Auctioneers) Tel No : 00-0000 0000 Fax No: 00-0000 0000 Our Ref. No.: ALIN/XXXXX0000/SNY Bank Ref : 29291000920 & 29291000937 Website : xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx E-mail : xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx (yang mana telah mengambilalih segala aset-aset, perniagaan xxx liabiliti-liabiliti EONCAP Islamic Bank Berhad (715426-H) menurut perintah Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur yang bertarikh pada 24hb Oktober 2011 di bawah Saman Pemula No. D26A- 110(MUAMALAT)-2011) Menurut kuasa xxx xxx xxxx telah diberikan kepada Pihak Pemegang Serahhak/Pemberi Pinjam di bawah Perjanjian Jualan Hartanah, Perjanjian Pembelian Hartanah xxx Suratikatan Penyerahanhak Hartanah (Secara Sekuriti) kesemuanya bertarikh 19hb April, 2007 antara Pihak Pemegang Serahhak/Pemberi Pinjam xxx Pihak Penyerahhak xxx Pihak Peminjam adalah dengan ini diisytiharkan bahawa Pihak Pemegang Serahhak dengan dibantu oleh Pelelong yang tersebut di bawah

  • Lay-Off An employee who has one year or more of continuous employment and who is laid off is entitled to be paid severance pay.

  • BEFORE AUCTION 4.1 All intended bidder can access to the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website to download the Proclamation of Sale (POS) & Conditions of Sale (COS). By proceeding with E-bidding with ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD, the E-bidders’ have agreed and accepted the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD terms and conditions. Any bid by registered E-bidder shall not be withdrawn once entered. 4.2 All intended bidders can choose either to attend the auction physically (On-site bidder) or by E-bidding. For E-bidding, they can bid online from any places as long as the E-bidder has the device and good internet connection to log in to our ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website and click on eZ2Bid button. 4.3 The E-bidder will receive the Bidding Code one (1) day before auction date and link to bid online via email and SMS once ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD receiving of the deposit.

  • Day not a Business Day If any day on or before which any action or notice is required to be taken or given hereunder is not a Business Day, then such action or notice shall be required to be taken or given on or before the requisite time on the next succeeding day that is a Business Day.

  • LAY-OFFS When a lack of work exists and it becomes necessary to reduce the work force, employees shall be selected as surplus in the inverse order of their seniority from the classification and shall be considered for placement to another job for which the employee is qualified to perform efficiently within a reasonable training period in the order of the following successive steps: 2.1 on vacancies in the employee's classification, 2.2 displace in the employee's classification another employee who has the shortest seniority and further provided that the surplus employee has more seniority than the employee to be displaced. If the employee is not thus placed, then 2.3 in the next lower classification and in the same manner in successively lower classifications. 2.4 A surplus employee who cannot be placed in accordance with the above shall be laid off. However, employees subjected to layoff shall not suffer any loss of seniority, provided the employee returns to work within a six (6) month period. 2.5 A surplus employee may elect to fill a vacancy in a lower classification or be laid off. 2.5.1 “Must hire” process a. In the event that insufficient appropriated funding to work locations within the District results in the displacement of bargaining unit employees, the District will assign employees as “must hires.” b. Employees will be offered placement in openings within their job title and classification nearest the location from which they were displaced. Seniority will determine priority in placement. The employee may choose an alternate vacancy in the event of multiple vacancies. A list of all job placements will be provided monthly to the Union. If there are no vacancies in the employee’s job title, the employee may choose to enter another job classification for which he/she is qualified to perform. In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 3, if there is a vacancy in a higher classification, the employee may apply in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 4. c. When the District declares a “hiring freeze” to all outside personnel, all vacancies will be open to transfer until they are filled. Jobs will be posted for current employees. Once it has been determined that there is an internal “qualified” applicant, the vacancy will be filled in accordance with Article 12, paragraphs 3 and 4. d. This section gives direction only to displaced employees by creating an end of month summary of job placements and establishing a process by which positions are offered.

  • ON THE AUCTION DAY bidders MUST use browser either Google Chrome, Mozilla Fire Fox, Safari, Internet Explore or Microsoft Edge. E-bidders are responsible for ensuring that internet access and connectivity is running smoothly throughout the whole bidding process. The Bank and Auctioneer will not be held responsible or liable for any interruptions, delays, failures, errors, omissions or loss of information etc.

  • Cashing out of Annual Leave (a) Paid Annual Leave must not be cashed out except in accordance with an agreement under clause 41.8. (b) Each cashing out of a particular amount of paid Annual Leave must be the subject of a separate agreement under clause 41.8. (c) The Employer and an Employee may agree in writing to the cashing out of a particular amount of accrued paid Annual Leave by the Employee. An agreement this clause must state: (i) the amount of Annual Leave to be cashed out and the payment to be made; and (ii) the date on which the payment is to be made. (d) An agreement under clause 41.8 must be signed by the Employer and Employee and, if the Employee is under 18 years of age, by the Employee’s parent or guardian. (e) The payment must not be less than the amount that would have been payable had the Employee taken the Annual Leave at the time the payment is made. (f) An agreement must not result in the Employee’s remaining accrued entitlement to paid Annual Leave being less than four (4) weeks. (g) The Employer must keep a copy of any agreement under clause 41.8 as an Employee record.

  • LAY-OFFS AND RECALLS (a) Both parties recognize that job security shall increase in proportion to length of seniority. Therefore, in the event of a lay-off, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their bargaining unit-wide seniority. (b) The employer shall meet with the union executive prior to a lay-off to review the seniority list and to discuss the order of lay-off. In addition, the parties will look to identify and implement all reasonable alternatives to the proposed lay-off Note: Where a proposed lay-off results in the subsequent displacement of any member(s) of the bargaining unit, the original notice to the union provided in (a) above shall be considered notice to the union of any subsequent lay-off. 12.02 Employees shall be recalled in the order of their seniority. 12.03 New employees shall not be hired until those laid off have been given an opportunity to recall. 12.04 An employee who accepts lay-off or exercises her/his bumping rights or otherwise secures alternate employment within the Agency following a notice of lay-off shall retain the right to be reinstated in his/her former job if such becomes available within nine (9) months of his/her original notice of lay-off. 12.05 An employee shall be given the right to continue their benefit coverage following lay-off. The employer shall continue to pay its share of such insured benefit premiums for a laid off employee for a period of six (6) months following lay-off, or until the employee has found other employment which includes benefit coverage prior to the end of the six (6) month period. (a) An employee shall have the opportunity of recall from lay-off in order of seniority to the final subsequent vacancy after the job posting provision has been exhausted providing he/she has the ability to perform the work within a reasonable time period, and is qualified. (b) An employee recalled to work in a different classification from which he/she was laid off shall have the privilege of returning to the classification held prior to the lay-off should it become vacant within six (6) months of being recalled. (c) The employer shall notify the employee of recall opportunity by registered mail, addressed to the last address on the record with the employer (which notification shall be deemed to be received on the second day following the date of mailing). The notification shall state the job to which the employee is eligible to be recalled and the date and time at which the employee shall report for work. The employee is solely responsible for his/her proper address being on record with the employer. (d) Employees on lay-off shall be given preference for temporary vacancies, which are expected to exceed ten (10) working days. An employee who has been recalled to such temporary vacancy shall not be required to accept such recall and may instead remain on lay-off. Further such employee recalled to a temporary vacancy is not entitled to any notice of lay-off at the end of the temporary assignment.