Lay-Off Sample Clauses
Lay-Off. An employee who has one year or more of continuous employment and who is laid off is entitled to be paid severance pay.
Lay-Off. 27.01 A lay-off of an employee may result when financial, administrative or legislative circumstances necessitate a redistribution of resources or the elimination of one or more positions.
27.02 If the Employer has determined that lay-off of one or more employees is required, the Employer shall report this decision in writing to the Institute as soon as possible in advance of the date on which the notification of lay-off is to be given. At the same time, the Employer shall provide to the Institute such information as is considered necessary to demonstrate the necessity for the lay-off.
27.03 The Employer shall begin discussions with the Institute on the reasons behind the decision and will consider any proposal by which the lay-off(s) can be avoided or minimized.
27.04 An employee whose position has been declared surplus to requirements shall be given six (6) months’ notice during which time, the employee will continue to receive his salary and benefits. During this period, the Employer will make every effort to redeploy the employee to a vacant position for which he/she is qualified or for which he/she would be able to qualify with reasonable training at no cost to the employee.
27.05 The employee may request that the Employer accept his resignation before the end of his surplus period in order to receive a lump sum payment equivalent to his regular salary for the period beginning on his resignation date until his scheduled lay-off date for a maximum payment of six (6) months.
27.06 If no position has been found before the expiry of the surplus notice, the employee will receive a lay-off notice at least one month before the scheduled lay-off date. If the employee has not resigned, his name will be added to a recall list for a period of one year, during which period he is not paid.
27.07 An employee may decline to accept a vacancy in a determinate position without losing rights under this article. An employee who accepts a vacancy in a determinate position will retain the right to receive recall notice to any indeterminate vacancy, which may arise.
27.08 If an employee’s position is declared surplus while on sick leave, the leave will not be interrupted and the surplus period will start on the date the employee is medically declared able to return to work.
Lay-Off. If a displaced employee finds there is no satisfactory position available to her, she may elect lay-off.
Lay-Off. In the event that the Council decides that lay-off of one or more employees is necessary, the parties agree to consult jointly prior to the implementation of lay-off procedures.
Lay-Off. (i) Two (2) weeks’ pay for the first complete year of continuous employment and one (1) week’s pay for each additional complete year of continuous employment and in the case of partial year of continuous employment, one
(1) week’s pay multiplied by the number of days of continuous employment divided by 365, to a maximum of thirty (30) weeks’ pay in a case of a first lay-off.
(ii) On a second or subsequent lay-off, two (2) weeks’ pay for each complete year of continuous employment, less any period in respect of which the employee was already granted severance pay.
Lay-Off. In the event of a reduction in the work force, regular employees shall be laid off in reverse order of seniority, provided that there are available employees with greater seniority who are qualified and willing to do the work of the employees laid off. The Employer shall give regular employees the following written notice of layoff, with a copy to the Union, or normal pay in lieu of notice as follows:
Lay-Off. 30.01 The Employer agrees that employees covered by this Agreement shall not be subject to lay-off during the term of this Agreement.
Lay-Off. An employee on lay-off shall, at the expiry of the twelve (12) month recall period, be eligible for a severance pay equivalent to one week’s pay for each complete year of continuous service with NAV CANADA since November 1, 1996, with a maximum benefit of twenty-nine (29) weeks’ pay.
Lay-Off. 56.1.1 In the event that the Council decides that lay-off of one or more employees is necessary, the parties agree to consult jointly prior to the implementation of lay-off procedures.
56.1.2 An employee who has one (1) year or more of continuous service and who is laid off is entitled to be paid severance pay as soon as possible following the time of lay-off.
56.1.3 In the case of an employee who is laid off for the first time, the amount of severance pay shall be for the first (1st) complete year of continuous employment two (2) weeks’ pay, or three (3) weeks’ pay for employees with ten (10) years or more and less than twenty (20) years of continuous employment, or four (4) week’s pay for employees with twenty or more years of continuous employment, plus one (1) week’s pay for each succeeding complete year of continuous service and, in the case of a partial year of continuous employment, one (1) week's pay multiplied by the number of days of continuous employment divided by three hundred sixty-five (365).
56.1.4 In the case of an employee who is laid off for a second or subsequent time, the amount of severance pay shall be one (1) week’s pay for each completed year of continuous service and, in the case of a partial year of continuous employment, one (1) week's pay multiplied by the number of days of continuous employment divided by three hundred sixty-five (365), less any period in respect of which the employee was granted severance pay under 56.1.3.
Lay-Off. (i) On the first lay-off, for the first complete year of continuous employment, two (2) weeks’ pay, or three (3) weeks’ pay for employees with ten (10) or more but less than twenty (20) years of continuous employment, or four (4) weeks’ pay for employees with twenty or more years of continuous employment, plus one (1) week’s pay for each additional complete year of continuous employment and, in the case of a partial year of continuous employment, one (1) week’s pay multiplied by the number of days of continuous employment divided by three hundred and sixty-five (365).
(ii) On second or subsequent lay-off, one (1) week’s pay for each complete year of continuous employment and, in the case of a partial year of continuous employment, one (1) week’s pay multiplied by the number of days of continuous employment divided by 365, less any period in respect of which the employee was granted severance pay under paragraph (a)(i).