lay-off definition
lay-off means the termination of an employee's employment because of lack of work or because of the discontinuance of a function;
lay-off means termination of services of an employee by the Council because of lack of work or because of the discontinuance of a service or a function (« licenciement (mise en disponibilité) »);
lay-off means to temporarily remove from a position of employment subject to the employee retaining such rights as set out under this Agreement.
More Definitions of lay-off
lay-off means an employee whose employment has been terminated because of lack of work or because of the discontinuance of a function and who is suitable for continued employment in the Public Service. Lay-Off does not mean an employee whose employment has been terminated because of a transfer of the work or function to another employer where the employee is offered employment with the new employer.
lay-off means a temporary cessation of employment due to lack of work or abolition of a post. Employees who have a reduction of their hours of work shall have access to the lay-off provisions of Article 35.
lay-off means a reduction in the working force.
lay-off means an Employee whose employment has been terminated because of lack of work or lack of funds.
lay-off means a temporary or permanent severance of employment — other than Discharge — due to a shortage of work, including Holiday, Hiatus, scheduled termination, or general payroll default.
lay-off means the permanent reduction of the number of employees on the Employer’s roster caused by the permanent cessation of a significant portion of the Employer’s operation.