LAY-OFFS Sample Clauses
LAY-OFFS. When a lack of work exists and it becomes necessary to reduce the work force, employees shall be selected as surplus in the inverse order of their seniority from the classification and shall be considered for placement to another job for which the employee is qualified to perform efficiently within a reasonable training period in the order of the following successive steps:
2.1 on vacancies in the employee's classification,
2.2 displace in the employee's classification another employee who has the shortest seniority and further provided that the surplus employee has more seniority than the employee to be displaced. If the employee is not thus placed, then
2.3 in the next lower classification and in the same manner in successively lower classifications.
2.4 A surplus employee who cannot be placed in accordance with the above shall be laid off. However, employees subjected to layoff shall not suffer any loss of seniority, provided the employee returns to work within a six (6) month period.
2.5 A surplus employee may elect to fill a vacancy in a lower classification or be laid off.
2.5.1 “Must hire” process
a. In the event that insufficient appropriated funding to work locations within the District results in the displacement of bargaining unit employees, the District will assign employees as “must hires.”
b. Employees will be offered placement in openings within their job title and classification nearest the location from which they were displaced. Seniority will determine priority in placement. The employee may choose an alternate vacancy in the event of multiple vacancies. A list of all job placements will be provided monthly to the Union. If there are no vacancies in the employee’s job title, the employee may choose to enter another job classification for which he/she is qualified to perform. In accordance with Article 15, paragraph 3, if there is a vacancy in a higher classification, the employee may apply in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 4.
c. When the District declares a “hiring freeze” to all outside personnel, all vacancies will be open to transfer until they are filled. Jobs will be posted for current employees. Once it has been determined that there is an internal “qualified” applicant, the vacancy will be filled in accordance with Article 12, paragraphs 3 and 4.
d. This section gives direction only to displaced employees by creating an end of month summary of job placements and establishing a process by which positions are offered.
LAY-OFFS. 10.01 The Employer agrees to notify the Union office of the names of employees laid off within the pay period of the date during which the layoff occurred, together with the employee's classification and latest available phone number.
LAY-OFFS. The Parties recognize the substantial effort and cost involved in recruiting workers from out of Province to the Project but it is also accepted that workers within the local unions from Alberta expect consideration in terms of job retention on Alberta projects. Therefore a lay-off protocol designed to balance these two interests will be developed as per Appendix 2.
LAY-OFFS. Lay-off due to lack of work shall be by seniority with the employee with the least bargaining unit seniority, at the work location, being laid-off first. Laid-off employees shall be given the opportunity to fill any vacancies at any other work location on the basis of qualification, client agreement, and seniority, in the order given.
LAY-OFFS. Hours in excess of an average of 33.6 hours per week (30.33) since the last settlement of the man-year hours shall be taken as compensation time prior to implementing lay-offs. Employees that have been targeted for lay-off shall start the lay-off period immediately after the compensation time has been taken. In the event that the employee is taken in again after a lay-off period is over, the employees who are on an available period at this time shall be brought back before employees who are on an free period. These employees will be taken in again as needed, but no later than when their available period commences. Other conditions being equal, laid-off personnel shall be taken in again according to seniority. In the event of lay-offs, basis wages shall be paid during the work period (cf. Act relating to obligation to pay wages in connection with lay-offs). The employer period shall commence after time off has been taken for accrued compensation time.
LAY-OFFS. All lay-offs and subsequent re-hiring, other than for temporary and relief employees, shall be applied on a bargaining unit wide seniority basis providing the applicable person has the required knowledge, ability and skills (as set out in the job description) for the job in question.
LAY-OFFS. (a) In the event of lay-offs, seniority shall be recognized. The principle of last man on, first man off, shall prevail, subject to job classification. The Company shall give at least forty-eight (48) hours' notice on lay-offs, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and General Holidays. If lay-offs occur, providing a senior man is capable of performing another job in the Branch, he shall be given the opportunity to take such a job. If lay-offs are to take place out of seniority, the Company will discuss the matter with the Union during the forty-eight (48) hour notice period. If no agreement can be reached, the lay-offs will occur and the matter referred to the grievance procedure.
(b) An employee laid off in one classification will be given the opportunity of displacing an employee in the same Branch with less seniority in a higher position provided the senior employee has the capability to perform the job. Employees who bump to another job will be paid the wage rate for the new position. Employees who accept a position under this Article shall have the right to reinstatement in their former position when such becomes available. The job, in such instances, shall not be posted and the employee will be reinstated in his former classification.
LAY-OFFS. (a) All employees on the temporary payroll shall be laid off before an employee on the regular payroll is laid off unless, in the opinion of management, the temporary employee has skills and qualifications deemed to be needed on an ongoing basis for the efficiency of operations.
(b) Employees hired for the temporary payroll shall be laid off by departments or sections on the basis of seniority.
LAY-OFFS. In the event of layoffs, seniority shall be recognized. The principle of last man on, first man off, shall prevail, subject to job classification. The Company shall give at least forty-eight (48) hours' notice on layoffs, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and General Holidays.
LAY-OFFS. 20.01 Whenever it becomes necessary to lay-off employees, they shall be laid off in turn, according to seniority, as agreed upon, provided however, that the Company shall always have the qualified personnel to maintain production. When recalling employees to work after lay-off, they shall be recalled in the inverse order to that in which they were laid off.