Other Federal Agencies. This agreement does not bind any Federal agency, other than the DoD parties, nor waive required compliance with any law or regulation.
Other Federal Agencies. 5.4.1 As provided under 23 U.S.C. 327(a)(2)(E), nothing in this MOU preempts or interferes with any power, jurisdiction, responsibility, or authority of any Federal agency other than USDOT (including FHWA), under applicable statutes and regulations with respect to a highway project.
Other Federal Agencies. This MOA does not bind any federal agency, other than the Parties, nor waive required compliance with any law or regulation.
Other Federal Agencies. This training, payment, and collection is duly authorized under Section 601 of the Economy Act of June 30, 1932 (31 USC 1535) as amended. The NWCG Interagency Training Nomination constitutes the required written request and it is understood the bill for the training will consist of tuition plus all other identifiable costs as provided by law. Authorizing signatures is also certifying services requested are in the best interest of the United States; cannot be procured by contract as conveniently or cheaply from a commercial source and appropriate funds are available for this purpose. Provider's signature certifies the agency is offering similar services for its own use. COMPLETE CHARGE CODE (Include agency location): Agreement Number:
Other Federal Agencies. If another federal agency (outside of FEMA) with authority or jurisdiction over the federal response declares or otherwise recognizes an emergency or disaster that meets the definition at WIOA 170(A)(1)(B), NDWG funds made available for that disaster must be used in coordination with that agency, as applicable in order to ensure non-duplication and maintenance of effort. The grantee must have in place a plan to recover WIOA funds which have been expended for activities or services for which other funds are available. This includes, but is not limited to: FEMA, other federal agencies, public or private insurance, donated time and construction workers employed by private for profit firms where resources are available to provide for such employment. If additional areas are declared eligible for assistance by FEMA or another Federal agency as allowable under WIOA, you may immediately begin to provide services under this grant in those counties. However, the direct recipient must notify its Federal Project Officer in writing of the inclusion of any additional areas that have been appropriately approved by the federal agencies, and include such locations in the full application. For more information on the full application, please see the Condition of Award page included in this grant package.
Other Federal Agencies. Nothing in this Act affects the regulatory or enforce- ment authority of any other Federal agency under the laws implemented by the Federal agency except to the extent provided in an agreement to which the other Federal agen- cy is a party.
Other Federal Agencies. This MOA does not bind any federal agency, other than the Parties, nor waive required compliance with any law or regulation. [If the MOA provides for the reimbursement for support by one Party for the other Party, include Section 7] FINANCIAL DETAILS [include Attachment A in all reimbursable MOAs; if the MOA is not reimbursable add, “This MOA does not provide for reimbursement between the Parties]: AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. This MOA does not document the obligation of funds between the Parties. The obligation of funds by the Parties, resulting from this MOA, is subject to the availability of funds pursuant to the DoD Financial Management Regulation. No provision in this MOA will be interpreted to require obligation or payment of funds in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act, Section 1341 of Title 31, United States Code.
Other Federal Agencies