Donated Time Sample Clauses
Donated Time. All sworn members of the Cincinnati Police Department shall be entitled to donated time benefits:
A. Purpose:
1. To relieve hardship resulting from extended illness.
2. To establish a procedure for the operation of donated time program.
Donated Time.
(A) It is a legitimate use of SWP, SWP-F (Sick with Pay–Family, SWP-M (Sick with Pay- Maternity), or SWP-D (Sick with Pay–Death) in cases of catastrophic illness or cases that result in extreme hardship for the employee. Prior approval from the Human Resources Director must be obtained by the department for donated time to be used.
(B) They have exhausted all of their own SWP, vacation, and compensatorytime.
(C) Time donated is deducted from the donor’s vacation balance or comp time balance not SWP balance, unless otherwise permitted by this labor agreement.
(D) The number of hours credited to the employee receiving the donation depends on the employee’s rate of pay as compared to the rate of pay earned by the donor. If the donor earns less than the donee, the hours donated will be prorated. If the donor earns more than the donee, the hours credited will be greater than those donated. The list of donors with accompanying calculations must be forwarded to the Human Resources Department for verification and a pp r o va l .
(E) Employees receiving donated time do not accrue vacation or sick leave unless the employee is working part-time. Then the employee will earn vacation and sick leave under the rate of accrual for employees working less than 80 hours. In addition, employees on donated time do not receive holiday pay. No new benefits can be earned by the employee receiving donated time (e.g., vacation, sick leave, holidays). Therefore, 8 hours must be donated for any workday of the week on which a holiday falls.
(F) Donated time cannot be used to prolong an employee on the payroll in order to make him/her eligible for any retirementbenefits.
(G) When an employee returns to work, any donated time that has not been used will be removed from the employee’s list of donors. Upon returning to work, an employee begins to accumulate vacation and sick time that must be used before any additional donated time can be requested from otheremployees.
Donated Time. All members of the bargaining unit shall be eligible for donated time benefits, subject to the terms of this Article, to relieve hardship resulting from extended illness.
A. When it comes to the attention of the Division Commander that an employee’s sick time credit has been or is about to be exhausted, The Division Commander shall investigate:
1. the character to the employee’s present ailment;
2. the prognosis of the employee’s physician.
B. The Division Commander shall execute a letter to the Sheriff, setting forth:
1. the details of any investigation;
2. any recommendation the Division Commander may have
C. The Sheriff, has sole discretion to approve a recommendation for an employee to be the recipient of donated compensatory time, holiday time or vacation time. A member of the bargaining unit wishing to voluntarily donate any of the above listed accrued time(s) for the benefit of such approved recipient shall submit a request to the employee’s supervisor listing the name of the beneficiary with the number of hours to be donated. Maximum usable donated time shall be 1040 hours.
D. In no case will donated time be employed to extend an employee’s period of active duty beyond a recommended retirement day as established by the retirement board physician. Any donated time processed and not needed by a recipient due to retirement, return to duty, or other reasons, shall be returned to the donor.
E. Donated time shall be converted to its cash equivalency and paid to the recipient at their regular hourly rate.
Donated Time. All regular employees of the bargaining unit who have successfully completed their probationary period shall be eligible to donate and/or receive donated time in accordance with this section.
Donated Time. A. All employees of the Employer, including non-bargaining unit personnel, shall be eligible for donated time benefits, subject to the terms of this Section, to relieve hardship resulting from extended illness. When it comes to the attention of the Sheriff that an employee’s paid leave time has been or is about to be exhausted, and the Employer is aware of a serious personal illness of the employee, he shall assign a supervisor to investigate and prepare a report detailing:
1. The character of the employee’s ailment;
2. The health care provider’s prognosis for recovery;
3. The employee’s history of paid leave usage; and
4. Any other details of the investigation and any recommendation he may have concerning the employee’s eligibility as a recipient of donated time.
B. The approval of donated time shall be solely at the discretion of the Sheriff. If the Sheriff approves a recommendation for an employee to be a recipient of donated time, he shall so inform all employees by memo. Employees may voluntarily donate vacation leave, compensatory time, and/or sick leave for the benefit of such approved recipient. Time donated must be in one (1) hour increments. Employees donating sick leave must have an accrued balance of at least 400 hours of sick leave.
C. Donated time shall be converted to its cash equivalent and paid to the recipient at his or her regular hourly rate.
D. Donated time shall be drawn from the donated time bank in as equitable a fashion as is feasible.
E. In no case will donated time be used to extend an employee’s period of active duty beyond a recommended retirement date as established by the retirement board physician.
Donated Time. All members of the bargaining unit shall be eligible for donated time benefits, subject to the terms of this Article, to relieve hardship resulting from extended illness.
A. When it comes to the attention of the division commander that an employee’s sick time credit has been or is about to be exhausted, the division commander shall investigate the condition of the employee’s ailment.
B. The division commander shall execute a letter to the Sheriff, setting forth:
1. the details of the division commander’s investigation;
2. any recommendation the division commander may have concerning the employee’s eligibility as a recipient of donated time.
C. If the Sheriff approves a recommendation for an employee to be the recipient of donated time, a member of the bargaining unit wishing to voluntarily donate compensatory, sick, or vacation time for the benefit of such approved recipient shall submit a request to the employee’s supervisor listing the name of the beneficiary with the number of hours to be donated. Note: Vacation time can only be donated in eight (8) hour increments.
D. In no case will donated time be employed to extend an employee’s period of active duty beyond a recommended retirement day as established by the board physician. Any donated time processed and not needed by a recipient due to retirement, return to duty, or other reasons, shall be returned to the donor.
E. Any donated time processed and not needed by a recipient due to retirement, return to duty, or other reasons, shall be returned to the donor.
F. Donated time shall be paid to the recipient.
Donated Time. All members of the bargaining unit shall be eligible for donated time benefits, subject to the terms of this Article, to relieve hardship resulting from extended illness or injury.
A. When the Employer is made aware of an employee’s need for leave donations, a notice will be posted informing employees of a particular employee’s need for assistance. Any donations made pursuant to this Article must be voluntary.
B. Employees will be eligible to receive leave donations if:
1. They have been placed on an approved medical leave of absence;
2. The leave is expected to last at least thirty (30) days; and
3. The employee does not have sufficient accrued vacation and sick leave to prevent the loss of a significant amount of income.
C. An employee may donate up to eighty (80) hours of compensatory time, vacation, or sick leave to a specific recipient by signing and submitting to the Employer a Leave Donation Form, donating such time.
D. A recipient may use donated leave only after having exhausted the employees own accrued vacation, compensatory time, and sick leave. Donated leave will be used in place of the employee’s regularly scheduled work days to the extent necessary. If a recipient does not use all donated leave during the leave of absence, the unused donations will be returned to all donors on a prorata basis.
Donated Time. A. All employees of the Employer, including non-bargaining unit personnel, shall be eligible for donated time benefits, subject to the terms of this Section, to relieve hardship resulting from extended illness or Family and Medical Leave. When an employee’s leave time is about to be exhausted, the employee may request to be considered for donated time by submitting a written application to the Director that states:
1. The character of the employee’s or family member’s ailment; and
2. The health care provider’s prognosis.
B. The approval of donated time shall be solely at the discretion of the Director. If the Director approves a recommendation for an employee to be a recipient of donated time, s/he shall so inform all employees by memo. Employees may voluntarily donate annual leave, compensatory time, and/or Extended Illness Leave for the benefit of such approved recipient. Time donated must be in one-half (½) hour increments.
C. In no case will donated time be used to extend an employee’s period of active duty beyond a recommended retirement date as established by the retirement board physician.
Donated Time. All regular employees of the bargaining unit shall be eligible to donate and/or receive donated time. The donated time is to allow employees to assist in relieving the hardship, which an employee may suffer as a result of an extended illness.
1. Employees are eligible to receive donated time only if:
1) S/he does not have any pending disciplinary action;
2) S/he has not previously abused sick leave; and
3) S/he has exhausted all available leave.
2. The Chief Xxxxxxx will forward the request for donated time to the Department of Human Resources, who will verify the employee’s eligibility in accordance with this article.
3. The time donated will be converted at a rate equal to the employee’s base pay rate. Employees receiving donated time will receive time at their base pay rate.
4. Employees may not receive donated time in lieu of disability retirement.
5. Donated time does not qualify the recipient for additional vacation or sick leave accrual.
6. Vacation time may be donated at any time during the calendar year. Time must be donated in one-hour intervals.
7. In no case may donated time be used to extend an employee’s service date for retirement purposes.
Donated Time. A donation option is available allowing employees to donate some of their PTO hours to a fellow employee in the event of extended illness or personal emergency. The following apply to donated time: · Employees must have more than 80 hours in their PTO bank, and hours in excess of 80 may be donated. · The maximum donation is 24 hours; the minimum is 4 hours. · The receiving employee must have depleted both their primary and reserve banks before a donation can be received.