Employees and Contractors The Recipient agrees to disclose Confidential Information to any agents, affiliates, directors, officers, or any other employees, collectively known as the “Employees,” solely on a need-to-know basis and represents that such Employees have signed appropriate non-disclosure agreements or have taken appropriate measures imposing on such Employees a duty to third parties: i.) To hold any third-party proprietary information received by such Employees in the strictest confidence; ii.) Not to disclose such third-party Confidential Information to any other third party; and iii.) Not to use such Confidential Information for the benefit of anyone other than to whom it belongs, without the prior express written authorization of the Owner.
Work of the Bargaining Unit (a) In order to protect the standard of nursing care, the Employer shall not contract out the work normally performed by members of this bargaining unit except: i) For purposes of instruction, ii) In the event of an emergency situation, iii) When performing developmental or experimental work, or iv) When employees are not available due to an employee not reporting for work as scheduled or not being available for work. (b) Reassignment to other employees of work normally performed by members of the bargaining unit shall not result in the termination, layoff or reduction in hours of any member of the bargaining unit. (c) When it is decided to not fill a position following an employee’s resignation, the Home will provide the rationale in writing for this decision to the Union. The Union may request a meeting to make representations on this matter.