Specific cases Sample Clauses
Specific cases. Supplies and consumables which were already in the stock of the beneficiary may be eligible as a direct cost if they are used for the action and fit the definition of direct costs under Article 6.2. Internally invoiced personnel costs for project specific activities may be eligible if the time worked on the project is substantiated by records covering all the workable time of the relevant personnel. The eligible hourly rate must be calculated based on the actual cost for salaries and social charges incurred by the beneficiary. Internal invoices must not include indirect costs elements or profit margin or mark-up.
Specific cases. Non-identifiable VAT — In exceptional cases where the beneficiary cannot identify the VAT charged by the supplier (e.g. small non-EU invoices), the full purchase price can be recorded in the accounts, since non-identifiable VAT is not deductible. VAT is thus eligible. − costs incurred during the suspension of the implementation of the action − costs declared under another EU or Euratom grant (i.e. double funding). This includes: − costs funded directly by EU programmes managed by the Commission or Executive Agencies (e.g. other Horizon 2020 grants) − costs managed/funded/awarded by Member States but co-funded with EU/Euratom funds (e.g. European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)) − costs for grants awarded/funded/managed by other EU, international or national bodies and co-funded with EU/Euratom funds (e.g. Joint Undertakings, Article 185 TFEU bodies) − if a beneficiary is receiving an operating grant32 from the EU/Euratom (i.e. a grant to finance its functioning), then the indirect costs of that beneficiary are not eligible and the 25% flat-rate should not be applied. 32 For the definition, see Article 121(1)(b) of the Financial Regulation: ‘operating grant’ means direct financial contribution, by way of donation, from the budget in order to finance the functioning of a body which pursues an aim of general EU interest or has an objective forming part of and supporting an EU policy.
Specific cases. Equipment not used exclusively for the action — If the beneficiary does not use the equipment, assets, etc. exclusively for the action, only the part of the equipment’s or asset’s ‘working time’ for the action may be charged (i.e. the percentage of actual use and time used for the action). The amount of use (percentage and time used) must be auditable (i.e. the hours that the equipment has been used for the project must be recorded).
Specific cases. Legal representation/authority over: Minor (temporary or permanent guardianship –judicial protection, etc.) Represented by: Last name First name Acting in their capacity as: Address Mobile phone number Email
Specific cases. As a limited exception to the general principle set out in paragraph (A) above, the Indemnification Date shall:
(1) if the Claim made by the Indemnified Person is based on a claim by a third party (other than the Tax authorities) against the Purchaser, the Company or the successor to the whole or any part of the Company’s business, be the date on which the amount due by the Purchaser, the Company or the successor becomes payable, it being agreed that in the event of litigation with respect to the relevant third party claim, this date shall be the date on which an enforceable judgement was issued; or
(2) if the Claim made by the Indemnified Person is based on a claim made by the Tax authorities against the Purchaser, the Company or the successor to the whole or any part of the Company’s business, be the date on which the amount claimed is subject to a notice from the Tax authorities demanding payment, it being agreed that in the event that the Individual Sellers wish to contest the said notice demanding payment, the Individual Sellers shall be bound to advance the amount of security claimed by the Tax authorities for the purposes of this claim.
Specific cases a) Account opened in the name of several private individuals The main indemnity (including the minimum and maximum amounts) shall be reduced by dividing it by the number of joint holders insured on the date of the accident. However, such reduction shall not be applicable if, prior to the accident, a request is submitted to insure only the death of one of the holders, appointed by name. Payment of the indemnity shall then be made according to the afore-mentioned provisions as stipulated in the article “Amount of the payment”.
b) 70 years of age or older When the holder or the joint holder is 70 years of age or older on the day of the accident, the main indemnities calculated as stipulated in the aforementioned article “Main indemnity” shall be reduced by half. These indemnities may not be less than the guaranteed minimum of EUR 3,500, unless a reduction as stipulated in the aforementioned article “Specific cases” is applicable.
c) Account in a foreign currency Where an account in a foreign currency is involved, the term “main indemnity” shall refer to the conversion into euro of the foreign currencies on the account on the day before the acci- dent, at the last exchange rate known for that day.
Specific cases. As a limited exception to the general principle set out in paragraph (a) above, the Indemnification Date shall:
(1) if the Claim made by the Indemnified Person is based on a claim by a third party (other than the Tax authorities) against any of the Group Companies or the successors to the whole or any part of their businesses, be the date on which the amount due by the Group Companies (or their successors) becomes payable, it being agreed that in the event of litigation with respect to the relevant third party claim, this date shall be the date on which an enforceable final judgement was issued; or
(2) if the Claim made by the Indemnified Person is based on a claim made by the Tax authorities against any of the Group Companies or the successors to the whole or any part of their businesses, be the date on which the amount claimed is subject to a notice demanding payment, it being agreed that in the event that the Group Companies (or their successors) wish to contest the said notice demanding payment, the Guarantor shall only be bound to advance the amount of security claimed by the Tax authorities for the purposes of this claim, it being incumbent upon the Guarantor to pay the whole of the amount effectively due at the date on which an enforceable judgement has been issued with respect to this claim.
Specific cases. Tourist/Holiday Residences The property is leased with the manager of the residence In this case, the status of the Owner in the context of the present agreement will be assigned the level “Bronze”, “Silver” or “Gold” AND one Snowflake. Under no circumstances will he or she be able to qualify for any other status.
Specific cases a) If the cash account is opened in the name of several private individuals, the main indemnity (including the minimum and maximum amounts) shall be reduced by dividing it by the number of joint holders insured on the date of the accident. However, such reduction shall not be applicable if the insured requested, prior to the accident, that only the death of one of the holders, appointed by name, shall entail the payment of the indemnity referred to in articles 2.1 and 2.2.
b) Where the holder or the joint holder is at least 70 years of age on the day of the accident, the main indemnities calculated as stipulated in article 2.1. shall be reduced by half, it being understood that these indemnities may not be less than the guaranteed minimum of EUR 2,500, subject to the application of the reduction stipulated in article 2.3 paragraph a).
c) Where an account in a foreign currency is involved, the term “main indemnity” shall refer to the conversion into euro of the foreign currencies on the account on the day before the accident, at the last exchange rate known for that day.
Specific cases. For in-kind contributions provided by third parties free of charge and costs of linked third parties, eligible direct costs must be actually incurred by the third party. − incurred during the action duration (i.e. the generating event that triggers the costs must take place during the duration of the action). The duration of the action is the period running from the starting date of the action to the end date of the action (see Article 3).