Outstanding Fees Failure to pay all outstanding fees may result in the loss and/or suspension of extra- curricular activity privileges. Fees may include but shall not be limited to: lost books, late library fees, lunch accounts, before/after care fees, and any and all fees which may accrue in the normal course of the school year.
Advance Notice of Lay-Off In the case of lay off, the Employer shall notify all permanent employees who are about to be laid off twenty (20) working days prior to the effective date of lay off. If the employee, in such case, has not had the opportunity to work twenty (20) full days after notice of lay off, the employee shall be paid in lieu of work for that part of twenty (20) days during which work was not made available.
Amount of Funds Available to Grantee The maximum amount of funding being made available to Grantee under this Agreement is: $20,000. This amount may be amended, subject to funds availability, by mutual consent of the parties. Grant funds under this Agreement may be considered taxable income.
Contents of Suspension Notice A Suspension Notice shall specify: