Sick Leave Use An employee shall be granted sick leave with pay to the extent of the employee's accumulation for absences necessitated by the following conditions:
Paid Leaves A. A bank of ten (10) sick leave days per year shall be credited to each Kitchen Manager at the beginning of the yearly period of employment. Probationary employees who successfully complete their probationary period after the start of the work year shall be credited with a prorated number of sick leave days at the beginning of their non- probationary period. Employees who are promoted from ESP#1 to Kitchen Managers Association shall have accumulated sick leave days prorated based upon number of hours-worked in previous position. Total sick leave accumulation will be unlimited. Sick leave days may be used for personal illness of the employee or illness in the immediate family of the employee living in the same household and/or those critically ill family members who warrant immediate attention. B. Two (2) days of sick leave each year may be used as Business Days. All requests must be in writing except when an emergency situation prevails, approval may be obtained by telephone with a follow-up letter stating the date and reason for being off. Written requests for the day off must be received in the office of the Supervisor of Food Services at least three work days before the day the employee wishes off. Requests will be granted only when there is sufficient number of substitute employees to cover the workload. The day before and the day after a paid holiday or a scheduled vacation day cannot be used as a Business Day. C. Each employee shall be entitled to leave with pay without charge to his/her sick bank for death in the immediate family or immediate step family of the employee and/or spouse or the death of a person residing in the same household as the employee. The funeral leave shall be for a period not to exceed three (3) days, provided the employee attends the funeral. Immediate family shall mean mother, father, brother, sister, child, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild and grandparents. Immediate step family shall mean step-mother, step-father, step-brother, step-sister, step-child and step-grandchild. In the event of the death of a spouse, child or step- child, the funeral leave shall be for a period not to exceed five (5) days, provided the employee attends the funeral. Additional time beyond the three (3) or five (5) days, if granted by the employee’s immediate supervisor, will be charged to sick leave. The employer has the right to request and receive appropriate substantiation of attendance at the funeral and verification of residence of an individual residing in the household. Funeral leave may be granted to any Kitchen Manager in case of the death of a person whose relationship to the employee warrants attendance at the funeral. Time off for funerals may be granted before or after the fact by the Supervisor of Food Services. All approved absences caused by funerals will be deducted from the sick bank. D. Sick leaves days will accumulate but not be granted to probationary employees until employee is permanently assigned.
Paid Leave Contributions will continue whilst a member of a fund is absent on paid annual leave, sick leave, long service leave, public holidays, jury service, bereavement leave, or other paid leave.
Annual Leave Loading During a period of annual leave an employee will receive a loading of 17.5 per cent calculated on the employee’s normal hourly rate of pay and the daily fares allowance if applicable. The loading will also apply to proportionate leave on lawful termination.
Parental Leave Allowance (a) An employee who qualifies for parental leave pursuant to Article 35.03, shall be paid a parental leave allowance in accordance with the Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) Plan. In order to receive this allowance, the employee must provide to the Employer proof of application and eligibility to receive employment insurance benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act. An employee disentitled or disqualified from receiving employment insurance benefits is not eligible for parental leave allowance. (b) Pursuant to the Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) Plan and subject to leave apportionment pursuant to Article 35.03(b), the parental leave allowance will consist of a maximum of ten (10) weekly payments, equivalent to the difference between the employment insurance gross benefits and any other earnings received by the employee, and seventy-five (75) percent of the employee’s basic pay.
Maternity Leave Allowance (a) An employee who qualifies for maternity leave pursuant to Clause 21.1, shall be paid a maternity leave allowance in accordance with the Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) Plan. In order to receive this allowance, the employee must provide to the Employer, proof that she has applied for and is eligible to receive employment insurance benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act. An employee disentitled or disqualified from receiving employment insurance benefits is not eligible for maternity leave allowance. (b) Pursuant to the Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) Plan, the maternity leave allowance will consist of 15 weekly payments equivalent to the difference between the employment insurance gross benefits and any other earnings received by the employee and 85% of the employee's basic pay.
Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leave An Employee who is expecting the birth or adoption of a child shall be entitled to maternity/paternity/adoption leave without pay, provided she presents a medical certificate confirming the probable date of confinement, or in the case of adoption, gives the Employer notice of eligibility. Except in extenuating circumstances, the notice shall be submitted in writing at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the leave and shall specify the probable date of commencement and the anticipated length of leave. The following conditions shall apply: (a) Leave of Absence for maternity/paternity/adoption shall be for up to eighteen (18) months as requested by the Employee, except in extenuating circumstances when, in the opinion of a medical practitioner, the leave should be further extended. (b) Upon return from such leave, the Employee will resume employment at the same worksite, in the same or in a comparable position prior to the granting of such leave. In the event the Employee on Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leave is affected by lay off, she shall be afforded access to the provisions of Article 26, Layoff And Work Resumption. (c) Notice of intention to return to work or request for a change of the length of the leave of absence, must be forwarded to the Employer twenty-eight (28) days prior to the expiration of the leave. The Employee shall be entitled to one (1) extension of said leave. However, the entire length of such leave of absence shall not exceed eighteen (18) months. (d) An Employee shall have access to sick leave credits as per Article 12.07. (e) Accrual of seniority when on such leave is calculated as follows: (i) For full-time Employees, seniority shall accrue as if they were working. (ii) For other than full-time Employees who have worked for one (1) year or more: 52 Week of Leave (iii) For other than full-time Employees who have worked for less than one (1) year: (f) Supplemental Employment Insurance Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) The Employer will implement a Supplemental Employment Benefits Plan. Employees will receive the Supplementary Employment Benefits if they meet eligibility requirements. Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Supplemental Employment Benefit (SEB) shall apply to all Employees.
Volunteer Firefighting Leave Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.
Vacation Use Vacation leave balances shall be reduced for actual time not worked to the nearest quarter hour. Absences may not be charged to vacation not already accumulated.
Unpaid Leaves Employees on unpaid leaves may not participate in the matching program while on leave.