Paid Leaves. SECTION A At the beginning of the school year, each administrator shall be credited with ten (10) days sick leave per year for all administrators except the High School Principal, Chief Information Officer, Director of Facilities/Maintenance, and the Director of Adult Education who shall be credited with twelve (12) sick leave days per year, accruable to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) days. Unused personal business leave days may be accrued at the rate of two (2) days per year to extend maximum sick leave accumulation to one hundred forty (140) days. If the administrator should become a teacher in the district, teacher sick leave policies will apply.
SECTION B Up to five (5) days of accrued sick leave per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) may be used for the critical illness of a member of the administrator’s immediate family which shall be defined as the administrator’s spouse, child, parent, or any relative who is a permanent resident of the administrator’s household or is a dependent for tax purposes. Critical illness shall be defined as a serious emergency or life-threatening condition requiring the presence of the administrator.
SECTION C An administrator may use up to four (4) days per fiscal year, not charged to sick leave, for personal business. These days shall not be accumulative except as indicated in Section A. The use of these days must be arranged in advance with the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel. An administrator planning to use a personal business day at least three (3) days in advance, except in cases of emergency. Prior approval by the Superintendent is required for personal business days taken the day before or the day following a holiday or vacation or during the first five (5) or last five (5) days of the school year.
SECTION D Each administrator will be granted five (5) days leave not charged to sick leave in the case of a death in the immediate family which shall be defined as parent, spouse, and child. Two (2) days not charged to sick leave, will be granted for the death of grandparents, grandchildren, and siblings (including in-law and step-relatives.) One (1) day, not charged to sick leave, may be granted by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for the funeral of a person whose relationship to the administrator warrants such attendance. Additional days may be granted by the Superintendent.
SECTION E Each fiscal year an administrator will be allowed one (1) professional day which may accumulate from ye...
Paid Leaves. The District shall grant paid leaves of absence to Full-Time Faculty Members for
(a) bereavement, (b) sickness, (c) industrial accident and illness, (d) judicial and official appearances, (e) quarantine, (f) personal necessity, (g) jury duty, and (h) the exchange of Faculty Members, subject to the conditions set forth in this Article. The District shall grant paid leaves of absence to Part-Time Faculty Members for
(a) bereavement, (b) sickness, (c) industrial accident and illness, (d) personal necessity, and
(e) quarantine, subject to the conditions set forth in this Article.
Paid Leaves. A. 1. Subject to the limitations set forth herein, employees will be credited with paid sick leave days according to the following schedule. One (1) sick day per month will be added to accumulate sick leave on the first pay in August for twelve month employees and on the first pay in October for school year employees. Assistant Secretaries - ten (10) days per year
Paid Leaves. The Employer has the right to verify that any leaves taken by unit members be in compliance with the applicable terms and conditions stated in the Agreement.
Paid Leaves. A. 1. Days will be credited at the beginning of each work year. A day is defined as the length of the employee's regularly scheduled work day.
Paid Leaves. 1. Each teacher shall be granted ten (10) days per year for paid leave that may be used at his/her discretion. • The teacher’s personal illness • Illness of a family member (spouse, father, mother, sister, brother, father-in-law, mother-in- law, grandparents, or dependent of immediate household residence) • At the teacher’s discretion for conducting personal business which could not be conducted without otherwise taking time off
2. Each teacher shall be entitled to an accumulation for the unused portion of each year's paid leave as specified in Schedule A, which shall be available in future years at full pay. The accumulated leave shall not be reduced until the current ten (10) days of the current school year have been used.
3. Any teacher who is absent because of injury or disease compensable under the Michigan Workers' Disability Compensation Act, shall receive from the Board the difference between the allowance under the Workers' Disability Compensation Act and his regular salary for a period of 90 calendar days with no subtraction from accumulated sick leave. Said 90-day period is to be extended when school is not in session. Upon the completion of this 90-day calendar period, the teacher may use his accumulated sick leave on a pro-rated basis determined by the percentage of earnings not covered by the Workers' Compensation received.
4. In the event of extended leave for a disabling condition, for the mutual protection of the teacher and the Board, the teacher shall present a doctor's statement that the teacher is able to resume work.
5. Compensatory time and/or paid leave shall not be scheduled for use on more than three (3) consecutive school days. Furthermore, compensatory time and/or paid leave (other than for illness) may not be scheduled contiguous to Christmas, mid-winter and/or spring break. Exceptions for special circumstances may be granted by the signed approval of the building principal and contingent upon substitute availability. Within five (5) days the teacher must confirm with the building principal that a substitute has been obtained.
6. Leaves of absence with pay not chargeable against the teachers' paid leave allowance shall be granted for the following reasons:
a. Bereavement leave of up to three (3) days for a death in the immediate family (parent, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, aunts, uncles, or any legal resident of the teacher's home) of a teacher or spouse. Up to five (5) days leave shall be granted if the deceased f...
Paid Leaves.
A. If an employee takes leave pursuant to this article that qualifies for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) (District Proposal 2-08- 24) (TA 2/08/24) and/or the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA), the leave taken will count toward the employee's statutory leave allocation. In addition, granting of a qualified leave under this article will meet the District's statutory obligations under FMLA and OFLA.
Paid Leaves. New hires will be provided annual leave benefits commencing on the first day of each month. For the first twelve months of employment, the amount of annual leave for employees will be 12 hours each month. Upon an employee’s one-year anniversary, his annual leave bank will be credited a prorated portion of 196 hours based on the number of months remaining in the then current calendar year. Thereafter, the employee’s paid leave for the then current calendar year shall be placed in his/her leave bank as of January 1. The amount of paid leave benefits to be provided employees shall be as follows: For employees with 1 – 4 years’ seniority 196 hours For employees with 5 – 9 years’ seniority 236 hours For employees with 10 – 14 years’ seniority 268 hours For employees with 15 – 19 years’ seniority 292 hours For employees with over 20 years’ seniority 308 hours An employee is entitled to carry over a maximum of 120 hours of leave from one calendar year to the next calendar year. Employees shall schedule leaves as far in advance as possible. The Sheriff (or his designee) shall have final approval. Employees may make extended and pre-planned leave day selections in January of each year. Such selections shall be made in order of seniority within classification, most senior first. Following initial leave selections in January of each year, requests for leave shall be approved in the order in which they are received. In all cases, leave shall be subject to approval of the Sheriff (or his designee). Miscellaneous leave rules:
1. An employee may use his leave in two (2) hour, four (4) hour, or six (6) hour blocks; however, if a conflict occurs between an employee wishing to use a partial day’s leave and an employee wishing to use a full day’s leave, the employee desiring to use a full day’s leave shall have priority. The use of leave in a two (2) hour block may not result in the Employer having to replace the employee at overtime rates. Employees may also use leave in increments of one (1) or more hours for medical or dental appointments; however, the Association agrees with the Sheriff and the County that this provision shall not be abused.
2. Employees are allowed to carryover up to 120 hours of annual leave from one calendar year to the next. Any hours in excess of 120 hours shall be forfeited with no compensation.
3. Employees hired prior to January 1, 2021, who die, retire, or resign with a minimum of 10 days’ notice, shall be compensated for the remaining balance o...
Paid Leaves. A. At the beginning of each school year, each teacher shall be credited with ten (10) days of leave for his own illness or disability.
1. Such sick leave shall accumulate up to a maximum of one hundred ten (110) days. If a teacher has reached the maximum accumulation at the close of the immediately preceding school year, he shall be credited with ten (10) sick days at the beginning of the next school year, with those days being non-accumulative.
2. A part-time employee shall receive a pro-rated portion of sick leave at the beginning of his contract.
3. Sick leave shall not be used beyond the elimination period established for receipt of benefits under any long term or short term disability policy covering the teacher. After the elimination period, the teacher may elect to use a pro-rated portion of sick leave to receive the difference between the teacher’s regular salary and the amount of disability benefits, with a proportionate deduction made from the teacher’s sick leave accumulation.
B. Leave of absence with pay chargeable against the teacher's sick leave shall be granted, to a maximum of ten (10) days per school year, for the illness in the immediate family. "Immediate family" shall be defined as: father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, spouse, children, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, niece, nephew, grandmother, grandfather, grandchild and others living within the household of the teacher. Five (5) additional leave days, with pay chargeable against the teacher's sick leave days, shall be granted for illness of spouse or child upon the recommendation of the attending physician.
C. Health appointments shall be charged against the teacher's sick leave.
D. For purposes of the Family and Medical Leave Act (P.L. 103-3) sick leave allowed and which is taken under this Article shall be charged against the teacher's leave entitlement under the Family and Medical Leave Act, at the election of either the Board or the teacher. This shall apply to:
1. Sick leave which is utilized pursuant to ¶ B of this Article to care for a family member (child, spouse, or parent) with a serious health condition, including where a teacher must make arrangements for necessary medical and/or nursing care.
2. Sick leave which is utilized pursuant to Sec. A or Sec. E of this Article due to a serious health condition which renders the teacher unable to perform the functions of his/her job.
E. A crisis sick leave extension is establis...
Paid Leaves. Seniority and all other benefits shall continue to accumulate or remain in effect during any paid leave of absence.