Participating Teachers. 1. A Referred Participating Teacher is a teacher with permanent status who receives assistance to improve his or her instructional skills, classroom management, knowledge of subject, and/or related aspects of his or her teaching performance as a result of an unsatisfactory final evaluation. An unsatisfactory final evaluation occurs when no less than three (50%) of the six standards for teaching professionals are marked unsatisfactory on the final evaluation. The process of the referral of teachers with an unsatisfactory final evaluation to the Join Committee will be the responsibility and function of the Human Resources Department and shall be completed within the last 20 days of the school year so that the Join Committee will have appropriate time to arrange for the assignment of a Consulting Teacher for the Referred Participating Teacher for assistance during the subsequent school year. Priority to receive assistance from Consulting Teachers shall be given to Referred Participating Teachers. 2. A Volunteer Participating Teacher is a teacher with permanent status who can benefit from the substantial assistance available through the PAR Programs as determined by the Joint Committee. An evaluator may recommend that a permanent teacher participate as a volunteer. The purpose of participation in the PAR Program for the Volunteer Participating Teacher is for peer assistance only. The Consulting Teacher shall not participate in a performance review of the Volunteer Participating Teacher. The Volunteer Participating Teacher may terminate his or participation in the PAR Program at any time. By a majority vote, a teacher shall be approved by the Joint Committee to receive assistance as a Volunteer Participating Teacher only if (and only for the period that) the Joint Committee determines that the program has sufficient capacity to serve the teacher. 3. With the approval of the Joint Committee: (1) a Referred Participating Teacher may select his or her Consulting Teacher from the list of Consulting Teachers provided by the Joint Committee; and (2) a different Consulting Teacher may be selected to work with the Participating Teacher or the Consulting Teacher. The Joint Committee shall approve selections after considering the preferences of the Referred Participating Teacher and Consulting Teacher, and shall attempt to reasonably accommodate those preferences. 4. All communication between the Consulting Teacher and a Volunteer Participating Teacher shall be confidential, and shall not be shared with others, including the site principal, the evaluator or the Joint Committee, without the written consent of the Volunteer Participating Teacher. 5. A Referred Participating Teacher has the right be represented throughout these procedures by the Association representative of his or her choice. The preceding sentence is not intended to limit any existing right of unit members to be represented by an Association representative.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Participating Teachers. Participants in the Peer Assistance and Review Program shall come from the following groups of certificated staff. With the exception of Group I, participation in the PAR program shall be based on the availability of Consulting Teachers as determined by the PAR Panel. Group I: Permanent Teachers Determined to be in Need of Assistance: Permanent teachers who receive an “unsatisfactory” rating on the CSTP standards 1-5 as noted in the SUSD Summary Evaluation Form. Group I participants may select the Consulting Teacher they choose to work with based on availability as determined by the PAR Panel. Group II: Permanent Teachers Voluntarily Requesting Assistance: Permanent Teachers who are not required to be part of the Peer Assistance and Review Program but who voluntarily request assistance will receive second priority. The PAR program may serve a maximum number of Group II teachers as determined by the PAR Panel on an annual basis. Voluntary participants may indicate a preference for the Consulting Teacher with whom they wish to work. Group III: Non-Permanent Teachers Not Eligible for Assistance under BTSA New teachers and second year teachers who do not have probationary status in the District shall be eligible for assistance under the Peer Assistance and Review Program based on availability of Consulting Teachers and funding as determined by the PAR Panel. Group III participants shall receive third priority. Group III participants may receive assistance in a group setting provided by Consulting Teachers. Involuntary Referral for Permanent Teachers
1. A Referred Participating Teacher is The involuntary referral process to the PAR Program shall begin when a permanent teacher with permanent status who receives assistance an overall unsatisfactory rating on the SUSD Summary Evaluation Form.
2. The evaluation must be made by the Principal or designee and at least two follow-up formal observations shall take place prior to improve his or her instructional skills, classroom management, knowledge of subject, and/or related aspects of his or her teaching performance any unsatisfactory summary evaluation as per the Master Agreement. The Principal shall make a result of an unsatisfactory final evaluation. An unsatisfactory referral to the Panel in the Spring after the final evaluation occurs when no less than three (50%) conference with the teacher. Implementation of the six standards for teaching professionals are marked unsatisfactory on the final evaluationReview Process
1. The process Panel shall begin implementation of the PAR Process once the involuntary referral of teachers a permanent teacher has been made. The Panel shall notify the participant by registered mail within two weeks that he/she has been accepted for the PAR Program intervention. The notification shall also provide the participant with an unsatisfactory final evaluation a list of Consulting Teachers who are available through the program. The participant shall have 10 work days to the Join Committee submit a request for a particular Consulting Teacher. If a request is not received within this time frame, a Consulting Teacher will be designated by the responsibility PAR Panel.
2. It is understood that every possible subject matter competency may not be available within the core of Consulting Teachers and function of the Human Resources Department and therefore occasionally it shall be completed within necessary to secure subject area specialists to fully address identified deficiencies. In such cases the last 20 days of Consulting Teacher shall maintain primary responsibility for the school year so that the Join Committee will have appropriate time to arrange for Individual Performance Goals.
3. Once the assignment of a Consulting Teacher for has been made, a conference shall be held to establish the Referred Participating Individual Performance Goals (IPG). The conference shall involve the participant, the Consulting Teacher for and the participant’s evaluator (Principal or designee). At this conference the participant shall have the right to request additional assistance during from subject area specialists, if needed, and union representation. The IPG goals will not be changed without a meeting involving the subsequent school yearparticipating teacher, consulting teacher, and the evaluator.
4. Priority to It is expected that the participant receive assistance from the Consulting Teachers shall be given to Referred Participating Teachers.
2. A Volunteer Participating Teacher is a teacher with permanent status who can benefit from the substantial assistance available through the PAR Programs as determined by the Joint Committee. An evaluator may recommend that a permanent teacher participate as a volunteer. The purpose of participation specified in the PAR Program for the Volunteer Participating Teacher is for peer assistance onlyConsulting Teacher’s duties section of this program. The Consulting Teacher shall not participate in share all verbal or written verbal or written progress with the participant at least once a performance review of month. Progress reports shall relate specifically to the Volunteer Participating Teacher. The Volunteer Participating Teacher may terminate his or participation in the PAR Program at any time. By a majority vote, a teacher shall be Individual Performance Goals approved by the Joint Committee panel. A monthly log from the Consulting Teacher shall be given to receive the PAR Panel, including any progress reports from other individuals assisting the participant. These reports will list the performance goals, the assistance as a Volunteer Participating Teacher only if (plan, the dates of observations, the dates of pre and only for the period that) the Joint Committee determines that the program has sufficient capacity to serve the teacherpost observation conferences, and any other resources used.
35. With Nothing in this article shall preclude the approval of Principal or designee from making observations and evaluations or from communicating with the Joint Committee: (1) a Referred Participating Teacher may select participant regarding his or her fulfillment of professional obligations subject to the provisions of the contract.
6. By the end of the second semester that a teacher is in PAR the Consulting Teacher from the list of Consulting Teachers provided by the Joint Committee; and (2) shall schedule a different Consulting Teacher may be selected to work final conference with the Participating Teacher or participant and the evaluating administrator to go over the Consulting Teacher’s report for the individual Performance Goals. The Joint Committee Consulting Teacher shall approve selections after considering make a final report to the preferences PAR Panel. These reports will list the performance goals, the assistance plan, the dates of observations, the Referred Participating Teacher dates of pre and post observations, and any other resources used. The participant shall have the opportunity to appear before the Panel in response to this final report. The Consulting Teacher, and shall attempt ’s report may include any logs of assistance provided by any individual providing additional assistance to reasonably accommodate those preferencesthe participant under the Individual Performance Goals.
47. All communication between In general the period of PAR shall be for two full semesters and may be extended to three semesters. After each year of peer assistance based on the report from the Consulting Teacher and the response of the participant, the Panel may report to the participant, the Superintendent, and the Board of Trustees that:
a. The participant has demonstrated satisfactory progress in the instructional areas of evaluation where improvement was needed, and should return to the regular evaluation process, or;
b. Satisfactory progress has not been made, but that the participant is making progress, and that the intervention should be extended for another semester, or;
c. After three full semesters of peer assistance, if the Panel does not believe sufficient progress has been made or that further assistance or remediation will not be successful, with documented reasons to support this conclusion, the District may then initiate dismissal proceedings, continue to employ the teacher, or issue a Volunteer Participating Teacher notice of unsatisfactory performance pursuant to the provisions to the contract and the Education Code.
8. The discussions of the Panel regarding the intervention shall be closed and confidential, and . Its decision shall not be shared with others, including the site principalbased on classroom performance, the evaluator or the Joint Committee, without the written consent of the Volunteer Participating Teacher.
5. A Referred Participating Teacher has the right be represented throughout these procedures reports provided by the Association representative of his Consulting Teacher and information provided by the participant and the Principal or her choice. The preceding sentence is not intended to limit any existing right of unit members to be represented by an Association representativedesignee.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement, Master Agreement
Participating Teachers. 1. 17.2.1 Permanent Teachers may participate in PAR by a referral or by volunteering.
17.2.2 A Referred Participating Teacher is a an experienced teacher with permanent status who receives assistance to improve his or her instructional skills, classroom management, knowledge of subject, and/or related aspects of his or her teaching performance as and has been placed on a result of an unsatisfactory final evaluation. An unsatisfactory final evaluation occurs when no less than three (50%) of the six standards for teaching professionals are marked unsatisfactory on the final evaluation. The process of the referral of teachers with an unsatisfactory final evaluation to the Join Committee will be the responsibility and function of the Human Resources Department and shall be completed within the last 20 days of the school year so that the Join Committee will have appropriate time to arrange for the assignment of a Consulting Teacher for the PIP. A Referred Participating Teacher for assistance during shall continue under PAR until the subsequent school yearJoint Panel determines the teacher will no longer benefit, the teacher receives a satisfactory evaluation, or the teacher is separated from the District. Priority to receive assistance from Consulting Teachers In any event, the maximum amount of time in PAR shall not exceed 18 months. A Referred Participating Teacher shall be given to Referred Participating Teachers.
2. A Volunteer Participating Teacher is assigned a teacher with permanent status who can benefit from the substantial assistance available through the PAR Programs as determined by the Joint Committee. An evaluator may recommend that a permanent teacher participate as a volunteer. The purpose of participation in the PAR Program for the Volunteer Participating Teacher is for peer assistance only. The Consulting Teacher shall not participate in a performance review of the Volunteer Participating Teacher. The Volunteer Participating Teacher may terminate his or participation in the PAR Program at any time. By a majority vote, a teacher This assignment shall be approved by the Joint Committee Panel. This selection may be appealed by either party, or the Evaluator, to receive assistance as a Volunteer the Joint Panel. A Referred Participating Teacher only if (shall be provided assistance by the Assigned Consulting Teacher, and only for the period that) the Joint Committee determines that the program has sufficient capacity to serve the teachermay also receive additional assistance from a Subject Area Specialist and may utilize Subject Area Specialists as part of this process.
3. With The Referred Participating Teacher, the approval Principal, and the Consulting Teacher shall meet and discuss the recommended areas for improvement outlined in the PAR Summary and the types of assistance needed. A Referred Participating Teacher shall receive a copy of the Joint Committee: (1) Consulting Teacher’s final summary report. If a Referred Participating Teacher has any concerns with the Consulting Teacher or the process, he or she may select contact the Association Designee for assistance.
17.2.3 A Voluntary Participating Teacher is an experienced teacher with permanent status who volunteers to participate in the PAR Program upon Joint Panel approval, after consulting with the site Principal. The purpose of the PAR program for the Voluntary Participating Teacher is to improve his or her Consulting performance. The focus areas for assistance shall be determined when the Principal and teacher meet to fill out the PAR application. A Voluntary Participating Teacher may receive assistance for a minimum of three months and a maximum of one year. They may withdraw from the list of Consulting Teachers provided by the Joint Committee; and (2) a different Consulting Teacher may be selected to work with the Participating Teacher or the Consulting Teacher. The Joint Committee shall approve selections program anytime after considering the preferences of the Referred Participating Teacher and Consulting Teacher, and shall attempt to reasonably accommodate those preferencesthree months.
4. All communication between the Consulting Teacher and a Volunteer A Voluntary Participating Teacher shall be confidential, and assigned a Consulting Teacher. That assignment shall not be shared with others, including the site principal, the evaluator or approved by the Joint CommitteePanel. A Voluntary Participating Teacher shall receive assistance from the Assigned Consulting Teacher and may also receive assistance from a Subject Area Specialist. The Voluntary Participating Teacher, without Consulting Teacher and the written consent Principal shall meet and discuss the recommended areas for improvement outlined in the PAR Summary and the types of assistance needed. A Voluntary Participating Teacher shall receive a copy of the Volunteer Participating Consulting Teacher’s Final Summary Report.
5. A Referred If a Voluntary Participating Teacher has any concerns with the right be represented throughout these procedures by Consulting Teacher or the process he or she may contact the Association representative of his or her choice. The preceding sentence is not intended to limit any existing right of unit members to be represented by an Association representativeDesignee for assistance.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Participating Teachers. 1. a. A Referred Participating Teacher is a teacher with permanent status who receives assistance to improve his or his/her instructional skills, classroom management, strategies and/or knowledge of subject, and/or related aspects of his or her teaching performance subject matter as a result of an a final unsatisfactory final evaluation. An unsatisfactory final evaluation occurs when no less than three (50%) of the six standards for teaching professionals are marked unsatisfactory on the final evaluation. The process Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Services will notify the teacher who has been referred to participate in the PAR Program. This written notification will be mailed within three (3) working days after May 1.
b. After referral of teachers with an unsatisfactory final evaluation to the Join Committee Program, a Participating Teacher will be receive from the responsibility Joint Panel a list of potential Consulting Teachers. The Participating Teacher may indicate his/her preferences of Consulting Teachers by prioritizing the list and function of returning it to the Human Resources Department and shall be completed within Joint Panel. From the last 20 days of prioritized list, the school year so that Panel will select a Consulting Teacher who they believe will successfully assist the Join Committee will have appropriate time Participating Teacher.
c. The Participating Teacher has the right to arrange for meet with the Joint Panel to discuss the assignment of a the Consulting Teacher.
d. The Participating Teacher will sign and receive copies of all written reports submitted by the Consulting Teacher for to the Referred Joint Panel and the site administrator. The Participating Teacher’s signing of the report does not mean agreement, but rather that he/she has received a copy of the report. The Participating Teacher for assistance during shall have the subsequent school yearright to submit a written response to any report. Priority The Participating Teacher shall also have the right to receive assistance from Consulting Teachers request a meeting with the Joint Panel.
e. The results of the teacher’s participation in the Program shall be given to Referred made available as part of the Participating TeachersTeacher’s annual evaluation.
2. f. The Participating Teacher has the right to be represented throughout procedures by an Association representative.
g. A Volunteer Participating Volunteering Teacher is a teacher with permanent status who can benefit from the substantial assistance available through volunteers to participate in the PAR Programs as determined Program. A Volunteering Teacher may request involvement in the Program by notifying the Joint Committee. An evaluator may recommend that a permanent teacher participate as a volunteerPanel during the first two weeks in January and/or May. The purpose of participation in the PAR Program for the Volunteer Participating Volunteering Teacher is for peer assistance only. The No written records shall be kept, and the Consulting Teacher shall not participate in a performance review share with the site administrator or members of the Volunteer Participating Joint Panel the results of the assistance. The Volunteering Teacher has the right to meet with the Joint Panel to discuss the assignment of the Consulting Teacher. The Volunteer Participating Volunteering Teacher may terminate his or his/her participation in the PAR Program at any time. By a majority vote, a teacher The number of Volunteering Teachers shall be approved determined by the Joint Committee to receive assistance as a Volunteer Participating Teacher only if (Panel based on available funding and only for the period that) the Joint Committee determines that the program has sufficient capacity to serve the teacher.
3. With the approval of the Joint Committee: (1) a Referred Participating Teacher may select his or her Consulting Teacher from the list availability of Consulting Teachers provided by the Joint Committee; and (2) a different Consulting Teacher may be selected to work with the Participating Teacher or the Consulting Teacher. The Joint Committee shall approve selections after considering the preferences of the Referred Participating Teacher and Consulting Teacher, and shall attempt to reasonably accommodate those preferencesTeachers.
4. All communication between the Consulting Teacher and a Volunteer Participating Teacher shall be confidential, and shall not be shared with others, including the site principal, the evaluator or the Joint Committee, without the written consent of the Volunteer Participating Teacher.
5. A Referred Participating Teacher has the right be represented throughout these procedures by the Association representative of his or her choice. The preceding sentence is not intended to limit any existing right of unit members to be represented by an Association representative.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contractual Agreement
Participating Teachers. 1. A. A Referred Participating Teacher is a teacher with permanent status who receives assistance to improve his or her instructional skills, classroom management, knowledge of subject, and/or related aspects of his or her teaching performance as a result of an unsatisfactory final evaluation.
B. A Referred Participating Teacher may select his or her Peer Assistance Teacher from the panel of Peer Assistance Teachers provided by the PARP. An unsatisfactory final evaluation occurs when no less than three (50%) of Either the six standards for teaching professionals are marked unsatisfactory on the final evaluation. The process of the referral of teachers with an unsatisfactory final evaluation to the Join Committee will be the responsibility and function of the Human Resources Department and shall be completed within the last 20 days of the school year so that the Join Committee will have appropriate time to arrange for the assignment of a Consulting Peer Assistance Teacher for or the Referred Participating Teacher for assistance during may request that the subsequent school yearPARP consider a reassignment due to professional or personality conflicts. Priority The decision of the PARP as to receive assistance from Consulting Teachers shall be given whether or not to Referred Participating Teachershonor such requests is absolute.
2. C. In the event that the PARP, Peer Assistance Teacher, or Participating Teacher requests the input and/or opinion of a second Peer Assistance Teacher or the Teacher Specialist/PAR as that input would be beneficial in supporting/evaluating the assistance plan of the Participating Teacher, such arrangements are permissible under this agreement.
D. In the event of a reassignment of Peer Assistance Teacher-Participating Teacher Configurations or a request for a second opinion is made, as referred to in Letters B and C of this section, the timeline for reporting and other required components of this Article shall remain intact and unaltered.
E. A Volunteer Participating Teacher is a teacher with permanent status who can benefit from the substantial assistance available through volunteers to participate in the PAR Programs as determined by the Joint Committee. An evaluator may recommend that a permanent teacher participate as a volunteerprogram. The purpose of participation in the PAR Program for the Volunteer Participating Teacher is for peer assistance only. The Consulting only and the Peer Assistance Teacher shall should not participate in a performance review of the Volunteer Participating Teacher. The Volunteer Participating Teacher PT may terminate his or her participation in the PAR Program at any timetime by providing the PARP with written notice of their intent to terminate participation. By a majority vote, The PARP must honor this request by any Volunteer Participating Teacher.
F. An Intern Teacher is a teacher who has not been granted permanent status with the District, and has been assigned to a Peer Assistance Teacher. The purpose of participation for the Non-Permanent Participating Teacher is to improve his/her instructional skills and techniques. The Peer Assistance Teacher shall be approved by not participate in a performance review of the Joint Committee to receive assistance as Non-Permanent Participating Teacher.
G. All communication between the Peer Assistance Teacher and a Volunteer Participating Teacher only if (and only for the period that) the Joint Committee determines that the program has sufficient capacity to serve the teacher.
3. With the approval of the Joint Committee: (1) a Referred Participating Teacher may select his or her Consulting Teacher from the list of Consulting Teachers provided by the Joint Committee; and (2) a different Consulting Teacher may be selected to work with the Participating Teacher or the Consulting Teacher. The Joint Committee shall approve selections after considering the preferences of the Referred Participating Teacher and Consulting Teacher, and shall attempt to reasonably accommodate those preferences.
4. All communication between the Consulting Teacher and a Volunteer Non-Permanent Participating Teacher shall be confidential, and without the written consent of the Participating Teacher, shall not be shared with others, including the site principal, the evaluator or the Joint Committee, without the written consent of the Volunteer Participating TeacherPeer Assistance and Review Panel.
5. A Referred H. Should problems or conflicts arise in the course of this process, the Participating Teacher has the right to be represented throughout these procedures by the Association representative of his or her choice. The preceding sentence is not intended to limit any existing right of unit members to be represented by an Association representative.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
Participating Teachers. 1. 17.2.1 Permanent Teachers may participate in PAR by a referral or by volunteering.
17.2.2 A Referred Participating Teacher is a an experienced teacher with permanent status who receives assistance to improve his or her instructional skills, classroom management, knowledge of subject, and/or related aspects of his or her teaching performance as and has been placed on a result of an unsatisfactory final evaluation. An unsatisfactory final evaluation occurs when no less than three (50%) of the six standards for teaching professionals are marked unsatisfactory on the final evaluation. The process of the referral of teachers with an unsatisfactory final evaluation to the Join Committee will be the responsibility and function of the Human Resources Department and shall be completed within the last 20 days of the school year so that the Join Committee will have appropriate time to arrange for the assignment of a Consulting Teacher for the PIP. A Referred Participating Teacher for assistance during shall continue under PAR until the subsequent school yearJoint Panel determines the teacher will no longer benefit, the teacher receives a s atisfactory evaluation, or the teacher is separated from the District. Priority to receive assistance from Consulting Teachers In any event, the maximum amount of time in PAR shall not exceed 18 months. A Referred Participating Teacher shall be given to Referred Participating Teachers.
2. A Volunteer Participating Teacher is assigned a teacher with permanent status who can benefit from the substantial assistance available through the PAR Programs as determined by the Joint Committee. An evaluator may recommend that a permanent teacher participate as a volunteer. The purpose of participation in the PAR Program for the Volunteer Participating Teacher is for peer assistance only. The Consulting Teacher shall not participate in a performance review of the Volunteer Participating Teacher. The Volunteer Participating Teacher may terminate his or participation in the PAR Program at any time. By a majority vote, a teacher This assignment shall be approved by the Joint Committee Panel. This selection may be appealed by either party, or the Evaluator, to receive assistance as a Volunteer the Joint Panel. A Referred Participating Teacher only if (shall be provided assistance by the Assigned Consulting Teacher, and only for the period that) the Joint Committee determines that the program has sufficient capacity to serve the teachermay also receive additional assistance from a Subject Area Specialist and may utilize Subject Area Specialists as part of this process.
3. With The Referred Participating Teacher, the approval Principal, and the Consulting Teacher shall meet and discuss the recommended areas for improvement outlined in the PAR Summary and the types of assistance needed. A Referred Participating Teacher shall receive a co py of the Joint Committee: (1) Consulting Teacher’s final summary report. If a Referred Participating Teacher has any concerns with the Consulting Teacher or the process, he or she may select contact the Association Designee for assistance.
17.2.3 A Voluntary Participating Teacher is an experienced teacher with permanent status who volunteers to participate in the PAR Program upon Joint Panel approval, after consulting with the site Principal. The purpose of the PAR program for the Voluntary Participating Teacher is to improve his or her Consulting performance. The focus areas for assistance shall be determined when the Principal and teacher meet to fill out the PAR application. A Voluntary Participating Teacher may receive assistance for a minimum of three months and a maximum of one year. They may withdraw from the list of Consulting Teachers provided by the Joint Committee; and (2) a different Consulting Teacher may be selected to work with the Participating Teacher or the Consulting Teacher. The Joint Committee shall approve selections program anytime after considering the preferences of the Referred Participating Teacher and Consulting Teacher, and shall attempt to reasonably accommodate those preferencesthree months.
4. All communication between the Consulting Teacher and a Volunteer A Voluntary Participating Teacher shall be confidential, and assigned a Consulting Teacher. That assignment shall not be shared with others, including the site principal, the evaluator or approved by the Joint CommitteePanel. A Voluntary Participating Teacher shall receive assistance from the Assigned Consulting Teacher and may also receive assistance from a Subject Area Specialist. The Voluntary Participating Teacher, without Consulting Teacher and the written consent Principal shall meet and discuss the recommended areas for improvement outlined in the PAR Summary and the types of assistance needed. A Voluntary Participating Teacher shall receive a copy of the Volunteer Participating Consulting Teacher’s Final Summary Report.
5. A Referred If a Voluntary Participating Teacher has any concerns with the right be represented throughout these procedures by Consulting Teacher or the process he or she may contact the Association representative of his or her choice. The preceding sentence is not intended to limit any existing right of unit members to be represented by an Association representativeDesignee for assistance.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement