Student Teachers Sample Clauses
Student Teachers. A. The term "student teacher" as used hereinafter shall refer to student teachers, intern teachers and all other such programs. Agreement to become a supervising teacher of a student teacher shall be strictly voluntary and is recognized not to result in such bargaining unit members becoming supervisors within the meaning of the Public Employment Relations Act (PERA). Probationary teachers are prohibited from accepting student teachers.
B. It is expressly agreed that the Association may refuse to permit a bargaining unit member from supervising or directing the activities of a student teacher in the event:
1. The student teacher would displace instructional aides, para- professionals, or other current employees then employed.
2. The use of such student teacher would be used by the Employer as a basis for not hiring additional bargaining unit personnel.
C. The Board shall disclose all terms of any agreement between it and any student placing institution. The terms and conditions of placement of student teachers shall be consistent with this agreement, unless otherwise agreed to by the Association.
D. The supervising teacher shall have the right to accept an honorarium or other such token of appreciation as may be offered by the student/intern placing institution.
E. Prior to acceptance of a student teacher, there shall be a meeting between the teacher, prospective student teacher, principal, president of the Association or an executive committee member of the Association. Following this interview, the teacher shall then have the right to accept or reject the student teacher.
F. Any terms or conditions of this section not previously specified in this agreement shall be negotiated between the Board and the Association prior to implementation of future programs.
Student Teachers. All student teachers shall be assigned to the sites only by the Executive Director of Human Resources. The building principal will be responsible for placement of the student teachers within his/her building. Student teachers shall be assigned to a teacher only with the teacher's consent. Supervising teachers shall be notified at least four (4) weeks prior to the arrival of the student teacher.
Student Teachers. Should USD #325 enter into an agreement with any college to train student teachers, all monies provided by colleges and universities for student teachers should be allocated to Master Teachers in proportion to the amount of classroom time they have the student teacher. Any Master Teacher has the right to refuse a student if they so desire. If all parties agree (Master Teacher, Principal, and student teacher), the student teacher may serve as a substitute for teachers, provided they are substituting in an area for which they are qualified. Cooperatively developed guidelines will be developed and made available to all Master Teachers for the supervision of student teachers.
Student Teachers. 8.05.01. A No teacher will be required to accept the responsibility of supervising student teachers; it is believed that professionally interested teachers will volunteer to do so from time to time.
8.05.01. B No more than one (1) full-time student teacher or two (2) part-time student teachers will be the responsibility of any teacher in one (1) school year.
8.05.01. C Applications for the supervision and training of student teachers will be accepted if, in the judgment of the Superintendent, such supervision and training will not be detrimental to Glenbard Township High School District #87's educational program. Glenbard Township High School District #87 will accept qualified student teachers without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, or sex.
8.05.01. D Any payments or tuition waivers accruing for the services of the supervising teacher shall be paid or assigned to that teacher.
Student Teachers. Teachers requesting a student teacher shall make written application through their building principal. No teacher shall be assigned a student teacher for more than two (2) quarters per year. Principals shall serve as supervisors of all student teaching assignments in their buildings. Only those teachers who are willing to accept student teachers will be given the assignment.
Student Teachers. The District shall work cooperatively with the unit members on the assignment of student teachers from local teacher training institutions. No student teacher shall be assigned to work with a unit member without the member’s approval.
Student Teachers. No employee will be assigned a student teacher without his/her prior consent and knowledge of such an assignment. When possible, such assignment shall be announced at least two (2) weeks in advance of the student teacher's arrival.
Student Teachers. The Partnership aims to develop student teachers who, by the end of their ITE studies/training, are competent, reflective and professional to a level at least commensurate with that expected of a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT). As with all other personnel involved in the Partnership, University students have specific roles and responsibilities. These roles and responsibilities will vary according to the specific programme/course that they are registered on and the stage at which they are at on said programme/course. However these roles and responsibilities (listed below) apply to all University students irrespective of programme/course and/or stage. During school experience, it is the student teachers’ responsibility to ensure that they: Familiarise themselves with the school experience handbook and requirements for the placement; Work to support the aims/principles/ethos/philosophy of the school; Demonstrate a positive professional attitude; Work co-operatively with colleagues, parents and other adults in negotiating the curriculum and care of children in school; Make a full and active contribution to the life of the school in line with current school policies and course requirements; Communicate with other adults involved in children’s education; Demonstrate an ability to reflect on and develop their own practice; Respond professionally to advice from University and school-based colleagues; Display a willingness to learn vis-à-vis their development as a teacher; Organize themselves in relation to the various meeting and paperwork related demands of their specific programme/course; Be punctual and dress appropriately in relation to their school experience; Comply with the school’s policy regarding the recording and sharing of sensitive data about children and young people; Communicate promptly, clearly and appropriately/professionally with all University and school- based colleagues involved in their training as is necessary, including following the University procedures for notifying colleagues of absence from school experience; Follow/ abide, as they all relate to their conduct during school experience, by … - both the school’s and the University’s Health and Safety requirements / procedures and all - University Equal Opportunities/Race Equality policies alongside the Standards as set out in the Teachers’ Standards (DfE 2012)
Student Teachers. A. Supervisory teachers shall have had not less than two (2) years teaching experience prior to being assigned as a supervisory teacher.
B. A student teacher shall be assigned only by mutual consent of the building principal or his/her designee and the teacher who will be a supervisory teacher.
C. A supervisory teacher shall receive such monies as are paid to the Board by the participating University or College.
Student Teachers. 1. The quality of teaching done in any classroom is determined in large measure by the kind of preparation the candidate for a certificate receives. Since his practice teaching experience in an actual classroom situation under the guidance of a competent, experienced teacher is basic in his success, the Xxxxx Schools will cooperate in providing such opportunities to practice teachers of colleges whose teacher-training programs are approved.
2. Only those teachers in the Xxxxx Schools who desire to serve as supervising teachers in such a program will have student teachers assigned to them.
3. Supervising teachers shall have priority in receiving tuition credits from institutions which offer such credit. Funds available for tuition and continuing education will be disbursed on an equal basis for all certified personnel. Information regarding these funds will be posted on the bulletin board in each building. Tuition hours received from universities for intern teachers will be distributed as follows:
(a) The cooperating teacher
(b) The department or grade level
(c) The building site
(d) On a first request basis (Teachers will receive three hour blocks if available).
(e) Teachers receiving free tuition must provide proof of attendance upon completion of college course. (1990-91)