Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. For work performed by NYSDOT, NYSDOT will directly apply Federal aid and the required Municipality/Sponsor Deposit for the non-Federally aided portion, and, if applicable, shall request State Comptroller funding of Marchiselli aid to the Municipality/Sponsor as described below. For work performed by or through the Municipality/Sponsor, NYSDOT will reimburse the Municipality/Sponsor with Federal aid and, if applicable, Marchiselli aid as described below. NYSDOT will make reimbursements periodically upon request and certification by the Sponsor. The frequency of billing must be in conformance with that stipulated in the NYSDOT Standard Specifications; Construction and Materials (section 109-06, Contract Payments). XXXXXX recommends that bills not be submitted more frequently than monthly for a typical project. In all cases, bills must be submitted at least once every six months.
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. For work performed by NYSDOT, NYSDOT will directly apply Federal aid and the required Municipal/Sponsor Deposit for the non-Federally-aided portion, and, if applicable, shall request Thruway Authority funding of Marchiselli aid to the Municipality/Sponsor as described below. For work performed by or through the Municipality/Sponsor, NYSDOT will reimburse the Municipality/Sponsor with Federal aid and, if applicable, Marchiselli aid as described below. Billing shall be no more frequent than monthly and must be submitted in no less than six month intervals.
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. For work performed by NYSDOT, NYSDOT will directly apply Federal aid and the required Municipality/Sponsor Deposit for the non-Federally-aided portion. For work performed by or through the Municipality/Sponsor, NYSDOT will reimburse the Municipality/Sponsor with Federal aid. NYSDOT will make reimbursements periodically upon request and certification by the Sponsor. The frequency of billing must be in conformance with that stipulated in the NYSDOT Standard Specifications; Construction and Materials (section 109-06, Contract Payments). XXXXXX recommends that bills not be submitted more frequently than monthly for a typical project. In all cases, bills must be submitted at least once every six months.
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. For work performed by NYSDOT, NYSDOT will directly apply Federal aid and the required Municipal Deposit for the non-Federally aided portion, and, if applicable, shall request Thruway Authority funding of Marchiselli aid to the Municipality as described below. For work performed by or through the Municipality NYSDOT will reimburse the Municipality with Federal aid and, if applicable, Marchiselli aid as described below.
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. For work performed by NYSDOT, NYSDOT will directly apply Federal aid and the required Municipality/Sponsor Deposit for the non-Federally aided portion, and, if applicable, shall request State Comptroller funding of Marchiselli aid to the Municipality/Sponsor as described below. For work performed by or through the Municipality/Sponsor, NYSDOT will reimburse the Municipality/Sponsor with Federal aid and, if applicable, Marchiselli aid as described below. NYSDOT will periodically make reimbursements upon request and certification by the Sponsor. The frequency of reimbursement requests must be in conformance with that stipulated in the NYSDOT Standard Specifications; Construction and Materials (section 109-06, Contract Payments). XXXXXX recommends that reimbursement requests not be submitted more frequently than monthly for a typical project. In all cases, reimbursement requests must be submitted at least once every six months.
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. For work performed by NYSDOT, NYSDOT will directly apply Federal aid and the required Municipality/Sponsor Deposit for the non-Federally- aided portion, and, if applicable, shall request Thruway Authority funding of Marchiselli aid to the Municipality/Sponsor as described below. For work performed by or through the Municipali- ty/Sponsor, NYSDOT will reimburse the Municipality/Sponsor with Federal aid and, if applicable, Marchiselli aid as described below. NYSDOT will make reimbursements periodically upon re- quest and certification by the Sponsor. The frequency of billing must be in conformance with that stipulated in the NYSDOT Standard Specifications; Construction and Materials (section 109-06, Contract Payments). XXXXXX recommends that bills not be submitted more frequently than monthly for a typical project. In all cases, bills must be submitted at least once every six months. MUNICIPALITY/SPONSOR: PROJECT ID NUMBER: BIN:
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. For work performed by NYSDOT, NYSDOT will directly apply the required Municipality/Sponsor Deposit and, if applicable, shall request Office of the New York State Comptroller (OSC) funding of State aid to the Municipality/Sponsor as described below. For work performed by or through the Municipality/Sponsor, NYSDOT will reimburse the Municipality/Sponsor up to the amount of the Municipality/Sponsor’s award of BridgeNY State aid as described below. NYSDOT will periodically make reimbursements upon request and certification by the Sponsor. The frequency of reimbursement requests must be in conformance with that stipulated in the NYSDOT Standard Specifications; (§109-06, Contract Payment). XXXXXX recommends that reimbursement requests not be submitted more frequently than monthly. In all cases, reimbursement requests must be submitted at least once every six months. A Sponsor’s reimbursement requests are restricted to eligible project costs. To be classified as an “eligible project cost”, in addition to other requirements of this Agreement, the original expenditure must have been paid within the past 15 months in order to comply with Federal Tax Law and IRS Regulations (26 CFR 1.150-2 (d)(2)(i)), which governs fund disbursements from the issuance of tax-exempt bonds. Expenditures paid greater than 15 months prior to the reimbursement request are ineligible for reimbursement.
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. For work performed by NYSDOT, NYSDOT will directly apply Federal aid and the required Municipality/Sponsor Deposit for the non-Federally-aided portion, and, if applicable, shall request State Comptroller funding of Marchiselli aid to the Municipality/Sponsor as described below. For work performed by or through the Municipality/Sponsor, NYSDOT will reimburse the Municipality/Sponsor with Federal aid and, if applicable, Marchiselli aid as described below. NYSDOT will make reimbursements periodically upon request and certification by the Sponsor. The frequency of billing must be in conformance with that stipulated in the NYSDOT Standard Specifications; Construction and Materials (section 109-06, Contract Payments). XXXXXX recommends that bills not be submitted more frequently than monthly for a typical project. In all cases, bills must be submitted at least once every six months.
4.1 Federal Aid. NYSDOT will administer Federal funds for the benefit of the Municipality/Sponsor for the Federal share and will fund the applicable percentage designated in Schedule A of Federal aid participating costs incurred in connection with the work covered by this Agreement, subject to the limitations set forth on Schedule A. For work performed by or through the Municipality/Sponsor, NYSDOT will reimburse Federal-aid-eligible expenditures in accordance with NYSDOT policy and procedures.
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. To the extent any costs for which Lessee or Sublessee are responsible are invoiced to or paid by Lessor, Lessor may either forward the invoice to or seek reimbursement from (as applicable) Lessee, and it is a material obligation of Lessee under this Lease that it shall promptly pay the invoice or reimburse Lessor for having paid the invoice.
Payment or Reimbursement of Costs. The University shall pay or reimburse the Provider, as appropriate, for all costs incurred or expended in connection with the Research up to the amount of $ (Budget is attached hereto as Appendix B). Any adjustments to the Budget shall be effective upon mutual agreement of the parties. The University is not and will not be liable for any costs in excess of those contained in the Budget absent written authorization from the University.