PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT. On the breach of any term or condition of this contract by the contractor the said Nagar Xxxxx/Nagar Palika/Nagar Panchayatshall be entitled to forfeit the Security deposit or the balance thereof that may at the time be remaining, and to realise and retain the same as damages and compensation for the said breach but without prejudice to the right of the Nagar Xxxxx/Nagar Palika/Nagar Panchayat to recover further sums as damages from any sums due or which may become due to the contractor by Nagar Xxxxx/Nagar Palika/Nagar Panchayat or otherwise howsoever. Sr. No Reference to item No. of S.O.R. (in any) Description of item Unit Quantity Rate in figure per unit (Rs.. .) Rate in words per unit(Rs….) Amount in (figure) Remark 1) The value of total tendered cost is for Rs. ……………………………….. and 2) The total value of all S.O.R. items (excluding non S.O.R. items) as per sanctioned estimate is Rs. ……………….. (in figure) (rupees in words) N.I.T. No :- …………………….. DATE ……………..
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT. 6.1 Party B shall ensure the delivery of assets to Party A on time in accordance with the Agreement or each specific Purchase Order, depending on the case of delay in asset formation as committed in Article 5.2 or delay in each specific Purchase Order. In case Party B delays to deliver the assets on schedule (but not due to force majeure events and not due to Party A’s fault), Party B shall be subject to a penalty of [***] of the [***] for each day of delay, but the total delay shall not be more than [***] days. The total penalty value shall not exceed [***] of the [***]. 6.2 In case Party A delays in payment for Party B, Party A shall be subject to a penalty of [***] of the due value for payment of the Purchase Order for each day of late payment, the delay time shall not be more than [***] days. If Party A has not paid Party B for more than [***] days, Party B will have the right to recover the assets until Party B receives payment from Party A.
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT. 4.1 If the measures taken by the INDEPENDENT WORKSHOP to restrict and safeguard the use of the data described in Article 2 are inadequate and the data is used for another purpose, the INDEPENDENT WORKSHOP shall be obligated to pay a penalty for breach of contract to the sum of EUR 20,000.00 for each infringement, and hereby agrees that several infringements shall not be treated as one continued infringement. 4.2 PORSCHE reserves the right to assert further claims.
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT. On the breach of any term or condition of this contract by the contractor the said Nagar Xxxxx/Nagar Palika/Nagar Panchayatshall be entitled to forfeit the Security deposit or the balance thereof that may at the time be remaining, and to realise and retain the same as damages and compensation for the said breach but without prejudice to the right of the Nagar Xxxxx/Nagar Palika/Nagar Panchayat to recover further sums as damages from any sums due or which may become due to the contractor by Nagar Xxxxx/Nagar Palika/Nagar Panchayat or otherwise howsoever.
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT. 1. 甲方如違反本合約之各項約定時,除甲方為在職員工時應依公司相關規定論處外,無論甲方是否在職,如使乙方受有損害或遭第三方求償時,甲方並應承擔相關民、刑事責任(包括且不限律師費等)。 If Party A violates various provisions of this contract, except when Party A is an active employee, it shall be punished in accordance with the relevant regulations of the company. Regardless of whether Party A is employed or not, if Party B suffers damage or is subject to compensation from a third party, Party A shall bear the relevant civil and criminal liabilities (including but not limited to attorney fees, etc.). 2. 甲方若違反本合約第五條之規定時,應無條件給付或返還乙方於甲方受聘期間給予之特別獎金、紅利、無償配股、技術股,及乙方對甲方所投入之專業培訓成本,以及其他非經常性薪酬之特殊給予。若因違反該規定而發生損害賠償高於前述金額時,以實際損害為準。 If Party A violates the provisions of Article 5 of this contract, it shall unconditionally pay or return the special bonuses, bonuses, free allotments, technical shares given by Party B during the period of employment of Party A, as well as the professional training costs invested by Party B in Party A. , and other special grants of non- recurring remuneration. If the damages incurred due to violation of this provision are higher than the aforementioned amount, the actual damages shall prevail. 3. 本合約第三條、第四條、第五條、第八條第一、第二項之規定,不因甲乙雙方聘僱關係終止而消滅。 The provisions of Articles 3, 4, 5 and 1 and 2 of Article 8 of this contract shall not be extinguished upon the termination of the employment relationship between Party A and Party B. 九. 其他規定 IX. Other Regulations 1. 本合約書未規定事項, 依照乙方相關工作規則規定及遵循勞動基準法及相關勞動法令之規定。 Matters not specified in this contract shall be subject to Party B’s relevant work rules and the provisions of the Labor Standards Act and relevant labor laws. 2. 因本合約引起之爭訟,雙方同意以台灣新竹地方法院為第一審管轄法院。 Concerning the disputes the contract causes, both parties shall agree to resolve by the principle of honesty. If litigation is necessary, the both parties agree to the Hsinchu District Court as the first trial court of competent jurisdiction. 3. 本合約正本一式二份,甲乙雙方分別收執一份。
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT. 1. Licensee is obliged to indemnify Licenser for only actual damage, which Licenser incurs as a result of a violation of this Agreement by Licensee. Licensee is not obliged to reimburse Licenser for special, indirect, consequential or incidental damages – except violation according §11.4 and/or §3.1j of this agreement. In case §11.4 and/or §3.1j is violated, liquidated damages of the aggregated value of this agreement, as outlined in §7.5 are payable by licensee within one month after evidence of breach of this agreement. 2. If Licenser breaches the provisions of this Agreement, Licenser shall bear the corresponding obligations for such breach. 3. The Licensee is liable for breaches of contract caused by the actions of its employees, agents, subcontractors, vendors and/or suppliers.
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT. I. If Party A or any third party suffers damage or [failure to restore to the original state in accordance with the Contract] due to factors attributable to Party B, Party B shall be liable for indemnifying Party A or such third party against all damage loss (including but not limited to attorney fees or indemnification and compensation expenses for the third party). If Party A is claimed by any third party for damages, Party B shall assist in providing explanations and clarify the liability for compensation. II. During the contract period, if Party B is unable to perform the contract due natural disaster or any other force majeure, it shall not be liable for any damages to Party A or the user. Party B shall notify Party A as soon as possible upon the occurrence of the event of force majeure and take necessary measures to mitigate damage after discussion between both Parties.
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT. In the event that the Lessee needs to terminate the lease agreement early, the Lessee will be responsible for rent through the expiration of the lease or until the property is leased to another tenant, whichever comes first.


  • Liability for Breach In addition to any liability you may have to Customer, you agree that you will also be legally responsible directly to Microsoft for any breach of these terms and conditions.

  • Breach of Contract The failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the provisions, covenants or conditions of this Contract shall be a material breach of this Contract. In such event the County may, and in addition to any other remedies available at law, in equity, or otherwise specified in this Contract: a) Terminate the Contract immediately, pursuant to Section K herein; b) Afford the Contractor written notice of the breach and ten (10) calendar days or such shorter time that may be specified in this Contract within which to cure the breach; c) Discontinue payment to the Contactor for and during the period in which the Contractor is in breach; and d) Offset against any monies billed by the Contractor but yet unpaid by the County those monies disallowed pursuant to the above.

  • Remedy for Breach In the event of any actual or threatened breach of any of the provisions of this Section 11 by the Architectural Designer, and in addition to any other remedies that may be available to the School District in law or equity, the School District shall be entitled to a restraining order, preliminary injunction, permanent injunction, or other appropriate relief to specifically enforce the terms of this Section 11. The parties agree that a breach of the terms of this Section 11 by the Architectural Designer would cause the School District injury not compensable in monetary damages alone, and that the remedies provided herein are appropriate and reasonable.

  • VIOLATION OF CONTRACT TERMS/BREACH OF CONTRACT Violation of contract terms or breach of contract by Engineer shall be grounds for termination of this Contract, and any increased costs arising from Engineer’s default, breach of contract, or violation of contract terms shall be paid by Engineer.