Liability for Compensation. 1. When the Rental Car cannot be used by the Company due to an accident, breakdown, or other grounds attributable to the Renter or the Driver during the rental period, the Renter shall pay the Company the fees separately prescribed by the Company as compensation for business interruption for the period the Rental Car cannot be used or the repair period.
2. In addition to those provided for in the preceding paragraph, the Renter shall assume liability for compensation for damages if the Renter commits acts in violation of the articles, rules, and special provisions under this Agreement, the detailed regulations stipulated in Article 42, and other terms and conditions. The Renter shall also be liable for compensation for damages when a third party or the Company has suffered damages following use of the Rental Car due to reasons attributable to the Renter.
3. Unless due to intent or gross misconduct on the part of the Company, when damage has been incurred to the Renter due to reasons attributable to the Company upon the performance of the Rental Agreement, the Company shall be responsible for compensation resulting from breach of contract or torts, up to an amount equivalent to the rental fees in such Rental Agreement, limited to actual damages incurred under normal conditions. The Company shall not be liable for compensation for damages incurred due to exceptional circumstances or for loss of profits.
Liability for Compensation. Each Party shall protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the other Party and its Affiliate, and their officers, directors, employees, and agents against any liability or losses arising from any claim, action, proceeding, or demand (collectively, “Claims”) made by a third party due to: (1) such Party’s representations are untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, or materially breach any warranty of this Agreement; or (2) such Party materially breaches any provision of this Agreement.
Liability for Compensation. Buyer and Firm each hereby acknowledge receipt of a signed copy of this Agreement.
Liability for Compensation. Every employee shall be entitled to Sick Leave if and when the same occurs, without pay, and shall receive compensation for Sick Leave only in accordance with the short-term disability plan contemplated pursuant to this Article 17, and the Employer shall bear no responsibility or liability for payment of any such compensation.
Liability for Compensation. In the event that you fail to fulfill your obligations under this Agreement, or if the performance of your obligations does not conform to the terms hereof, you shall be liable for any related damages, unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement.
Liability for Compensation. NTS is not responsible for circumstances beyond the influence of the company, including the administration time at the foreign VAT authorities, which may vary from a few months to several years and if the claim is lost inside the tax office in either the member state of establishment or the member state of refund. If NTS can present a receipt that the application was sent NTS cannot be held responsible for any loss the customer might suffer. NTS is not responsible in connection with changes of the respective countries’ VAT legislation with retrospective effect. NTS is not responsible for loss of the customers’ original invoices, in case this was caused by force majeure, such as for instance fire, malicious damage, theft, storm, damage by water, etc. NTS is not responsible for loss of customers’ original invoices during dispatch by mail or courier or after arrival at the respective VAT authorities. NTS is only responsible for loss caused by breach of contract. The customer is responsible for losses, which NTS might suffer, in case the customer submits untrue information, declarations, forged invoices, or otherwise by acting in contravention of this agreement. zostanie wykazana w trakcie jednego lub więcej kwartałów, faktura Klienta podlega zwrotowi podatku VAT w trybie standardowym. W przypadku kiedy wniosek o zwrot podatku VAT, uprzednio przedpłaconego przez NTS, jest odrzucony przez odpowiednie organa podatkowe lub też kwota zwróconego podatku VAT jest mylnie przekazana, bez winy NTS, bezpośrednio na konto Klienta, NTS jest upoważniony do pobrania tej kwoty z kolejnej przedpłaty podatku VAT. W przypadku braku wystąpienia takowej, kolejnej przedpłaty, Klient jest zobowiązany zwrócić do NTS uprzednio przepłaconą kwotę. W przypadku kiedy podpisanie niniejszej Umowy następuje w trakcie kwartału, kwoty VAT z faktur z tego kwartału i kwartałów poprzednich nie mogą być przedpłacone. NTS nie jest odpowiedzialne za wystąpienie okoliczności będących poza wpływem NTS włączając w to opóźnienia administracyjne zagranicznych organów podatkowych, które mogą wynosić od paru miesięcy do kilku lat; zagubienie wniosku przez organ podatkowy, inny organ państwa zwrotu lub też przedstawiciela tego organu. Jeżeli NTS może przedstawić poświadczenie złożenia danego wniosku o zwrot podatku VAT, NTS nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za straty, które może ponieść Klient. NTS nie jest odpowiedzialne za zmiany ze skutkiem wstecz w odpowiednich przepisach podatkowych krajów zwrotu VAT. NTS ...
Liability for Compensation. The Occupant shall compensate for any damages incurred by the Authority due to its failure to perform or violation of its obligations set forth hereunder.
Liability for Compensation in case of fault
(1) Liability on the part of the Seller for compensation for whatever reason, in particular as a result of impossible, delayed, insufficient or incorrect delivery, breach of contract, breach of obligations during contract negotiations and tort, are, insofar as the Seller is at fault, limited in accordance with section 9.
(2) The Seller is not liable in the case of ordinary faults on the part of its entities, legal represent- atives, employees or other vicarious agents, unless it involves a breach of any contractual obli- gation. Contractual obligations include the timely delivery and installation of the delivery item, free from defects that significantly hinder its functionality and usability, as well as obligations of protection and care to enable the Customer‘s contractually intended use of the delivery item, or the protection of life and limb of the Customer‘s employees or the protection of the Customer’s property against significant damage.
(3) Where the Seller is liable for compensation for reasons in accordance with section 9 (2), this liability is limited to those damages that the Seller anticipated upon concluding the contract as a possible consequence of a contractual breach, or which they should have reasonably anticipated when applying due care and atention. Indirect and consequential damage as a result of delivery item defects are only eligible for compensation insofar as such damage can be typically anticipat- ed as part of intended use.
(4) In the event of liability for ordinary faults, the Seller’s obligation to compensate for material damage and any subsequent additional financial loss is limited to the amount of EUR 7.5 million per claim, even where it involves a breach of contractual obligations.
(5) The above exclusions and limitations of liability apply to the same extent for any of the Seller’s entities, legal representatives, employees or other vicarious agents.
(6) Our technical application consultation given orally, in writing or in the form of tests, is per- formed free of charge and excluding any liability. Such consultations only serve as non-binding advice unless this consultation falls within the contractually agreed scope of service. With regard to third-party industrial property rights, the Buyer is also not exempt from examining products delivered by us for their suitability for their intended process and purpose.
(7) Limitations to section 9 of these General Delivery Conditions do not apply where the Seller is l...
Liability for Compensation. 1. If the Renter causes damage to the Rental Car due to an accident attributable to the Renter, the Renter shall pay the Company compensation for damages as separately stipulated as business compensation during the rental car repair period. The Company will clearly state this amount in the fee schedule.
2. In addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Renter causes damage to a third party or the Company while using the Rental Car, he/she shall be liable for compensation for such damage, except in cases where such damage is not attributable to the Renter.