Change of Status A part-time employee whose status is altered to full-time will be given credit for seniority and service on the basis of fifteen hundred (1500) paid hours being equivalent to one (1) year of full-time seniority and service and vice-versa. In addition, an employee whose status is so altered will be given credit for hours accumulated since date of last advancement proportionate to a full year. Note: Provisions relating to retention of sick leave credits on transfer to part-time status will be dealt with under the sick leave issue and will not be deleted by this standard language. Similar treatment will apply to provisions on vacation or other credits on transfer.
CHANGE OF T-PIN The Account Holder may change his T-PIN from time to time in accordance with the Bank’s prescribed procedure then prevailing. The Bank shall be entitled, in its reasonable discretion but without liability and without giving any reason, to reject any selection made by the Account Holder as his substituted T-PIN; if the Bank so approves, such substituted T-PIN, shall take effect from the time of receipt by the Bank of such instructions from the Account Holder. The Account Holder shall take all steps not to select such numbers as a substitute T-PIN which may easily be ascertained or otherwise facilitate fraud or forgery.
Change of Location None of the Borrowers shall change the location of its chief executive office or the office where its corporate records are kept or open any new office for the conduct of its business on less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Agent.
Change of Schedule (a) (applicable to full-time employees only) Where an employee's schedule is changed by the Hospital with less than twenty-four (24) hours notice, she shall receive time and one-half (1½) of her regular straight time hourly rate for all hours worked on her next shift. (b) (applicable to regular part-time employees only) Where a regular part-time employee's scheduled shift is cancelled by the Hospital with less than twelve (12) hours notice, she shall receive time and one-half (1½) of her regular straight time hourly rate for all hours worked on her next shift. (The following clause related to No Pyramiding will be incorporated into all collective agreements:)
Change of Scope (i) The Authority may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, require the Contractor to make modifications/ alterations to the Works (“Change of Scope”) within a period of six months counted from the Appointed Date. Upon the Authority making its intention known to the Contractor for the specific Change of Scope, be it positive or negative, the Contractor shall submit his proposal for the said Change of Scope involving additional cost or reduction in cost. Any such Change of Scope shall be made and valued in accordance with the provisions of this Article 13. (ii) Provided that any such Change of Scope, excluding major structures (e.g. Major Bridge/ ROB/ RUB/ Flyover/ elevated road of more than 50 m length) may be required and agreed to be executed between the parties beyond the period of six months of the Appointed Date but before expiry of 50% of the original Scheduled Construction Period of the Project Highway, subject to the condition that it shall not entail any claims (e.g. Extension of Time/ Prolongation related claims), against the Authority. (iii) The Change of Scope shall mean the following: (a) change in specifications of any item of Works; (b) omission of any work from the Scope of the Project except under Clause 8.3 (iii); provided that, subject to Clause 13.5, the Authority shall not omit any Work under this Clause in order to get it executed by any other authority; and / or (c) any additional Work, Plant, Materials or services which are not included in the Scope of the Project, including any associated Tests on completion of construction.
Change of Shift (a) Where the regular day, afternoon or night shift of an employee is to be changed, the employee shall be given forty-eight (48) hours’ notice of such change. 11.01 (b) If the employee is given less than forty-eight (48) hours’ notice of such shift change, he shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 ½) for the first changed shift worked.
Payment for Change of Scope Payment for Change of Scope shall be made in accordance with the payment schedule specified in the Change of Scope Order.
Change of agreement (a) We may at any time vary, modify, add to or delete the terms and conditions of this agreement and the Privacy Circular and we will notify you of any such changes in such manner as we may, in our reasonable discretion, deem fit. (b) If you do not accept such changes, you may terminate your card account in accordance with clause 10 within 10 days after we have given such notice of change. (c) If you retain or use the card or the PIN or otherwise operate the card account after we have given such notice of change, you will be deemed to have accepted such changes without reservation.
Exchange of Shifts Employees may exchange shifts with the approval of the Employer, provided that, whenever possible, sufficient advance notice in writing is given and provided that there is no increase in cost to the Employer.