Personal Email Address Sample Clauses

Personal Email Address. If for any reason the ACSO Human Resources Section and/or EBC discontinues the NEO meeting, either the County or the Association may request to meet and confer to negotiate new terms under Government Code Section 3555-3559.
Personal Email Address. New unit members, within thirty (30) calendar days from the commencement of actual employment, must submit a dues or service fee deduction authorization form, or shall pay an amount no greater than the current CSEA dues directly to CSEA. Failure to do either shall mean involuntary deduction from wages pursuant to Education Code Section 88167(b) which is the sole remedy in this Article for failure to voluntarily pay the service fees.
Personal Email Address. Additionally, if the County does not have the home and personal cell phone number, or the personal email address on file, this information shall not be provided. 7) Presentation Release Time: ACWFIA representatives, which are limited to the Business Representative, ACWFIA Board Members, and Site Representatives shall conduct the presentations covered under this agreement. Only one (1) ACWFIA member will be granted release time to present at each NEO. Release time requests must be received by the Employee/Labor Relations Division no later than at least three (3) working days before the scheduled NEO.
Personal Email Address. Of The Employee (If Available);
Personal Email Address. CSEA is solely responsible for distributing to, and collecting from, employees the dues deduction authorization forms. Employees shall submit membership application forms directly to CSEA and not to the District. CSEA is responsible for maintaining the membership applications forms from individual employees. Questions regarding CSEA membership dues amounts, and payroll deductions must be directed to CSEA and not the District.
Personal Email Address. To my knowledge, I am not presently named in any suit, action, or proceeding, nor under investigation for a duty related incident, except the following:
Personal Email Address. Member understands a valid email address must be provided and maintained to receive Club services. Member also understands booking information will be forwarded via email. Occasional emails from the Club updating Member on new membership benefits or policies may be forwarded as well.
Personal Email Address. An email address associated with a specific Party Rep, not another individual, business, or entity. Personal Volume (PV) – Measurement of monthly sales volume. See the definition set forth in the Compensation Plan. Pop-Up Shop – An in-home (or comparable location) open-house style selling event typically conducted in partnership with a Customer acting as a “host,” who may be eligible to receive hostess rewards based on sales from the party. Typically, the Party Rep shows packaged Products for resale from inventory and/or collects Customer orders and payments on site. Product – Product is typically defined as articles or jewelry sold by Bomb Party, that are manufactured or created with the intent to sell or resell. Product may include but is not limited to rings or ring bombs, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or additional commissionable goods. Recruit (Recruited, Recruiting) – For purposes of Bomb Party’s Conflicts of Interest Policy, the term “Recruit” means the actual or attempted solicitation, Enrollment, encouragement, or effort to influence in any other way, either directly, indirectly (including but not limited to the use of a website), or through a third party, another Bomb Party Independent Party Rep or Customer to Enroll or participate in a network marketing activity or other business opportunity. This conduct constitutes Recruiting even if the Party Rep’s actions are in response to an inquiry or contact made by another Party Rep or Customer. Replicated Site – A Bomb Party-sponsored website that Party Reps use to sell and market Bomb Party Products to Customers and to have new Team members Enroll. Included with an active Technology Fee. Resalable – Products shall be deemed “Resalable” if each of the following elements is satisfied: (i) they are unopened and unused; (ii) packaging and labeling has not been altered or damaged; (iii) they are in a condition such that it is a commercially reasonable practice within the trade to sell the merchandise at full price; (iv) they are returned to Bomb Party.
Personal Email Address. The above information shall be provided by the City at no cost to the UAPD.
Personal Email Address. Additionally, if the County does not have the home or personal cell phone number, or the personal email address on file, this information shall not be provided.