Physical Fitness Test (PFT). The PFT will be administered by an Exercise Physiologist mutually agreed to by the City and Lodge and will consist of the following phases:
Physical Fitness Test (PFT). The Physical Fitness Test will be administered by Chief of Police or his designee mutually agreed to by the City and the FOP/OLC and will consist of the following phases:
Physical Fitness Test (PFT). The Physical Fitness Test will be administered twice a year by a Physical Fitness Officer selected by the City and members shall be given the opportunity to participate in all phases of the PFT while in paid status. The PFT will consist of the following phases:
Physical Fitness Test (PFT). The PFT will consist of a series of exercises and/or events which are equal or correlate to the Physical Capability Test (PCT), including measurement of maximal oxygen consumption, administered to applicants to the Division of Fire. The PFT will be conducted by an Exercise Physiologist mutually selected by the City and the Union. Both parties will cooperate and show good faith in the selection process. In the event agreement is not reached by the parties within thirty