Precipitation Sample Clauses

Precipitation. Leachate Generation Quantities
Precipitation. Precipitation was measured using a Climatronics 100097-1-G0 tipping bucket. The manufacturer- reported accuracy is ±1% up to 5.1 cm/hr and ±5% up to 25 cm/hr.
Precipitation. Phosphorus content within precipitation should be determined in bulk and wet fall (rain- containing phosphorus in dry and wet forms). Review of precipitation data collected in the fall from the October 1st through March 31st will be used to forecast volume and intensity of rainfall events throughout this monitoring period. One location for a unit to monitor wet and dry fall (use a rain gage) on a weekly- or twice- monthly basis should be adequate. The rainfall patterns measured during the proposed monitoring period will provide perspective on the amount of airborne phosphorus that might be expected to be loading into the Wet Pond and the receiving stream (Xxxxxx Creek).
Precipitation. The main forms of precipitation include rain, snow, ice pellets, and graupel.
Precipitation. ‌ To calculate hazard from susceptibility a trigger process is needed. In this study only precipitation as a trigger is considered. Both the normal mean and extreme precipitation events influence the triggering of landslides. Figure 3-2 shows the evolution of the 99.9% percentile of daily precipitation relative to the 2010 situation. There is a clear positive trend in the daily precipitation extremes on Iberia, central Europe and Greece. Here, precipitation of short duration and high intensity will increase, while the changes further north are much less obvious. Decreasing annual precipitation seems to lead to more extreme events. This can also be seen in the more continental areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. The model predicts very little change in other countries, for example Hungary. Also the total amount of rainfall (Figure 3-3) shows a similar trend. More rain in the north and less in the southern parts of Europe is expected from climate model results. It should be noted that this analysis is based on daily precipitation values that do not always represent intensive convective showers with only short duration such as thunder storms.
Precipitation. Chromium precipitation is modeled using geochemical reaction equilibria in UTCHEM. Cr(III) precipitates in the form of chromium hydroxide complex. Cr3+ + H2O = Cr(OH)2+ + H+ (6.7) Cr3+ + 2 H2O = Cr(OH)+ + 2 H+ (6.8)
Precipitation. Many agencies collect precipitation data in the region. The major rain gauge networks are shown on the figure below and discussed below.
Precipitation. One of the questions posed in the ESE Research Strategy is: “How are global precipitation, evaporation, and the cycling of water changing? “ Global Precipitation is the principal indicator of the rate of change of the global water cycle, and can also be used effectively as an input for numerical weather forecasting. Space-based global observations have been significantly improved by the on-going Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM.) Successful experience with the tropical precipitation data has led NASA to embark on an Integrated Precipitation Data System, as a SEEDS prototype for this systematic measurement. Clearly the existence of a global trend can only be established on the basis of global rainfall observations. To this end, NASA is establishing a Global Precipitation Science Team. The transition from mission-oriented measurements to systematic precipitation measurements will occur throughout the transfer from the TRMM mission to the Global Precipitation Mission being planned for 2008 timeframe, and be done in consultation with members of the soon-to-be-solicited Precipitation Science Team. NASA would like to begin fusing data from multiple sources into the data streams, increasing the spatial and temporal coverage. The concept is not to build a system as a single-point mission system, but instead to incorporate a rolling-wave of capabilities, scalable to handle satellites/instruments’ data added, deleted, replaced as required, and associated tools for their management. Partners are a key part of the concept. Ability of other existing and/or future precipitation sites to tie into data and services is envisioned. NASA encourages proposals for innovative solutions focused on creation, use and manipulation of global precipitation data. Proposals are encouraged in a number of areas not only related to precipitation data transformation and combination but also for data and information tools that can assist the Earth System science community in using existing and anticipated precipitation products in new and flexible ways. Also encouraged are proposals to help NASA hone down the concepts of thematic and systematic-parameter-oriented research systems in support of current and future precipitation missions. Such systems are assumed to be offered by providers demonstrating the capability to REASoN projects selected to contribute to the Integrated Precipitation Data System are required to participate in Precipitation Program meetings. See Appendix K for s...
Precipitation. The year 1 user questionnaire identified dekadal, unbiased, 5 km rainfall as a key requirement. We have pursued precipitation enhancement through two primary activities: i) production of global 0.05° climatological surfaces and ii) the acquisition and quality control of daily quasi-real time in situ precipitation observations. The objective of this work is to create orographically enhanced 0.05° dekadal standardized precipitation indices incorporating near real time gauge observations. Pursuant to the objective the following datasets and methods have been completed: a.1. The creation of global 0.05° Hydro 1K elevation derivatives 1. The majority of the aspects within each of the 0.05-degree pixels. 2. The majority Pfafstetter level 1 basin with each 0.05-degree pixel. 3. The maximum flow accumulation value within each pixel. 4. The mean flow accumulation value within each pixel. 5. The mean Compound Topographic Index (CTI) per pixel. 6. The mean elevation per pixel in Meters. 7. The mean slope for each pixel.
Precipitation. Do not apply primer and coating materials during precipitation and when precipitation is imminent or anticipated.