Services Not Included It is not the intent of any Provider to render, nor of any Recipient to receive from any Provider, professional advice or opinions, whether with regard to Tax, legal, treasury, finance, employment or other business or financial matters, technical advice, whether with regard to information technology or other matters, or the handling of or addressing of environmental matters; no Recipient shall rely on, or construe, any Service rendered by or on behalf of a Provider as such professional advice or opinions or technical advice; and all Recipients shall seek all third-party professional advice or opinions or technical advice as it may desire or need.
SALES PRICE A. Cash portion of Sales Price payable by Buyer at closing $ B. Sum of all financing described in the attached: Third Party Financing Addendum, Loan Assumption Addendum, Seller Financing Addendum $ C. Sales Price (Sum of A and B) $
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion The Supplier shall ensure that it does not, whether as an employer or provider of services and/or goods, discriminate within the meaning of the Equality Legislation. The Supplier shall comply with any equality or diversity policies or guidelines included in the British Council Requirements.
Contract Sales Price The total consideration provided for in the sales contract for the sale of a Property.
Number; Inclusion references to the plural include the singular, the plural, the part and the whole; “or” has the inclusive meaning represented by the phrase “and/or,” and “including” has the meaning represented by the phrase “including without limitation”;
Bilingual Pay Where the Employer currently pays bilingual pay or bonuses, it shall continue to do so. The Employer retains discretion to initiate bilingual pay or bonuses. The minimum bilingual bonus or hourly equivalent is $25 per pay period. The Employer may not require an employee to use bilingual skills without paying the appropriate bonus or pay. This does not apply to employees where such skills are in the classification specification.
Gross Sales Notwithstanding anything in the Lease to the contrary the definition of Gross Sales shall be as follows:
Price Increases This section applies to pricing not Benchmarked to GSA Supply Schedule. Additionally, where pricing submitted for Services is not benchmarked to an approved GSA Supply Schedule:
Import/Export a) Purchase orders issued pursuant to this contract shall specify the applicable International Commercial Terms of Sale (Incoterms) and the United States importer of record for all items procured under this contract. b) In performing the obligations of this contract, both Parties will comply with all applicable export, import and sanctions laws, regulations, orders, and authorizations, as they may be amended from time to time, applicable to the export (including re-export) or import of goods, software, technology, or technical data (Items) or services, including without limitation the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and regulations and orders administered by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (collectively, Export/Import Laws). c) The Party conducting the export or import shall obtain all export or import authorizations which are required under the Export/Import Laws for said Party to execute its obligations under this contract. Each Party shall reasonably cooperate and exercise reasonable efforts at its own expense to support the other Party in obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations required to perform its obligations under this contract. Reasonable cooperation shall include providing reasonably necessary documentation, including import, end-user and retransfer certificates. d) The Party providing Items or services under this contract shall, upon request, notify the other Party of the Items or services’ export classification (e.g., the Export Control Classification Numbers or United States Munitions List [USML] category and subcategory) as well as the export classification of any components or parts thereof if they are different from the export classification of the Item at issue. The Parties acknowledge that this representation means that an official capable of binding the Party providing such Items or services knows or has otherwise determined the proper export classification. Each Party agrees to reasonably cooperate with the other in providing, upon request of the other Party, documentation or other information that supports or confirms this representation
Owner Inclusion It is understood and agreed by all parties that “Owner/s” shall include the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska and Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx County Public Building Commission. Whenever in the Contract documents, including the instructions to bidders, specifications, insurance requirements, bonds, and terms and conditions or any other documents which are a part of the Contract, a singular entity is referenced (i.e., “the City” or “the County” or “Building Commission”) it shall mean the “Owners” encompassing the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County and Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx County Building Commission. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the duties and obligations of the City, the County, and the Building Commission pursuant to the Contract shall be treated as divisible and severable duties and obligations, and default by any one of the City, the County, or the Building Commission shall not be attributed to any other of the Owners, but shall remain the sole obligation of the defaulting entity.