Procedure for Handling Wage Requests in Wage Sample Clauses

Procedure for Handling Wage Requests in Wage. Conference
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Related to Procedure for Handling Wage Requests in Wage

  • 000 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7.100 It is agreed that it is the spirit and intent of this Agreement to adjust grievances promptly. All grievances, including discharge for just cause, but not those pertaining to jurisdictional disputes that may arise on any work covered by this Agreement, must be initiated within fifteen (15) working days of the incident by either the employee in Step I or the Local Union in Step II and shall be handled in the following manner:

  • Procedure for taking possession - The Promoter, upon obtaining the occupancy certificate* from the competent authority shall offer in writing the possession of the [Apartment/Plot], to the Allottee in terms of this Agreement to be taken within two months from the date of issue of occupancy certificate. [Provided that, in the absence of local law, the conveyance deed in favour of the allottee shall be carried out by the promoter within 3 months from the date of issue of occupancy certificate]. The Promoter agrees and undertakes to indemnify the Allottee in case of failure of fulfilment of any of the provisions, formalities, documentation on part of the Promoter. The Allottee, after taking possession, agree(s) to pay the maintenance charges as determined by the Promoter/association of allottees, as the case may be after the issuance of the completion certificate for the project. The promoter shall hand over the occupancy certificate of the apartment/plot, as the case may be, to the allottee at the time of conveyance of the same.

  • Overtime Procedure Overtime work shall be on a voluntary basis and it is mutually agreed that when overtime work is scheduled by the Company, it shall be distributed in an equalized manner amongst the Employee in the classification usually performing such work. However, the Company recognizes the equity of maintaining minimum differentials in the overtime hours amongst all Employees within a classification. The overtime roster will be maintained by classification and supervisory group within the Department and will be openly displayed in the work area, so that Employees may check their respective standing. Notice of overtime opportunities must be given at least two (2) hours before shift ends for an extended shift, or in the case of weekend work such as Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, the work notice for overtime work must be given by 12:01 p.m. on the Friday prior to the weekend. Overtime will be offered to Employees who are actually at work at the time such request is made. The Employees with the least credited overtime hours in the classification will be offered the overtime opportunity first. Any Employee who changes classification, department or shift shall be credited with the average number of hours in the classification to which he enters. Equalization charts will be re-set to zero each January. Any Employee placed on an overtime roster to hire, recall, reclassification or return from sick leave is to be charged with the average number of hours charged against the Employees in the work area who are in the same classification. Where the overtime opportunity is lost to the classification (ie. A Welder doing Master Painter overtime), the Employee will be entitled to payment as if he had worked the overtime opportunity. If the Employee has been bypassed in the administration of an equal opportunity, arrangements will be made by the Company to offer the equivalent amount of overtime within one (1) week period from the date of complaint, or pay the Employee the amount owed as if he/she had worked the overtime opportunity. The overtime procedure will not apply to Employees who are:

  • LOCAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 16.1 Any difference between any employee covered by this Agreement and the School Division, or in a proper case between the local of The Association and the School Division concerning the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of this Agreement, and further including any dispute as to whether the difference is arbitrable, shall be dealt with as follows, without stoppage of work or refusal to perform work.

  • Optional Xactimate Response Attachment (Part 2)

  • Referral Procedures (a) For signatory Unions now having a job referral system contained in a Schedule A, the Contractor agrees to comply with such system and it shall be used exclusively by such Contractor, except as modified by this Agreement. Such job referral system will be operated in a nondiscriminatory manner and in full compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations which require equal employment opportunities and non-discrimination. All of the foregoing hiring procedures, including related practices affecting apprenticeship, shall be operated so as to consider the goals of the College to encourage employment of College residents and utilization of small local businesses on the Project, and to facilitate the ability of all Contractors to meet their employment needs. The Unions will exert their best efforts to recruit and refer sufficient numbers of skilled craft workers to fulfill the labor requirements of the Contractor, including specific employment obligations to which the Contractor may be legally and/or contractually obligated; and to refer apprentices as requested to develop a larger, skilled workforce. The Unions will work with their affiliated regional and national unions, and jointly with the Community Workforce Coordinator and others designated by the College, to identify and refer competent craft persons as needed for Project Work, and to identify and hire individuals, particularly residents of the College, for entrance into joint labor/management apprenticeship programs, or to participation in other identified programs and procedures to assist individuals in qualifying and becoming eligible for such apprenticeship programs, all maintained to increase the available supply of skilled craft personnel for Project Work and future construction of maintenance work to be undertaken by the College.

  • Rules of Grievance Processing 1. Time limits of any stage of the grievance procedure may be extended by written mutual agreement of the parties at that step.

  • Referral Procedure Section 4.01 In the interest of maintaining an efficient system of production in the Industry, providing for an orderly procedure of referral of applicants for employment, preserving the legitimate interests of the employees in their employment status within the area and of eliminating discrimination in employment because of membership or non-membership in the Union, the parties hereto agree to the following system of referral of applicants for employment.

  • PROCEDURE FOR TESTING A. Notification Form - Before requesting an employee to undergo drug or alcohol testing, the Employer shall provide the individual with a form on which to (1) acknowledge that the individual has seen a copy of the Employer's Drug and Alcohol Testing LOA, and (2) indicate consent to undergo the drug and alcohol testing.

  • ARTICLE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE The parties to this Agreement are agreed that it is of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. Unless agreed to by both the Company and the Union, no grievance shall be presented, the alleged circumstances of which originated or occurred, or should have come to the attention of the employee concerned, more than five (5) working days prior to its original presentation in writing at Step A grievance shall consist of a dispute concerning interpretation and/or application of any Article, Schedule or Clause in this Agreement. Should a grievance arise it shall be handled as follows. Prior to filing a formal grievance, an employee will, with the assistance of his xxxxxxx, refer the on an informal basis to his immediate Supervisor. If the grievance cannot be settled as a result of this discussion, then it may be dealt with as follows: STEP The employee shall a written grievance with his immediate Supervisor within five (5) working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint. The immediate Supervisor shall answer the grievance within five (5) working days. The grievance shall specify the Article or Articles and subsections of the Agreement of which a violation is alleged, indicate the relief sought and be signed by the employee. STEP Should the employee be dissatisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step the grievance may be referred to the Plant Manager within five (5) working days after receipt of the immediate Supervisor's reply at Step The Plant Manager shall convene a meeting with the and Chief Xxxxxxx and shall answer the grievance in writing within five (5) working days of such meeting. STEP If no settlement is reached at Step the the Union Grievance Committee and representatives of Management shall meet to discuss the grievance within five (5) working days of receipt of the reply of the Plant Manager. The Union's National Representative will be in attendance at this meeting. If the grievance is not settled within five (5) working days it may be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. The Union or the Company may initiate a grievance beginning at Step of the Grievance Procedure. Such grievance shall be filed within five (5) working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint and be in the form prescribed in Step Any such grievance may be referred to arbitration under Article by either the Union in the case of a Union grievance or the Company in the case of a Company grievance. The Union may not institute a grievance directly affecting an employee or employees which such employee or employees could themselves institute and the regular Grievance Procedure shall not thereby be by-passed except where the grievance would affect the Bargaining Unit as a whole. This Clause shall not preclude a group grievance signed by a group of employees commencing at Step Any complaint or grievance which is not commenced or processed through the next stage of the Grievance or Arbitration Procedure within the time specified shall be deemed to have been dropped. However, time limits specified in the Grievance Procedure may be extended by mutual agreement in writing between the Company and the Union. An employee who has been discharged or suspended may file a written grievance at Step within five (5) working days of the discharge or suspension. Rolling Sunset Clause: In taking disciplinary action within twenty-four (24) months from the date of a suspension or dismissal (reinstatement) for a similar infraction, the Company may consider the employee's entire record preceding suspension or dismissal (reinstatement), as the case may be. In taking disciplinary action within twelve 2) months from the date of an oral or written warning for a similar infraction, the Company may consider the employee's entire record preceding the employee's oral or written warning, as the case may be.

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