PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. The Operations and Maintenance Expert meets each of the threshold requirements set forth in Annex “D(3)” (Threshold Requirements for the Operations and Maintenance Expert), as describe in the table below: Project 1 Project 2 The name of the project and a general description: Please mark accordingly: Please mark accordingly: The project was a Light Rail Train Project; The project was a Light Rail Train Project; The project was a Metro Project; The project was a Metro Project; Please mark accordingly: Please mark accordingly: The Operations and Maintenance Expert has Audited the Operation and Maintenance Design of the project; The Operations and Maintenance Expert has Audited the Operation and Maintenance Design of the project; The Operations and Maintenance Expert has Prepared, as a Head Designer, the Design of the project. The Operations and Maintenance Expert has Prepared, as a Head Designer, the Design of the project. Please mark accordingly: Please mark accordingly: The project Completed on January 1, 2008, or onwards The project Completed on January 1, 2008, or onwards The accumulative length of rail in such project (in km): Please mark accordingly: the Operations and Maintenance Expert has Audited the operations and maintenance specification; the Operations and Maintenance Expert design the operations and maintenance specification; Please mark accordingly: the Operations and Maintenance Expert has Audited the operations and maintenance specification; the Operations and Maintenance Expert design the operations and maintenance specification; Please mark accordingly: the project included a fleet of at least twenty (20) vehicles Please mark accordingly: the project included a fleet of at least twenty (20) vehicles The date of commencement of the design stage of the project: The date of commencement of the construction stage of the project: The date of Completion of the design stage of the project: Client Details: Contact person on behalf of the client:
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. The Operations and Maintenance Expert must demonstrate that:
2.1.1. The Operations and Maintenance Expert has at least ten (10) years experience in railway operation and maintenance.
2.1.2. The Operations and Maintenance Expert has Audited or Prepared as a Head Designer, the Operation and Maintenance Design of at least two
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. The Rolling Stock Engineer must demonstrate that:
2.1.1. At the Submission Date the Rolling Stock Engineer holds an engineer's certificate, which corresponds to the certificate of an authorized engineer according to the Engineers and Architects Law, such as P.E. (Professional Engineer) in the United States; CEng (Chartered Engineer) or Incorporated Engineer UK.
2.1.2. The Rolling Stock Engineer has at least ten (10) years experience in Supervision and Control of the design and/or design of railway rolling stock.
2.1.3. The Rolling Stock Engineer has Audited or Prepared as a Head Designer, the Rolling Stock Design of at least two (2) Light Rail Train Projects or Metro Projects which were Completed on January 1, 2008, or onwards, and provided that at least one (1) of the said projects is a Light Rail Train Project and such project included a fleet of at least twenty (20) vehicle.
2.1.4. For the purposes of this Clause 2.1: The term Audited means as provided under Annex “D(1)” (Threshold Requirements for the LRT Consultant). The term Completed means as provided under Annex “D(3)” (Threshold Requirements for the Operations and Maintenance Expert). The term Head Designer means the senior designer in charge of the Rolling Stock Design of the applicable Project.
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. The Systems Engineer meets each of the threshold requirements set forth in Annex “D(2)” (Threshold Requirements for the Systems Engineer), as describe in the table below: Project 1 Project 2 The name of the project and a general description: Please mark accordingly: The project was a Light Rail Train Project; The project was a Metro Project; Please mark accordingly: The project was a Light Rail Train Project; The project was a Metro Project; Please mark accordingly: The Systems Engineer has Audited the design of the Systems of the project; The Systems Engineer has Prepared, as a Head Designer, the design of the Systems of the project; Please mark accordingly: The Systems Engineer has Audited the design of the Systems of the project; The Systems Engineer has Prepared, as a Head Designer, the design of the Systems of the project; Please mark accordingly: The project Completed on January 1, 2008, or onwards Please mark accordingly: The project Completed on January 1, 2008, or onwards The accumulative length of rail in such project (in km): . . Please mark accordingly: the project included a fleet of at least twenty (20) vehicles Please mark accordingly: the project included a fleet of at least twenty (20) vehicles The date of commencement of the design stage of the project: The date of commencement of the construction phase of the project: The date of Completion of the design stage of the project: Client Details: Contact person on behalf of the client:
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. The Track Engineer meets each of the threshold requirements set forth in Annex “D(4)” (Threshold Requirements for the Track Engineer), as describe in the table below: Project 1 Project 2 The name of the project and a general description: Please mark accordingly: Please mark accordingly: The project was a Light Rail Train Project; The project was a Light Rail Train Project; The project was a Metro Project; The project was a Metro Project; Please mark accordingly: Please mark accordingly: The Track Engineer has Audited the Track Design of the project; The Track Engineer has Prepared, as a Head Designer, the Track Design. The Track Engineer has Audited the Track Design of the project; The Track Engineer has Prepared, as a Head Designer, the Track Design. Please mark accordingly: The project Completed on January 1, 2008, or onwards Please mark accordingly: The project Completed on January 1, 2008, or onwards The accumulative length of rail in such project (in km): The date of commencement of the design stage of the project: The date of commencement of the construction stage of the project: Client Details: Contact person on behalf of the client:
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. The Operations and Maintenance Expert must demonstrate that:
2.1.1. The Operations and Maintenance Expert has at least ten (10) years experience in railway operation and maintenance.
2.1.2. The Operations and Maintenance Expert has Prepared, as a Head Designer, the Operation and Maintenance Design of at least two (2) Light Rail Train Projects or Metro Projects which were Completed on January 1, 2008, or onwards, and provided further that: at least one (1) of the said projects is a Light Rail Train Project and the length of rail in such project was at least nine (9) km; and at least one (1) of the said projects is a Light Rail Train Project and the Operations and Maintenance Expert designed the operations and maintenance specification; and at least one (1) of the said projects included a fleet of at least twenty (20) vehicles.
2.1.3. For the purposes of this Clause 2.1: The term Completed means (1) for design at a Design Build level - the Design Build Tender was published, or the Design Build agreement was signed; (2) for design at a Detailed Design level - a permit to operate or similar document certifying that the said project is ready for commercial use was issued. The term Detailed Design means as provided under Annex “D(1)” (Threshold Requirements for the Lead Design Firm). The term Head Designer means the senior designer in charge of the Operation and Maintenance Design.
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. The Deputy Chief Designer must demonstrate that:
2.1.1. At the Submission Date the Deputy Chief Designer holds a Certified Engineer Certificate (יושיר סדנהמ תדועת), registered in the Registrar of Engineers and Architects in Israel.
2.1.2. The Deputy Chief Designer has at least fifteen (15) years’ experience in design of Transportation Projects.
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. The Local Design meets each of the Threshold Requirements set forth in Annex “D(2)” (Threshold Requirements for the Local Design Firm) to the Invitation, as follows.
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. 2. Without derogating from the provisions of the ITB, each Bidder shall submit within its Bid a duly executed Tender Form E (Professional Threshold Requirements), completed in accordance with its terms, in order to demonstrate compliance with the Threshold Requirements with respect to the professional experience of the Bidder and each of the following members of the Management Staff: (1) Project Manager; (2)
PROFESSIONAL THRESHOLD REQUIREMENTS. The Systems Engineer meets each of the threshold requirements set forth in Annex “D(2)” (Threshold Requirements for the Systems Engineer), as describe in the table below: Project 1 Project 2 The name of the project and a general description: Please mark accordingly: Please mark accordingly: The project was a Light Rail Train Project; The project was a Light Rail Train Project; The project was a Metro Project; The project was a Metro Project;