Construction Stage Sample Clauses
Construction Stage. Personnel Costs The Personnel Costs the DB earns and the Owner pays to the DB during the Construction Stage. Consultant A Person engaged by the DB or a Subcontractor to provide professional services of various types for the Project including without limitation the Preconstruction Stage services of a Design-Assist Firm. The term includes the Consultant’s authorized representatives, successors, assigns, and subconsultants regardless of tier. Contract The state of legal obligation entered into by the State and DB, whereby they have agreed to an exchange of certain acts, materials, equipment, and services for certain monetary consideration, under all terms and conditions specified in the Contract Documents, which shall remain in full force and effect until such time as all obligations under the Contract have been lawfully and completely discharged, or the Contract is terminated under other conditions specified in the Contract Documents. Contract Documents Collectively, the documents that constitute the substance of the Contract including but not limited to the Agreement, GMP Documents, final Drawings, final Specifications, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions if any, Project Manual, and Modifications if any. Contract Sum The amount stipulated as such in the GMP Amendment. The Contract Sum is the DB’s entire compensation for the DB’s proper, timely, and complete performance of the Work during the Construction Stage and is subject to adjustment as provided in the Contract. The Contract Sum does not include the Preconstruction Stage Compensation. Contract Times The periods stipulated in the GMP Amendment for the achievement of associated Milestones, in consecutive days, beginning on the date established by the Notice to Proceed, including adjustments as provided in the Contract. Contracting Authority The party identified in the Agreement, which may be the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission; an agency of the state of Ohio; an Institution of Higher Education or division thereof; a School District Board; or the legislative body of a political subdivision.
Construction Stage. (1) The Generating Company shall design and construct the Project in accordance with the prudent utility practices, relevant technical standards and specification and also in line with the provisions of Approved DPR, after obtaining all requisite approvals. The Company shall achieve Commercial Operation of the Project within Scheduled Commercial Operation Date and ensure that the Project is capable of despatching Active and Reactive Power as per Despatch Instructions and of being operated in parallel with the Grid System as per prudent utility practices and relevant technical standards for connectivity with grid. The Company shall also ensure delivery of power at the Interconnection Point in a safe and reliable manner so as to avoid fluctuations and disturbances to the Grid System due to parallel operation.
(2) The Generating Company shall provide UPCL with the construction programme matching with the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date of the Project. The Company shall also furnish to UPCL half yearly progress reports by 31st March and 30th September every year indicating achievement vis-a-vis the targets, slippages, if any, and the remedial actions intended to be taken.
(3) In case evacuation system works is being carried out by UPCL or STU/transmission licensee pursuant to sub-clause (5) of Clause 3 above, then UPCL or STU/transmission licensee, as the case may, be shall provide Generating Company with the construction programme, in the form of pert chart, matching with the scheduled date of completion of the generation project of the Company. UPCL/STU or transmission licensee shall also furnish to Generating Company half yearly progress reports by 31st March and 30th September every year indicating achievement vis-a-vis the targets, slippages, if any, and the remedial actions intended to be taken in respect of such evacuation works.
(4) The Generating Company shall provide at the Station, at its cost, suitable arrangements, compatible with the Grid System and as may be approved by UPCL or in case of evacuation of power for transmission at 132kV and higher voltage by STU/transmission licensee, for parallel operation with the Grid System as per Prudent Utility Practices and relevant technical standards and specifications and also for automatic isolation of the Project from the Grid System in the event of any fault on the Grid System and ensure that no damage is caused to the Project due to aforesaid.
(5) The Generating Company shall make all arrangements...
Construction Stage. 6.1. The PAC shall ensure close out of the Performance Assurance Design Issues Log.
6.2. The PAC shall create, maintain, and update an Installation Issues Log on design issues related to Performance Assurance. An NMPSFA approved Issues Log Template can be found on the NMPSFA Website (xxxxx://xxx/ If the PAC desires to use their own template, it must meet or exceed the intent of the NMPSFA Approved Template and be approved by NMPSFA prior to use.
6.3. The PAC shall begin submitting Site Observation Reports (SOR) for each site visit. The SOR shall detail the purpose of the visit, with whom was met, observations made, issues encountered, testing, and attached photos that are labeled to support observations and issues. An NMPSFA approved SOR Template can be found on the NMPSFA Website (xxxxx://xxx/ If the PAC desires to use their own template, it must meet or exceed the intent of the NMPSFA Approved Template and be approved by NMPSFA prior to use.
6.4. The PAC shall attend the Project Kick-Off Meeting, which may include the PAC Kick-Off Meeting, and submit to the General Contractor (GC) the PFC Binder which includes the expectations and deliverables of the PFC’s, submit the Performance Assurance Milestones Schedule for inclusion into the Project Schedule, Manufacturer Start-up requirements, Functional Performance Testing requirements, Opposite Season Functional Testing, 11-Month Inspection and Correction, and Contractor requirements for PAC Close-Out. If the PAC Kick-Off Meeting is not conducted with the Project Kick- Off Meeting, the PAC shall schedule their Kick-Off Meeting with the Owner(s), Test, Adjust, and Balance Contractor (TAB), DP, and GC, preferably within one (1) week of the Project Kick-Off Meeting.
6.5. The PAC shall make periodic visits, and document with SOR’s, to attend Contractor’s Progress Meeting, review the Project Schedule, update the PAC Installation Issues Log with the DP and GC’s Punch List, review progress of PFC’s, review Manufacturer Start-Up Procedures, visually inspect First-Of-A-Kind (FOAK) equipment installs, and be a resource to the Owner, DP, GC, and Sub’s on concerns and issues related to Performance Assurance.
6.6. The PAC shall commence review, comment, and verification of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals (O&M).
6.7. The PAC shall ensure PFC’s are being completed correctly and verify Equipment and Systems are ready for Manufacturer’s Start-Up.
6.8. The PAC shall witness, verify, and document Man...
Construction Stage. 3.1. The TAB shall assure close out the TAB Design Issues Log.
3.2. The TAB shall attend the Project Kick-Off Meeting, which may include the Performance Assurance Contractor (PAC) Kick-Off Meeting, and report on the expectations and deliverables of the TAB, submit the TAB Milestone Schedule for inclusion into the Project Schedule.
3.3. The TAB shall make periodic visits to attend Contractor’s Progress Meeting, review the Project Schedule as it relates to TAB testing activities.
3.4. The TAB shall schedule and conduct Test, Adjust, and Balance (TAB) activities with the DP, GC, PAC, and PSFA’s RFM.
Construction Stage. 3.1 Conduct the approved method of placing the main contract on behalf of the Employer.
3.2 Analyses report on the result of the approved method of placing the Main Contract, and make recommendations to the employer to assist in the final selection of the Main Contractor.
3.3 After Employer approves works order, advise the Employer on Contractor’s work progress schedule and other comments on the same.
3.4 Assist Employer in preparing select list/pre-qualification list of contractors including making visits to the contractors works jointly with the employer if and as desired/required, invite the tenders for various trades in submitting assessment reports and recommendations on comparative statements, assessment reports, together with recommendations, specifying abnormally high and low rated items based on proper analysis of rates with constants from an approved standard hand book and market rates of the material and labour for major items of works costing about 90% of the estimated cost of the work. All commercial condition shall be evaluated in financial terms instead of merely saying whether a condition may be accepted or not. When conditions are not susceptible of evaluation, the alternative procedure of calling all the tenderers for negotiation and asking them to submit a final bid based on the terms & conditions acceptable to the Bank may be adopted. Assist the employer if required to conduct negotiation with tenderers where necessary and after the Employer’s decision on the tender, prepare contract documents and get them executed by the concerned Contractors after obtaining Employer’s approval for the contracts.
Construction Stage. (i) Prepare and provide contract documents for signature and record purposes (to include copies for the use of others);
(ii) Carry out the duties of the Quantity Surveyor under the General and/or Special Conditions of Contract for the works contract(s) including the measurement and valuation of the works, providing the Contractor(s) with priced bills of variations and assisting in agreeing the final contract sum(s);
(iii) Advise on the cost effect of variations; Identify and immediately report to the Employer’s Representative for any discrepancies in the contract documents such as Drawings, Bills of Quantities, and Specifications that will give rise to additional costs.
(iv) Prepare and provide progressive budgetary statements of final cost during the contract period;
(v) Attend site meetings when required;
(vi) Attend other consultants’ meetings when required;
(vii) Survey works in progress, including building services installations, take particulars and report valuations for interim certificates for payments on account to the contractor(s);
(viii) Measure and make up bills of variations, including building services installations, and price and agree totals with the contractor(s); Account for the use of alternative products or materials having equivalent functions or performance;
(ix) Account for Prime Cost Sums, Provisional Sums, provisional quantities and fluctuations (if any); and
(x) Account for claims from the contractor(s) including providing an assessment of each claim.
Construction Stage. Prepare detailed coordinated construction schedule. Prepare list of drawings that shall be released for the project with a detailed drawing schedule in accordance to the agreed construction and Project schedule. Arrange detailed construction drawings for execution of work at site. To ensure construction drawings are finalized after coordination with other disciples and all agencies to have clear demarcated responsibility. Shall deploy adequate Engineers at site for day to day related activities. Carry out quality assurance checks & adhere to maintain quality assessment reports. Interact & Liaise with CSIR-IIM to understand, integrate and link the services to the existing building services. In case of necessity for changes in terms of design, quantities, and specifications etc. Architect should provide detailed justification for obtaining approval from CSIR-IIM, in case there is likelihood of excess expenditure over the approved preliminary estimates at any stage of work, Architect shall submit revised estimates along with justification for affected items of work for approval of CSIR-IIM. On approval CSIR-IIIM shall release further funds as per these approved revised estimates. Provide quick clarifications to designs or details that have been provided vide drawings or immediate solutions to the clarifications sought by the vendors/contractors. Ensure all statutory inspections and checks.
Construction Stage. 7.1.1 Unless the Contracting Authority agrees otherwise in writing, the Construction Stage will commence with the Contracting Authority’s issuance of the Notice to Proceed and will terminate upon Final Acceptance of the Project.
7.1.2 The A/E shall have access, at all times, to the Project whenever any Work is in preparation or in progress.
Construction Stage. The professional services to be provided by the consulting engineer at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular case:
(i) advising on the preparation of formal contract document relating to accepted tenders for the works;
(ii) advising the Contractor on the appointment of site staff in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Section;
(iii) preparing any further designs, specification and drawings to enable the Contractor to carry out the works but shall not include the preparation of any shop details relating to the works or any part of them;
(iv) examining and certifying the Contractor’s proposals and working drawings relating to the works;
(v) liaison with the relevant authorities for connection of electricity supply, telephone lines etc.;
(vi) preparing and or checking shop details for general dimensions and adequacy of members and connections;
(vii) prepare testing and commissioning procedures;
(viii) witness the testing and commissioning for the works and certify the report that the works has been carried out according to the engineering practices;
(ix) advising the Contractor or the architect as to the need to vary any part of the works;
(x) making such visits to site as the consulting engineer considers necessary to satisfy himself as to the performance of any site staff appointed pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Section and to certify that the works are executed generally according to contract drawings and specification or otherwise in accordance with good engineering practice as required by the P.D.;
(xi) giving all necessary instructions relating to the works to the Contractor and or sub Contractors;
(xii) make site evaluation and prepare claims for interim payment;
(xiii) inspecting and testing during manufacture and installation such materials supplied for incorporation in the works as are necessary where the inspection and test are within the technical competence of the consulting engineer, and arranging and witnessing the acceptance tests;
(xiv) advising the Contractor on the need for special inspection or test other than that referred to in a sub-paragraph 1(2)(d)(xiii) of this Section;
(xv) performing any duties which the consulting engineer may be required to carry out under any document which he has prepared for the execution of the works;
(xvi) delivering to the P.D. on the completion of the works such records and manufacturer’s manuals as are reasonably necessary to enable the P.D. to operate and mai...
Construction Stage. Entering into the Construction Stage for each scheme element will depend upon the conclusion of various required consents and also the signature of various agreements, including a construction contract with a contractor (or Network Rail) for completing detailed designs and carrying out the works, and an agreement with Network Rail for its supporting services during the delivery phase (if not constructed by Network Rail). During the Construction Stage CCC will: • Discharge all obligations under the various delivery agreements, including construction contract, Asset Protection Agreement / Implementation Agreement or any variation thereof; • Discharge any requirements under consents, including any CPO or highways orders; • Progress the safety assurance requirements to enable entry into service of each item of new infrastructure; • Lead engagement with local stakeholders in order to manage expectation of project deliverables, and adopt a collaborative approach to managing external communications and media in relation to the project; • Fund the Franchisee’s reasonable costs in delivering its obligations during the Construction Stage in accordance with the Station Change/Network Change process. During the Construction Stage Network Rail will: • Agree with CCC and its agents the relevant GRIP Stage deliverables and review and provide timely comments on the scheme design in order to achieve the relevant GRIP stage gate; and • Provide other services in accordance with the delivery phase agreement (Asset Protection Agreement or Implementation Agreement etc). • Contribute the amount of £5 million3 to the Nuckle Phase 1.2 scheme subject to funding via an agreement under CP6. Payment timescales to be agreed between CCC and NR. During the Construction Stage, all parties will: • Meet regularly to discuss Scheme progress against programme and any key issues arising, including any upcoming possessions and their management.; • Work with the Station Facility Owner (currently WCT) to obtain the necessary permissions and access to enable construction works to take place; and • Work together in order to minimise the loss of car parking spaces and the resultant impact on the day to day station operation.