PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 31. Debarment 15 32. Fiscal Accountability 15 33. Compliance with Non-Discrimination Laws 15 34. Performance Standards 16 35. Budget 16 36. Payment Requirements 17 37. Budget of Modification 16 38. Records and Audits 17 39. Program Services 19 40. Procurement 19 41. Compliance with Other Laws 20 42. Publication 21 43. Legal Status of CONTRACTOR 21 44. Performance Bond 22 45. CONTRACTOR Personnel – Drug-Free Workplace 22 46. CONTRACTOR’s Records 22
PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Schedule 2- Purchasing Arrangements and Service Obligations for Training Delivery funded or subsidised through Contestable Programs. • Schedule 2.1 Purchasing Arrangements • Schedule 2.2.Service Obligations
PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Debarment 15 32. Anti-Lobbying 15 33. Lobbying Certification 15 34. Fraud 16 35. Fiscal Accountability 16 36. Compliance with Non-Discrimination Laws 16 37. Performance Standards 17 38. Budget 20 39. Payment Requirements 20 40. Payment Terms – Payment in Arrears 22 41. Budget of Xxxxxxxxxxxx 00 00. Records and Audit Requirements 22 43. DUNS Number and Related Information 25 44. Program Services 25 45. Information Integrity and Security 26 46. Evaluation and Monitoring 28 47. Literature 28 48. Procurement 29 49. Compliance with Other Laws 29 50. Property 30 51. Publicity 33 52. Dissolution of Entity 33 53. CONTRACT Authorization 33 54. Legal Status of SUBRECIPIENT 33 55. Expenditure of Funds 33 56. Focal Points 34 57. SUBRECIPIENT Personnel – Drug-Free Workplace 34 58. Subrecipient Records 34 59. Definitions 35
PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 31. Debarment 15 32. Fiscal Accountability 15 33. Compliance with Non-Discrimination Laws 15 34. Performance Standards 16 35. Budget 16 36. Payment Requirements 16 37. Budget of Xxxxxxxxxxxx 00 00. Records and Audits 17 39. Program Services 19 40. Procurement 19 41. Compliance with Other Laws 19 42. Publication 21
PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The following terms and conditions apply only to the Contractors receiving funds under the identified program: The Contractor consents to and acknowledges the New York State Inspector General’s jurisdiction to investigate allegations of serious negligence or misconduct regarding its Forensic Laboratory, and agrees that the Laboratory and its staff are required to cooperate with the New York State Inspector General in its investigation of what it deems to be allegations of serious negligence or misconduct substantially effecting the integrity of the forensic results committed by employees or subcontractors of the Laboratory. Nothing in the agreement shall affect or impair the Inspector General’s jurisdiction under Article 4-A of the New York State Executive Law. Contractor agrees to require as part of the agreement with a subcontractor that the subcontractor consent to and acknowledge the NYS Inspector General’s jurisdiction to investigate allegations of serious negligence or misconduct regarding the subcontractor and to agree that all of the sub- contractor’s staff are required to cooperate with the NYS Inspector General in any investigation of the subject of allegations that may substantially affect the integrity of forensic results committed by employees of the subcontractor. The contractor further agrees to require as a part of any agreement with a subcontractor that the subcontractor designate the Contractor as an agent to accept service for purposes of any investigation conducted by the Inspector General.
PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. In submitting this Application for a Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery grant the Provider certifies, represents, acknowledges and agrees to the following:
1. EOHHS shall provide the Provider with a Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program grant in an amount calculated using the number of children under eighteen (18) years of age insured by Medicaid, divided into six payments, and contingent on: providing a Performance Improvement Plan; achieving quarterly performance and/or improvement targets on at least three out of four immunization and lead screening measures; and on participation in at least four out of six Behavioral Health Learning Initiative sessions.
2. The Provider shall apply funds received through the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program towards the following eligible expenses:
a. payroll expenses, including employee wages, overtime, or payroll support;
b. new costs related to COVID-19, including PPE, cleaning supplies, screening of patients and visitors;
c. costs otherwise associated with business interruptions caused by required closures due to COVID-19;
d. expenses necessary to achieve the immunization and lead screening metrics and to participate in the Behavioral Health Learning Initiative and other Program technical assistance; and
e. other COVID-19 related expenditures.
3. The Provider shall maintain financial records, subject to audit by the State, demonstrating that funds received through the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program are spent in accordance with the stated eligible uses of funds contained herein.
4. The Provider’s financial management system must provide the following:
PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. In submitting this Application for a Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery grant the Provider certifies, represents, acknowledges and agrees to the following:
1. EOHHS shall provide the Provider with a Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program grant in an amount calculated using the number of Medicaid covered children under eighteen (18) years of age, divided into four payments, and contingent on reporting and achieving patient well care visit measure benchmarks according to the specifications outlined in the Program Guidance and participation in participation in 1 or more psychosocial and behavioral health technical assistance sessions.
2. The Provider shall apply funds received through the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program towards the following eligible expenses:
a. payroll expenses, including employee wages, overtime, or payroll support;
b. new costs related to COVID-19, including PPE, cleaning supplies, screening of patients and visitors;
c. costs otherwise associated with business interruptions caused by required closures due to COVID-19;
d. expenses necessary to achieve the patient well care visit measure benchmark and participate in Program technical assistance; and
e. other COVID-19 related expenditures.
3. The Provider shall maintain financial records, subject to audit by the State, demonstrating that funds received through the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program are spent in accordance with the stated eligible uses of funds contained herein.
4. The Provider’s financial management system must provide the following:
PROGRAM SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. In submitting this Application for a Pediatric Primary Care Relief subaward the Provider certifies, represents, acknowledges and agrees to the following:
1. EOHHS shall provide the Provider with a Pediatric Primary Care Relief subaward in an amount no greater than the combined total of the Provider’s losses due to business interruption plus added costs due to COVID-19, subtracted by the total amount of federal assistance received for the purpose of COVID-19 relief.
2. The Provider shall apply funds received through the Pediatric Primary Care Relief Program toward the following eligible expenses for the period March 1, 2020 to December 30, 2020: payroll expenses, including employee wages, overtime, or payroll support; new costs related to COVID-19, including PPE, cleaning supplies, screening of patients and visitors; costs otherwise associated with business interruptions caused by required closures; expenses necessary to carry out the efforts defined in the provider’s application to ensure patients are up to date with immunizations; and other COVID-19 related expenditures.
3. The Provider shall maintain financial records, subject to audit by the State, demonstrating that funds received through the Pediatric Primary Care Relief Program are spent in accordance with the stated eligible uses of funds and that support the losses due to business interruption stated in the application.
4. The Provider’s financial management system must provide the following:
a. Identification of Federal Awards. Identification of all federal awards and subawards received and expended. Federal award identification must include, as applicable, the CFDA title and number, Federal award identification number (XXXX) and year, name of the Federal agency, and name of the pass-through entity such as a State Agency.