Title VI of the Civil Rights Act Sample Clauses
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The Subgrantee, Contractor, Subcontractor, transferee, and assignee shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance from excluding from a program or activity, denying benefits of, or otherwise discriminating against a person on the basis of race, color, or national origin (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.), as implemented by the Department of Treasury’s Title VI regulations, 31 CFR Part 22, which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement (or agreement). Title VI also includes protection to persons with “Limited English Proficiency” in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, 42 U.S. C. § 2000d et seq., as implemented by the Department of the Treasury’s Title VI regulations, 31 CRF Part 22, and herein incorporated by reference and made part of this Agreement or agreement.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The Recipient agrees to, and assures that each Third Party Participant will:
(1) Prohibit discrimination based on:
(a) Race,
(b) Color, or
(c) National origin,
(2) Comply with:
(a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.,
(b) U.S. DOT regulations, “Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation – Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,” 49 C.F.R. part 21, and
(c) Federal transit law, specifically 49 U.S.C. § 5332, as provided in section 13.a of this Master Agreement, and
(3) Follow:
(a) The most recent edition of FTA Circular 4702.1, “Title VI Requirements and Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients,” to the extent consistent with applicable Federal laws, regulations, and guidance,
(b) U.S. DOJ, “Guidelines for the enforcement of Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964,” 28 C.F.R. § 50.3, and
(c) All other applicable Federal guidance that may be issued,
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The Recipient agrees to comply, and assures the compliance of each subrecipient, lessee, third party contractor, or other participant at any tier of the Project, with all provisions prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d et seq., and with U.S. DOT regulations, “Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation – Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act,” 49 C.F.R. Part 21. Except to the extent FTA determines otherwise in writing, the Recipient agrees to follow all applicable provisions of the most recent edition of FTA Circular 4702.1A, “Title VI and Title VI-Dependent Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients,” and any other applicable Federal directives that may be issued.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Contractor agrees to comply, and assures the compliance of each subcontractor, with all requirements prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., and U.S. DOT regulations, “Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation – Effectuation of Title VI of Civil Rights Act,” and 49 CFR Part 21, and any implementing requirements FTA may issue.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The Recipient agrees to comply, and assures the compliance of each third party contractor at any tier and each subrecipient at any tier of the Project, with all provisions prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d et seq., and with U.S. DOT regulations, "Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation – Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act," 49 C.F.R. Part 21. Except to the extent FTA determines otherwise in writing, the Recipient also agrees to comply with any applicable implementing Federal directives that may be issued.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The Recipient agrees to comply, and assures the compliance of each third party contractor at any tier and each subrecipient at any tier of the Project, with all provisions prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. In determining the types of property or services 12 to acquire, no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or 13 national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The Recipient agrees to, and assures that each third party participant will, prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin and:
(1) Comply with:
(a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.,
(b) U.S. DOT regulations, “Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation – Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act,” 49 C.F.R. Part 21, and
(c) Federal transit law, specifically 49 U.S.C. § 5332, as stated in Section 12.a, and
(2) Follow FTA Circular 4702.1A, “Title VI and Title VI-Dependent Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients,” and any other applicable Federal directives that may be issued, except as FTA determines otherwise in writing.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. In determining the types of property or services to acquire, no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Sections 2000d et seq. and DOT regulations, “Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation—Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,” 49 CFR Part 21. In addition, FTA Circular 4702.1, “Title VI and Title VI-Dependent Guidelines for FTA Recipients,” 05-13-07, provides FTA guidance and instructions for implementing DOT’s Title VI regulations.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. No person may be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability or familial status. CHDO shall maintain complete records on all applicants, and disposition of such applications.