Program Verification Review Meeting Sample Clauses

Program Verification Review Meeting. Subsequent to the review session, the Client will compile the feedback and select and prioritize those elements which should be integrated into the development program. Upon completion of the summary, the SmithGroup team and Client teams will meet via video conference to review any stakeholder feedback. The group will review the elements desired, identify any changes to the layout to be included in the development of the design concept, and note any outstanding items that may require further investigation and discussion. Specific items to be included as part of this refined design program are likely to include slip sizes and number, on-dock utility services, on-dock amenities such as joint picnic areas, etc. As part of this work, SmithGroup will: ◼ Work with the City and F3 to identify a target slip mix to address the existing occupancy demands and future growth. Target occupancy and slip mix will be based on occupancy numbers over the last 10 years and local trends related to vessel sizes. ◼ Review Water level and wave conditions: leverage existing data from previous studies in 2016 and update the analysis as necessary. ◼ Coordinate with Fire Xxxxxxxx/Authority having jurisdiction to determine fire protection needs. ◼ Give a summary of dock types and anchorage appropriate for the marina identifying pros and cons associated and some typical cost per square foot numbers (to include concrete, aluminum, steel truss docks and pile-supported, elastic moorings, and telescoping pile). ◼ Work with dock manufacturers to understand the best dock system for the ice forces seen in the marina as well as updated mooring systems for the docks, such as a fixed piling system.

Related to Program Verification Review Meeting

  • Review Meeting i. Either the BCTF or BCPSEA may request in writing a meeting to review the issues in a provincial matters grievance that has been referred to arbitration. ii. Where the parties agree to hold such a meeting, it shall be held within ten

  • Business Review Meetings In order to maintain the relationship between the Department and the Contractor, each quarter the Department may request a business review meeting. The business review meeting may include, but is not limited to, the following: • Successful completion of deliverables • Review of the Contractor’s performance • Review of minimum required reports • Addressing of any elevated Customer issues • Review of continuous improvement ideas that may help lower total costs and improve business efficiencies.

  • Log Reviews All systems processing and/or storing PHI COUNTY discloses to 11 CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY 12 must have a routine procedure in place to review system logs for unauthorized access.

  • Review Meetings During the review meetings the Project Managers shall discuss progress made by the Contractor in the performance of this Contract. Each party shall provide a status report, as desired by a Project Manager, listing any problem or concern encountered since the last meeting. Records of such reports and other communications issued in writing during the course of Contract performance shall be maintained by each party.

  • Classification Review (A) Reclassification Request (a) An employee who has good reason to believe that they are improperly classified may apply, in writing by electronic mail, to their immediate out-of-scope Manager to have their classification reviewed. This may occur when there has been a substantive change in the job functions, when there has been a change in organizational structure that significantly impacts roles, or when a classification specification has been amended in a manner that alters the basis on which classification levels are differentiated. The employee making the request will indicate the reason(s) why they believe their position is inappropriately classified, including the changes that have occurred to the position, organization or classification specifications. In some circumstances, a classification review may be initiated in response to a long standing perceived inequity in how a position is classified. However, where a review has been previously conducted, employees should not request a subsequent classification review unless there has been a substantive change as described above. Submissions must include an approved job description, in the event that a current job description is not available an employee can initiate their written request so as to establish a potential effective date as per article 40.04(a). The manager shall send a copy of the employee’s request to Human Resources without delay, and shall confirm in writing to the employee and the Union that the employee’s request has been received. The manager shall advise the employee of the results of the classification review within ninety (90) calendar days of receiving the request. The notification shall be in writing and include rationale for the decision, specifically addressing the reasons for the review provided by the employee. (b) When reviewing a request for reclassification, the Employer shall follow the guidelines included in the Classification Specification User Manual. Requests are reviewed by the Employer. The evaluation of the role may include an audit of the role, including interviews with the Employee and the Employee’s Manager as needed. (c) Should the employee feel that they have not received proper consideration in regard to a classification review, they may request that the matter be referred to the Internal Appeal Process.

  • Transition Review Period In accordance with Article 35, Layoff and Recall, the Employer may require an employee to complete a transition review period.

  • Review Protocol A narrative description of how the Claims Review was conducted and what was evaluated.

  • Program Review The State ECEAP Office will conduct a review of each contractor’s compliance with the ECEAP Contract and ECEAP Performance Standards every four years. The review will involve ECEAP staff and parents. After the Program Review, the State ECEAP Office will provide the contractor with a Program Review report. The contractor must submit an ECEAP Corrective Action Plan for non-compliance with ECEAP Performance Standards. The Plan must be approved by the State ECEAP Office.

  • Utilization Review NOTE: The Utilization Review process does not apply to Services that are not covered by Blue Shield because of a coverage determination made by Medicare. State law requires that health plans disclose to Subscribers and health plan providers the process used to authorize or deny health care services un- der the plan. Blue Shield has completed documen- tation of this process ("Utilization Review"), as required under Section 1363.5 of the California Health and Safety Code. To request a copy of the document describing this Utilization Review pro- cess, call the Customer Service Department at the telephone number indicated on your Identification Card.

  • Project Review A. Programmatic Allowances 1. If FEMA determines that the entire scope of an Undertaking conforms to one or more allowances in Appendix B of this Agreement, with determinations for Tier II Allowances being made by SOI-qualified staff, FEMA shall complete the Section 106 review process by documenting this determination in the project file, without SHPO review or notification. 2. If the Undertaking involves a National Historic Landmark (NHL), FEMA shall notify the SHPO, participating Tribe(s), and the NPS NHL Program Manager of the NPS Midwest Regional Office that the Undertaking conforms to one or more allowances. FEMA shall provide information about the proposed scope of work for the Undertaking and the allowance(s) enabling FEMA’s determination. 3. If FEMA determines any portion of an Undertaking’s scope of work does not conform to one or more allowances listed in Appendix B, FEMA shall conduct expedited or standard Section 106 review, as appropriate, for the entire Undertaking in accordance with Stipulation II.B, Expedited Review for Emergency Undertakings, or Stipulation II.C, Standard Project Review. 4. Allowances may be revised and new allowances may be added to this Agreement in accordance with Stipulation IV.A.3, Amendments. B. Expedited Review for Emergency Undertakings