Classification review definition

Classification review means a review of a position’s assigned duties and responsibilities to determine its proper allocation to a classification based on a comparison with the typical duties, responsibilities and requirements of other City classifications.
Classification review. The following classification review process shall be used to review and evaluate requests for reclassification of an existing job position to a higher (or lower) pay classification. Criteria that will be considered in this process shall be: 1. substantial increase (or decrease) in the level of responsibility for job duties officially reassigned to this job position from a higher (or lower) classification job position and/or 2. substantial addition of job duties that are not a part of the O.P.E.I.U. bargaining unit 3. The Reclassification request requires supervisor sign-off/approval The request shall first be considered by the Classification Review Committee, made up of two School District designees and two Union designees. This committee shall forward the request, with its recommendation, to the School Board with its recommendation. Requests for reclassification shall be made in writing. Upon receipt of a reclassification request, the committee may request additional information. 1. Reclassification requests received by the first Monday in November shall be researched and reviewed. The reclassification committee reserves the right to request a follow- up meeting with any member applying for reclassification, for purposes of clarification, after reviewing the written request. The committee will meet for a final recommendation the second week in December. 2. Upon rejection of a reclassification request, the applicant may appeal the rejection to the Classification Review Committee. This Committee shall consist of the Director of Human Resources and the Chief Union Xxxxxxx. The appeal must be made within two weeks of receiving written notification from Human Resources as to the denial of the reclassification request. The Committee shall act on the requests within two calendar weeks of receiving the request. The Appeal Committee shall review the job responsibilities and shall either reject the appeal or forward the appeal with its recommendation directly to the School Board. 3. The School Board shall act on the request or appeal within one calendar month after they receive the request or appeal. If a reclassification request is approved by the School Board, the change shall be retroactive to the date the application for reclassification was received by the Classification Review Committee.
Classification review. The following classification review process shall be used to review and evaluate requests for reclassification of an existing job position to a higher (or lower) pay classification. Criteria that will be considered in this process shall be: 1. substantial increase (or decrease) in the level of responsibility for job duties officially reassigned to this job position from a higher (or lower) classification job position and/or 2. substantial addition of job duties that are not a part of the O.P.E.I.U. bargaining unit 3. The Reclassification request requires supervisor sign-off/approval The request shall first be considered by the Classification Review Committee, made up of two School District designees and two Union designees. This committee shall forward the request, with its recommendation, to the School Board with its recommendation. Requests for reclassification shall be made in writing. Upon receipt of a reclassification request, the committee may request additional information.

Examples of Classification review in a sentence

  • Classification review is a management tool to ensure the accurate reflection of tasks and duties involved in each County position for the purpose of recruitment, compensation, and organizational structuring.

  • Classification review of dental adhesive systems: from the IV generation to the universal type.

  • Classification review of positions may be conducted through various types of classification studies outlined in Section 4, Classification Review Procedures.

  • It should be noted that changes in work volume, minor changes in work content, or changes in quality of employee performance will not result in a changed position level, and should not result in a request for a Position Classification review.

  • Classification review conducted on inmates received at the Reception and Diagnostic Center.

More Definitions of Classification review

Classification review. The parties will engage in a classification review in accordance with Article 17 (Job Descriptions) of the following classifications to be concluded by no later than February 28, 2020: Junior IT technologist Home support worker Maintenance worker Payroll clerk Medical records technician Bus driver Following the classification review, if the parties deem it appropriate, they may agree to adjust the corresponding wage rate found in the Wage Schedule to be effective prospectively only. For positions within Employer covered by this collective agreement, all new employees will be subject to the following levels of compensation with respect to the applicable entry level wage rate:
Classification review. All inmates proposed by County to be transferred to Contractor’s facility under this Agreement must meet the eligibility requirements set forth above. Contractor reserves the right to review the inmates’ classification/eligibility, and the right to refuse to accept any inmate that it does not believe to be properly classified as a non-high risk inmate. Furthermore, if an inmate’s classification changes while incarcerated at Contractor’s facility, Contractor reserves the right to demand that county remove that inmate and replace said inmate with an appropriate inmate of County.
Classification review. The following classification review process shall be used to review and evaluate requests for reclassification of an existing job position to a higher (or lower) pay classification. Criteria that will be considered in this process shall be: 1. substantial increase (or decrease) in the level of responsibility for job duties officially reassigned to this job position from a higher (or lower) classification job position and/or 2. substantial addition of job duties that are not a part of the O.P.E.I.U. bargaining unit
Classification review means any classification status assessment made subsequent to an inmate's primary housing assignment.
Classification review means the process of evaluating the assigned duties and responsibilities of a Position, to determine the appropriate Classification.
Classification review means the process of evaluating the assigned duties and responsibilities of a Position, to determine whether the Position is Classified or Administrative, Exempt or Non-exempt, and the appropriate job title.
Classification review means a review of the classification of an Employee’s position under clause