Stakeholder Feedback. The TSOs’ report will include stakeholder input and/or comments on the time period and data covered and analysed in the report, which should be taken into account when we assess the report.
Stakeholder Feedback. During the Covid-19 pandemic soft closure and the 2020-21 school year, we sent out three parent surveys to assess parental opinions about student safety and achievement and found that parents overwhelming felt that their students were not doing as well academically on the hybrid schedule. However, most parents preferred the hybrid schedule for safety reasons and to mitigate the risk of Covid infection to their child(ren). We also publish a monthly stakeholders newsletter inviting feedback in all areas. We scored 4.52/5.00 on effective communication and 4.72/5.00 on handling the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic on our 2020-21 parent survey. Percentage At or Above Benchmark First Sound Fluency (FSF) Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentati on Fluency (PSF) Phonemic Awareness Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)(CL S) Phonics/ Alphabetic Principle Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)(W WR) Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Accuracy Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Fluency Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Retell Daze Percentage At or Above Benchmark First Sound Fluency (FSF) Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentati on Fluency (PSF) Phonemic Awareness Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)(CL S) Phonics/ Alphabetic Principle Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)(W WR) Phonics/ Alphabetic Principle Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Accuracy Phonics/ Alphabetic Principle Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Fluency Fluency Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Retell Comprehen sion Daze Comprehen sion Percentage At or Above Benchmark First Sound Phoneme Nonsense Nonsense Oral Oral Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Retell Comprehen sion Daze Fluency Segmentati Word Word Reading Reading Comprehen Percentage At or Above Benchmark First Sound Fluency (FSF) Phoneme Segmentati on Fluency (PSF) Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)(CL S) Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)(W WR) Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Accuracy Phonics/ Alphabetic Principle Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Fluency Fluency Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Retell Comprehen sion Daze Comprehen sion
Stakeholder Feedback. Torbay Council has considered the national feedback from Transport Focus on “what passengers want”. Table 2 is an extract from the Transport Focus report “Bus passengers’ priorities for improvement 2020”. Understanding the detail behind the responses, for the Torbay circumstance where there is a need to attract more younger people to the network, the partners can see that the priorities were more buses arriving on time and offering better value. However, Xxxxxx has a significant ageing population and one that needs to be included in the network design, critically to avoid aspects such as social isolation. The priority for the older age group was buses running more often. The top three priorities are very similar between all age groups.
Stakeholder Feedback. A number of patients participated in NHS Tayside’s AEDET workshop on 23 February 2018 and details about their feedback is set out in section 4.8. A stakeholder workshop involving NHS Tayside Public Partners was also held on 13 March 2018. Workshop attendees were broadly supportive of the programme work undertaken to date. In particular they noted that the programme timescales were challenging but would have real benefits for patients in terms of reduced waiting lists; increased capacity to provide elective surgery across a number of surgical disciplines; and potentially an enhanced environment for patients and visitors. They acknowledged that further work and detail was required around costs, resources and design. Participants highlighted priority areas for the Tayside Elective Care Centre, including parking, access, travel and public transport and single room accommodation which did not leave patients feeling isolated. Further details about our engagement with stakeholders is contained in the table at section 4.3.
Stakeholder Feedback. CONTRACTOR will solicit feedback in the form of interviews and/or written questionnaires, prepared by CONTRACTOR.
Stakeholder Feedback. Cal CCA requested additional clarification if the subscriptions will end after some point in time, extend in perpetuity, or can be extended or transferred. The ISO will implement the subscriber rights consistent with the terms and conditions of the agreements executed by the Subscriber Participating TO. In the case of TransWest, the ISO understands that the Transmission Service Agreements resulting from the FERC-approved open solicitation will be for 30 years with a single opportunity to extend the agreement for five years. Once the agreements have terminated, the entire transmission facilities will be included in the ISO market as unsubscribed capacity subject to a Subscriber Wheeling Charge12. The CPUC requested clarification on If the transmission has been fully subscribed by the Power Company of Wyoming (“PCW”), is there capacity available to flow through to California? If so, how much? Would adding this transmission project in this location increase congestion in the ISO BAA? PCW, which is the wind developer in Wyoming and which does not currently provide any service to end-use customers in Wyoming, has purchased the full 3,000 MW available on the Project. All 3,000 MW could flow to California, including 1,500 MWs to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power through their Intermountain Power Project transmission facilities and 1,500 MW to the Xxxxx Xxxxx – Eldorado line in the ISO balancing area. However, the flow of generation will ultimately depend upon the off-takers who sign up with PCW for the wind generation. With respect to congestion, The ISO understand that PCW intends to go through the ISO’s generator interconnection process and if additional deliverability network upgrades are required to ensure deliverability to ISO load, PCW will incur the costs of those additional transmission facilities without reimbursement by the existing Participating TOs consistent with the principle of the Subscriber PTO Model that connecting the facilities will not increase the TAC.
Stakeholder Feedback. Significant patient feedback has been sought for the orthopaedic service. Two patient studies have been completed to understand the impact of using video conferencing for new outpatient consultations. In addition a patient survey has been undertaken to seek general patient feedback about the service currently provided. As part of the feedback process patients were asked if they would be willing to be involved in shaping the future expansion of services at the GJF, the response has been overwhelmingly positive with lots of patients volunteering to get involved in the expansion project.