Project Logo. The CompBioMed logo has been designed to be clean, clear, and recognisable, with a strong image and style. The logo aims for simplicity while subtly hinting at CompBioMed’s mission of computational (represented by the classic ‘computer’ font) biomedical research (hinted at through the DNA representation) related to the human body (represented by a human figure). The logo is shown below:
Figure 1: The CompBioMed Logo (‘standard’ version)
Figure 2: The CompBioMed Logo ('header’ version)
Project Logo o The PROTECT logo is used on all communications (articles, project websites, presentations, flyers, press releases etc.). o In addition, the IMI, EU and EFPIA logos are also included on all communication products. o Project participants’ logos are used on PROTECT website and may be used on communication products (such as posters, presentations, etc.) where relevant participant significantly contributed to the communication product.
Project Logo. The Project Logo is the main graphic identity element and the key to build a successful graphic identity as well as an effective logotype. It will be used in all graphic material and documents related to the project. The logo has been designed as a part of WP7, considering three main aspects:
o a shape representing people that express participation, collaboration, in order to visualise strong connection with the aim of the project. ● Colour: Colours have been used to get a professional image. Main colours used are: blue and white. Blue communicates: calmness, friendliness, and is considered as a corporate colour. White communicates: calmness, balance, harmony. ● Font: The font communicates the idea of proximity to people. Three different versions of the Government 3.0 logo were designed by the University of the Aegean (Table 5): ● One comprising of only the graphic representation of the project. ● One in portrait layout containing the graphic representation with the full project title below the portrait. ● One in curved portrait layout containing the graphic representation and the full project title on the top of the portrait.
Project Logo. IYF & Funder logos The International Youth Foundation (IYF) in- vests in the extraordinary potential of young people. Founded in 1990, XXX builds and main- tains a worldwide community of businesses, governments, and civil-society organizations committed to empowering youth to be healthy, productive, and engaged citizens. IYF programs are catalysts of change that help young people obtain a quality education, gain employability skills, make healthy choices, and improve their communities. Facipit wismod te magna facing ex esto od- oloreros nit nullut lor sit ea con hendigna con et wis nosto et, sismolu msandre te molenisl irit nullaore dolorer ostrud tiscil ute dele- niatem quatem iliquismod deliquip ercin el dolent eum iustie tionum vel iuscip eu feugait adigna consecte vel
Project Logo. The project's publications and results that are distributed must carry the colMOOC project logo. The logo is available in various versions at colMOOC wiki. Description and link Image Colored Black-White Transparent
Project Logo. The project logo is designed to help the external audience to easily identify SINTEC and contributes to the project visibility by providing it a clear identity. The logo has been designed from the beginning of the project and shared with all the partners. Several versions of SINTEC logo were designed by WG in order to better clearly capture the nature and the aim of SINTEC project. The elaborated proposals have consequently passed on firstly to the Coordinator, UPPSALA team, and then to the broader consortium for online selection, before the final approval.
Figure 1 SINTEC logotype first version
Figure 1 SINTEC adopted logotype with project title Figure 2 – SINTEC logomark
Project Logo. Color Palette (3 Options), Memorandum, Report, PowerPoint, Flyer templates, Project Website using Social Pinpoint, Social Media Strategy
Project Logo. ENCO, as responsible of materials design, has developed a visual identity for SEEDS project, to support the partners to communicate more effectively with all target groups. For this purpose, an appropriate visual identity for the project has been developed. The idea is to make every project’s document, actuation, or communication completely identifiable having bigger impact and making trackable the storytelling and the evolution of the project. The logo cannot be used with different colours from the ones stated in this manual, proportions will never be altered and any use on coloured background should never alter its visibility.
Project Logo. Figure 13. NanoMICEX Logo
Project Logo. The strong visual identity is essential to a wide and effective dissemination of the project results. This is why a consistent and recognisable logo has been developed for BSB Eco Monitoring Project. It will be used across all products to guarantee a common look and feel and ensure consistency in the targets’ mind.