PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. The purpose of the insurance herein is to establish insurance for the cost of the cancellation of the airline ticket and extras contracted by the Insured Party from the webpage of VUELING together with the Multi- Causal Cancellation Insurance herein. The policy shall be governed in accordance with the general terms and conditions herein. The settlement of possible indemnity due to the cancellation of the journey contracted and insured shall be applied in Euro.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. 2 The purpose of the insurance contract is to compensate for damage to or destruction of the insured object and other separately listed expenses when caused by an insured event according to the Liiklus+ contract and Seesam’s general contract conditions, and accounting for exclusions.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. When the insured device is used in accordance with the intended use, the company guarantees the reimbursement of damage suffered by it as a result of one of the following events: Under this warranty, "accidental breakage" means any destruction or total or partial damage preventing the proper functioning of the insured device and resulting from an accidental cause from outside or from clumsiness, negligence or inexperience. Damage of internal origin to the insured device as a result of an electrical, electronic, etc. cause. This event is covered by the insurance in cases where the manufacturer's warranty no longer intervenes. Theft of the in sured device committed by forcing, degradation or destruction of any closure to a dwelling. Theft of the insured device preceded, accompanied or followed by violence or threats towards the insured. Theft of the insured device, with no threat or violence involved - device taken from a pocket, bag or garment of the insured.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. As a departure from any provisions to the contrary, the insurance cover is extended to the reimbursement of the net loss suffered by the Insured due to direct property damage, occurring in the period of cover specified in the certificate: - to real property hired by the Insured or falling under his direct responsibility, - to movables (material, machines, mobile or fixed constructions and structures) belonging to the Insured or supplied to him by the owners and /or the management of the premises the event is organised in and that would be hired or held by the Insured. This property is insured at the event venue or in the course of direct transportation, coming from or going to the aforementioned event venue. The indemnity shall never be higher than the market value of the property, after deduction of the deductible.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. As a departure from the provisions of paragraph c) of chapter II of the Special Agreement N° 1, the insurance cover is extended to the reimbursement of the net loss suffered by the Insured due to cancellation, total and permanent interruption or postponement of the insured event triggered by adverse weather conditions making it impossible to set up and/or organise the event, or requiring its total and permanent interruption because of the safety of the participants and/or the audience.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. Through the Assistor, the Insurer reimburses expenses for services, care, treatment and supplies that must be incurred in an emergency situation if the insured sustains an accident, comes down with a sudden and unexpected illness or dies while travelling. The Assistor provides insureds with travel assistance services upon request at any time and anywhere in the world. Eligible expenses and travel assistance services are described in the sections below. Eligible expenses are reimbursed according to the terms and conditions indicated in the Schedule of insurance. The insured is covered as of the trip departure date until the earlier of the following events:
a) The insured’s return to the province of residence
b) The expiry of the maximum coverage period set out in the Schedule of insurance. The above-mentioned maximum coverage period may be extended if an emergency situation continues to exist while the insured is receiving medical care. In this case, the coverage period continues for the duration of the insured’s hospitalization and up to 24 hours after discharge from the hospital.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. The purpose of the insurance is to secure the result of the insured business activity if and when a property damage causes a Loss of Profit (see article 7.1), subject however to the terms and conditions stipulated herein (TK01), in the general terms and conditions (ÜL) and in any special terms and conditions stated in the policy.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. This policy is a framework agreement. Its purpose is to set out the conditions for complementary coverage of medical expenses provided by the insurer to the individual insured persons who have incurred such expenses. Coverage is guaranteed provided the legal or regulatory coverage under the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme laid down in the Staff Regulations for civil servants of the European Communities or any other national or international social security scheme has already been processed in favour of the insured person. For the formula including accident cover, the additional coverage concerns all medical expenses relating to any medically established impairment of health, regardless of its cause, accidental or otherwise. For the formula excluding accident cover, coverage concerns all medical expenses relating to any medically established impairment of health, with the exception of those resulting from an accident. Coverage will not extend to illnesses existing at the time of affiliation or permanent disabilities, or any other pre-existing condition, unless the insurer has given express consent and on payment of an additional premium specified by the insurer. On production of a medical certificate attesting to recovery from the existing illness, normal terms and conditions of insurance will be reinstated and any additional premium initially applied in respect of the existing illness will be waived.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. The purpose of the insurance herein is to establish cover for the cancellation costs arising from the rental of holiday accommodation through the website of LLOGUERS I APARTAMENTS LITORAL which, in the general terms and conditions, is designated "Costs of prior cancellation of travel.” The policy shall operate in accordance with the general terms and conditions defined hereinafter. The settlement of possible indemnity due to the cancellation of travel booked and insured shall be applied to the total amount in Euro.
PURPOSE OF THE INSURANCE. The purpose of the contract herein is to establish insurance against the theft of personal money.