Record Keeping; Audit Rights Sample Clauses

Record Keeping; Audit Rights. GT agrees that it will maintain its books and records relating to the fees and other costs and expenses paid by Company under this Agreement for not less than five (5) years after they have been paid, and will, upon reasonable cause and notice, permit such books and records to be examined, at Company's expense, by an independent certified public accountant retained by Company reasonably acceptable to GT solely for the purpose of confirming the accuracy of such Fees, costs and expenses. As a condition to such examination, the independent public accountant will execute a written agreement, reasonably satisfactory in form and substance to GT, to maintain in confidence all information obtained during the course of the examination except for disclosure to Company and GT as necessary for the above purpose and will only conduct such examination during regular business hours. If errors of five percent (5%) or more are discovered as a result of such examination, GT shall reimburse Company for the expense of such examination and pay the difference immediately.
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Record Keeping; Audit Rights. CTI and its Affiliates (and licensees and sublicensees of the Product in the Territory) shall, consistent with GAAP and their respective internal financial control and reporting practices and procedures, keep and maintain for a period of three (3) years from the end of the applicable Calendar Year (except as otherwise provided herein) accounts and records of all data reasonably required to verify CTI’s reports under Section 5.3 and for the verification and calculation of the amounts to be paid to PharmaBio under this Agreement. To the extent that CTI or its Affiliates does not have the right to grant PharmaBio the right to audit its licensees’ and sublicensees’ books and records hereunder, CTI or its Affiliates shall obtain for itself such right and, at the request of the PharmaBio, CTI or its Affiliates shall exercise such audit right with respect to licensee or sublicensee using an auditor reasonably designated by PharmaBio and provide the results of such audit for inspection by PharmaBio pursuant to this Section 5.4. Upon reasonable advance notice, such records shall be made available for inspection and audit at CTI or its Affiliate’s place of business, as applicable, during normal business hours by an independent auditor appointed by PharmaBio and reasonably acceptable to CTI or its Affiliate, as applicable. Such an audit may be conducted once per annum during the Term (and during the Calendar Year thereafter) and solely for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the reports of CTI under Section 5.3 and payments made to PharmaBio under the Agreement. Such audits will be conducted under conditions which reasonably ensure the confidentiality of information provided to such independent auditor. Audits conducted under this Section 5.4 shall be at the expense of PharmaBio, unless such audit reveals an underpayment of more than seven and one-half percent (7.5%) for the period of the audit, in which case CTI shall reimburse PharmaBio, as described below, for the out-of-pocket costs of such audit, together with the amount of the underpayment plus interest as calculated in Section 5.10, all as described in this Section 5.4 below. All information learned from such audits and the reports provided pursuant to Section 5.4 shall be deemed Confidential Information of CTI. If the independent auditor’s report shows any underpayment by CTI, CTI will remit to PharmaBio within forty-five (45) days after CTI’s receipt of such report:
Record Keeping; Audit Rights. (a) For the Term and at least for a term of five (5) years thereafter, PIVOT shall maintain complete and accurate books and records of account, in accordance with GAAP, of all transactions and other business activities under this Agreement, sufficient to confirm (i) the accuracy of all reports furnished by PIVOT to SOLMIC under this Agreement, in particular of the Royalty Reports; and (ii) all payments paid or payable by PIVOT to SOLMIC under this Agreement, in particular under this Article 7.
Record Keeping; Audit Rights. Millennium, on behalf of itself and its parent, Millennium Biotechnologies Group, Inc. (“MBG”) shall each keep full and accurate records and accounts of all its activities in connection with this Agreement, including reasonable substantiation of all calculations used to determine payments to Ventiv for services provided and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the services to be rendered by Ventiv pursuant hereto. During the Term and for one (1) year thereafter, Ventiv may, upon three (3) days’ notice, review and copy Millennium and MBG’s books, records, documentation, materials, payroll records, systems, processes and accounting practices as they pertain to the services rendered by Ventiv to Millennium and MBG, the Original Loan Documents, this Agreement, all Gross Proceeds Payments (as defined in Exhibit C), all documentation used to determine and calculate same, and all information and documentation used to calculate gross annual unit volume (8.5 oz equivalents) of Resurgex. Millennium and MBG shall maintain such records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, if applicable, and in such a manner as may be audited. Millennium and MBG shall make such records, including all supporting documents, available for review and copying at its premises.
Record Keeping; Audit Rights 

Related to Record Keeping; Audit Rights

  • Audit Rights The Recipient shall, at all reasonable times, provide the Director access to a right to inspect all sites and facilities involved in the Project and access to and a right to examine or audit any and all books, documents and records, financial or otherwise, relating to the Project or to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. The Recipient shall maintain all such books, documents and records for a period of three (3) years after the termination of this Agreement, and such shall be kept in a common file to facilitate audits and inspections. All disbursements made pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to all audit requirements applicable to State funds. The Recipient shall ensure that a copy of any final report of audit prepared in connection with and specific to the Project, regardless of whether the report was prepared during the pendency of the Project or following its completion, is provided to the Director within ten (10) days of the issuance of the report. The Recipient simultaneously shall provide the Director with its detailed responses to each and every negative or adverse finding pertaining to the Project and contained in the report. Such responses shall indicate what steps will be taken by the Recipient in remedying or otherwise satisfactorily resolving each problem identified by any such finding. If the Recipient fails to comply with the requirements of this Section or fails to institute steps designated to remedy or otherwise satisfactorily resolve problems identified by negative audit findings, the Director may bar the Recipient from receiving further financial assistance under Chapter 164 of the Revised Code until the Recipient so complies or until the Recipient satisfactorily resolves such findings.

  • Audit Right In the event that within ninety (90) days after Tenant’s receipt of the Statement for the prior calendar year, Tenant reasonably believes that certain of the Operating Expenses charged by Landlord include costs that are not properly included within the term “Operating Expenses” or that Landlord has erred in calculating same, Tenant shall have the right to audit Landlord’s books and records in accordance with this subsection. Tenant shall exercise such audit right by providing Landlord with a written notice of Tenant’s exercise of such audit right within such 90-day period and a statement enumerating reasonably detailed reasons for Tenant’s objections to the Statement issued by Landlord (the “Audit Notice”). Upon the receipt by Landlord of an Audit Notice, Landlord shall instruct its property manager for the Building to meet with a designated employee of Tenant (the “Tenant Representative”) to discuss the objections set forth in the Audit Notice. Landlord shall provide the Tenant Representative with reasonable access to Landlord’s books and records at the property manager’s office relating to Operating Expenses for the calendar year in question in order to attempt to resolve the issues raised by Tenant in the Audit Notice. If, within thirty (30) days after Landlord’s receipt of the Audit Notice, Landlord and Tenant are unable to resolve Tenant’s objections, then not later than fifteen (15) days after the expiration of such 30-day period, Tenant may conduct the audit. Such audit shall be performed by an independent, reputable certified public accounting firm charging for its services on an hourly rate (and not a contingent fee) basis (“Acceptable Accountants”) for the purpose of inspecting and auditing Landlord’s books and records for the Building relating to the objections raised in Tenant’s Audit Notice. Prior to commencing such audit, the Acceptable Accountants and Tenant must enter into a confidentiality agreement whereby the Acceptable Accountants and Tenant agree to keep the results and findings of such audit confidential. Such audit shall be limited to a determination of whether or not Landlord calculated the Operating Expenses in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Lease. All costs and expenses of any such audit shall be paid by Tenant; provided, however, in the event it is ultimately determined that Landlord has overstated Operating Expenses by more than five percent (5%), then Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for Tenant’s reasonable, out-of-pocket cost of the audit (but in no event to exceed the lesser of the amount of the overcharge to Tenant or $2,000.00) plus the amount determined to have been overpaid by Tenant. Any audit performed pursuant to the terms of this subsection shall be conducted only by the Acceptable Accountants at the offices of Landlord’s property manager. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Tenant shall be entitled to exercise its audit right pursuant to this subsection only in strict accordance with the foregoing procedures no more often than once per calendar year and each such audit shall relate only to the calendar year most recently ended. In the event that Tenant fails to notify Landlord within the foregoing 90-day period that Tenant objects to the Statement, then Tenant’s right to audit such year’s Statement shall be null and void.

  • Record Keeping The Adviser will maintain records in a form acceptable to the Trust and in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, including but not limited to records required to be maintained by Section 31(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the rules thereunder, which at all times will be the property of the Trust and will be available for inspection and use by the Trust.

  • Books and Records; Inspection and Audit Rights Each of Holdings and the Borrower will, and will cause each Restricted Subsidiary to, maintain proper books of record and account in which entries that are full, true and correct in all material respects and are in conformity with GAAP consistently applied shall be made of all material financial transactions and matters involving the assets and business of Holdings, the Borrower or its Restricted Subsidiary, as the case may be. Each of Holdings and the Borrower will, and will cause each Restricted Subsidiary to, permit any representatives designated by the Administrative Agent or any Lender, upon reasonable prior notice, to visit and inspect its properties, to examine and make extracts from its books and records, and to discuss its affairs, finances and condition with its officers and independent accountants, all at such reasonable times and as often as reasonably requested; provided that, excluding any such visits and inspections during the continuation of an Event of Default, only the Administrative Agent on behalf of the Lenders may exercise visitation and inspection rights of the Administrative Agent and the Lenders under this Section 5.08 and the Administrative Agent shall not exercise such rights more often than two times during any calendar year absent the existence of an Event of Default and only one such time shall be at the Borrower’s expense; provided further that (a) when an Event of Default exists, the Administrative Agent or any Lender (or any of their respective representatives or independent contractors) may do any of the foregoing at the expense of the Borrower at any time during normal business hours and upon reasonable advance notice and (b) the Administrative Agent and the Lenders shall give Holdings and the Borrower the opportunity to participate in any discussions with Holdings’ or the Borrower’s independent public accountants.

  • Books and Records; Audits Licensee shall prepare and maintain, in such manner as will allow its accountants to audit same in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, complete and accurate books of account and records (specifically including without limitation the originals or copies of documents supporting entries in the books of account) in which accurate entries will be made covering all transactions, including advertising expenditures, arising out of or relating to this Agreement. Licensee shall keep separate general ledger accounts for such matters that do not include matters or sales related to this Agreement. Licensor and its duly authorized representatives shall have the right, for the duration of this Agreement and for one (1) year thereafter, during regular business hours and upon seven (7) business days advance notice (unless a shorter period is appropriate in the circumstances), to audit said books of account and records and examine all other documents and material in the possession or under the control of Licensee with respect to the subject matter and the terms of this Agreement, including, without limitation, invoices, credits and shipping documents, and to make copies of any and all of the above. All such books of account, records, documents and materials shall be kept available by Licensee for at least two (2) years after the end of the Annual Period to which they relate. If, as a result of any audit of Licensee's books and records, it is shown that Licensee's payments were less than the amount which should have been paid by an amount equal to *% or more of the payments actually made with respect to sales occurring during the period in question, Licensee shall reimburse Licensor for the cost of such audit and shall make all payments required to be made (along with accrued interest at the rate of *%)) to eliminate any discrepancy revealed by said audit within ten (10) days after Licensor's demand therefore.

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