Recording Changes. The Contractor shall record all changes and shall annotate a copy of the drawings to reflect the as-built condition as required in Paragraph above.
Recording Changes. The Design-Builder shall record all changes and shall annotate a copy of the drawings to reflect the as-built condition in order to produce, at Final Completion, the Marked-up Construction Documents required by Section 6, Part 4.
Recording Changes. The CM/GC shall record all changes and shall annotate a copy of the drawings to reflect the as-built condition in order to produce, at Final Completion, the Marked-up Construction Documents required by Section 6, Part 4.
Recording Changes. Changes shall be recorded in the official seniority list in the Human Resources Office, in the Association President's list, and in the list maintained on the District’s intranet.
Recording Changes. The CMR shall record all changes and shall annotate a copy of the drawings to reflect the as-built condition in order to produce, at Final Completion, the Marked-up Construction Documents required by Section 6, Part 4.