Regular Full-Time Employee A regular, full-time employee is one who is scheduled to work a minimum of forty (40) hours per week, on a regular basis.
Regular Full-Time Employees A regular full-time employee is one who works full-time on a regularly scheduled basis. Regular full-time employees accumulate seniority and are entitled to all benefits outlined in this Collective Agreement.
Regular Part-Time Employee A regular part-time employee is an employee hired to fill a posted part-time position and is regularly pre-scheduled to work.
Regular Part-Time Employees A regular part-time employee is one who works less than full-time on a regularly scheduled basis. Regular part-time employees accumulate seniority on an hourly basis and are entitled to all benefits outlined in this Collective Agreement. Regular part-time employees shall receive the same perquisites, on a proportionate basis, as granted regular full-time employees.
Full-Time Employee A full-time employee shall be an employee who is normally scheduled to work not less than forty (40) hours per week, consisting of five (5) eight (8) hour working days.
Full-Time Employees A full-time employee is one engaged as such and whose ordinary hours of work average 38-hours per week.
Regular Employee Seniority for a regular employee is defined as the length of the employee’s continuous employment (whether full-time or part-time) from the date of commencement of regular employment, plus any seniority accrued, while working as a casual employee of the Employer.
Full-Time Employment Employees who are employed on a full-time basis will work 38 ordinary hours each week or an average of 38 ordinary hours each week over a cycle of shifts.
Regular Part-Time A regular part-time employee is someone who has a regular schedule of work providing less than seventy (70) hours bi-weekly.
Part-Time Employee Part-time employee" means an employee who is normally scheduled to work fewer than 80 hours in a biweekly payroll period.