Rehabilitation Fund. The Employer shall contribute two cents ($0.02) per hour earned by all Employees covered by this Agreement to the B.C. Construction Industry Rehabilitation Fund, in accordance with the Employer's Monthly Remittance Report provided for in this Collective Agreement.
Rehabilitation Fund. 23.01 The Company agrees to contribute two (2) cents per hour to the Rehabilitation Fund for all hours worked by all employees. Payment of funds shall be made at the same time that the union dues are submitted, however, this payment will be independent and separate from any other payments made.
23.02 The Parties agree to adopt and abide by the provisions of the “Loblaw Companies Limited Alcohol and Drug Policy” for all work covered by this agreement.
Rehabilitation Fund. Two cents ($0.02) per hour for each and every hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the B.C. Construction Industry Rehabilitation Fund.
Rehabilitation Fund. The Employer shall contribute the amount indicated in Schedule "B" per hour worked by each employee to the Rehabilitation Fund. Teamsters Union Local 213 Agreement May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2019
Rehabilitation Fund. The employer commits to paying special 0.13% wages related fee, rehabilitation fee, of the same principal as for pension contributions, from 1 June 2008. In other respects reference is made to declarations of SA and ASÍ regarding the Rehabilitation fund from 17 February 2008.
Rehabilitation Fund. The Employer shall contribute the required amounts as noted in Appendix A. UA Local 170 - Part A- Common Terms May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2019
Rehabilitation Fund. The Employer shall contribute four cents ($0.04) for hour worked and deduct from each employee four cents ($0.04) for each hour worked for the B.C. Construction Industry Rehabilitation Fund in accordance with the Employer's Monthly Remittance Report.
Rehabilitation Fund. Where required by Applicable Law or prudent industry practice, the Management Committee will cause the Joint Venture to establish and fund from positive cash flow from Operations, a Rehabilitation Fund to be administered by the Service Provider.
Rehabilitation Fund. Effective March 1, 1996, the Company shall remit two cents (2¢) per hour, based on the total hours for which the employee receives remuneration.
Rehabilitation Fund. 8 .4 .1 Employers pay 0 .13%7 to XXXX-Work Rehabilitation Fund . 6 On 1 January 2014, the payment to the Vocational training fund went from 0.2% to 0.3%. 7 The payment to XXXX-Work Rehabilitation Fund shall be 0.1% in the years 2016 and 2017.