Release of Funds On the Redemption Date, the outstanding Note Balance of the Notes plus accrued and unpaid interest on the Notes will become due and payable and that interest on the Notes will cease to accrue from and after the Redemption Date, unless the Issuer fails to pay the Notes on the Redemption Date. On redemption, the Indenture Trustee will release the Collateral from the Lien of this Indenture and release to the Issuer or any other Person entitled to funds then in the Bank Accounts under this Indenture according to Section 8.4(c).
Use of Funding 4.1 Unless otherwise provided in this Schedule B, the HSP shall use all Funding allocated for a particular Envelope only for the use or uses set out in the Applicable Policy.
Reduction of Funding State must, by law, terminate this Contract if funds are not appropriated or otherwise made available to support State’s continuation of performance of this Contract in a subsequent fiscal period. (§ 18-4-313(4), MCA). If state or federal government funds are not appropriated or otherwise made available through the state budgeting process to support continued performance of this Contract (whether at an initial contract payment level or any contract increases to that initial level) in subsequent fiscal periods, State shall terminate this Contract as required by law. State shall provide Contractor the date State’s termination shall take effect. State shall not be liable to Contractor for any payment that would have been payable had the Contract not been terminated under this provision. As stated above, State shall be liable to Contractor only for the payment, or prorated portion of that payment, owed to Contractor up to the date State’s termination takes effect. This is Contractor’s sole remedy. State shall not be liable to Contractor for any other payments or damages arising from termination under this section, including but not limited to general, special, or consequential damages such as lost profits or revenues.
Source of Funding The County shall provide funding information to all sub-recipient/contractors for audit purposes, including the name of the program, the federal agency where the program originated, the CFDA number, and the percentages of federal, state, and local funds constituting the contract. A sub-recipient/contractor that is required to have a Single Audit based on 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F and the State Single Audit Guide is required to submit to Shawano a reporting package which includes the following:
Provision of Funding 3.1 In each Funding Year, Ontario Health shall advise the HSP of the amount of its Estimated Provincial Subsidy. The amount of the Estimated Provincial Subsidy shall be calculated on both a monthly basis and an annual basis and will be allocated among the Envelopes and other funding streams applicable to the HSP, including the CFS. nd 3.2 The Estimated Provincial Subsidy shall be provided to the HSP on a monthly basis in accordance with the monthly calculation described in 3.1 and otherwise in accordance with this Agreement. Payments will be made to the HSP on or about the twenty-second
Duplication of Funding If Grantee receives any funding that is duplicative of funding received under this Grant Agreement that cannot be used for new or expanded eligible grant activities, Grantee will notify the assigned contract manager as soon as possible. System Agency may issue an amendment modifying budget and/or project activities to eliminate duplication. Additionally, Grantee understands that duplicative funding that cannot be re-programmed to support new or expanded grant-funded activities within the program’s scope may be de-obligated from this Grant Agreement and returned to System Agency.
Limitation on Payment of Funding Despite section 4.1, the Funder: (a) will not provide any funds to the HSP until this Agreement is fully executed; (b) may pro-rate the funds identified in Schedule A to the date on which this Agreement is signed, if that date is after April 1; (c) will not provide any funds to the HSP until the HSP meets the insurance requirements described in section 10.4; (d) will not be required to continue to provide funds in the event the HSP breaches any of its obligations under this Agreement, until the breach is remedied to the Funder’s satisfaction; and (e) upon Notice to the HSP, may adjust the amount of funds it provides to the HSP in any Funding Year based upon the Funder’s assessment of the information contained in the Reports.
Conditions of Funding (a) The HSP will: fulfill all obligations in this Agreement; use the Funding only for the purpose of providing the Services in accordance with Applicable Law, Applicable Policy and the terms of this Agreement; spend the Funding only in accordance with the Service Plan; and plan for and achieve an Annual Balanced Budget. (b) The Funder may add such additional terms or conditions on the use of the Funding which it considers appropriate for the proper expenditure and management of the Funding. (c) All Funding is subject to all Applicable Law and Applicable Policy.
Loss of Funding Performance by Owner under this Agreement may be dependent upon the appropriation and allotment of funds by the Texas State Legislature (the “Legislature”). If the Legislature fails to appropriate or allot the necessary funds then Owner will issue written notice to Architect/Engineer and Owner may terminate this Agreement without further duty or obligation hereunder. Architect/Engineer acknowledges that appropriation of funds is beyond the control of Owner.
Acknowledgment of Funding Support (a) The HSP agrees all publications will include (1) an acknowledgment of the Funding provided by the LHIN and the Government of Ontario. Prior to including an acknowledgement in any publication, the HSP will obtain the LHIN’s approval of the form of acknowledgement. The LHIN may, at its discretion, decide that an acknowledgement is not necessary; and (2) a statement indicating that the views expressed in the publication are the views of the HSP and do not necessarily reflect those of the LHIN or the Government of Ontario. (b) The HSP shall not use any insignia or logo of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, including those of the LHIN, unless it has received the prior written permission of the LHIN to do so.