Reporting and Communication. The Administration contractors will report to the NSWRA President. The President will be the central point of contact for the committee. However there will also be other key communication requirements: For each event, the Administrator will need to liaise with the event co-ordinator about specific requirements for that event The webmaster maintains the NSWRA database and event administration system. The webmaster will provide software updates and support for the system. As part of each event, the Administrator will need to communicate with entrants. While most entrants require little by way of additional information or special attention, some will contact the Administrator about changes to their team, late entry, queries about results, etc. The Administrator will need to provide timely replies or forward emails to the NSWRA president/or event coordinator for follow-up. Most communication will be by email and it is important that the Administrator is accessible by email and able to respond on a timely basis. Many emails will require a response within 1-2 days.
Reporting and Communication. Recipients are expected to provide annual performance reports (every 12 months) throughout the period of performance. As described in the AMS General Terms and Conditions, performance reports must be formatted and submitted using the approved templates or guidance and be machine-readable. • The annual performance reports and SF-425 Federal Financial Reports are due annually (every 12 months), no later than 90 calendar days after each performance reports reporting period end date. • The final reports, including performance and financial, are due 120 days after the end of the agreement.
Reporting and Communication. The Administration contractor will report to the NSWRA President. The President will be the central point of contact for the committee. However there will also be other key communication requirements: • The principal point of contact for technical enquiries will be the Webmaster, who is currently Xxxxxx Xxxxxx. Graeme maintains the NSWRA database and event administration system. Graeme will provide software updates and support for the system, and can also meet with the Administrator to run through the operation of the event administration system • For each event, the Administrator will need to liaise with the event co-ordinator about specific requirements for that event • As part of each event, the Administrator will need to communicate with entrants. While most entrants require little by way of additional information or special attention, some will contact the Administrator about changes to their team, late entry, queries about results, etc. The Administrator will need to provide timely replies or forward emails to others for follow-up. Most communication will be by email and it is important that the Administrator is accessible by email and able to respond on a timely basis. Many emails will require a response within 1-2 days.
Reporting and Communication. 1. Develop a reporting structure and schedule for sharing M&E findings and recommendations with relevant stakeholders.
2. Ensure that reports are concise, clear, and provide actionable insights for decision-making.
3. Xxxxxx a culture of open communication and learning, encouraging feedback and suggestions from stakeholders.
Reporting and Communication. A. MLB shall provide reports to DETF regarding the progress of each phase at least monthly.
B. MLB shall channel all requests, reports and other communication in connection with this contract through DETF's designee(s).
C. MLB shall document ideas and issues raised in discussions and meetings.
Reporting and Communication. 7.1 Ministry's Reporting Obligations
a) Timely Updates on Projects: The ministry is required to consistently publish comprehensive and timely updates regarding all completed and ongoing projects. This includes detailed descriptions of the project's objectives, progress milestones, budget allocations, and anticipated outcomes. Regular updates should be made accessible to the public, preferably through the ministry's official website and other communication channels, ensuring that stakeholders are informed of the latest developments.
Reporting and Communication. The Supplier shall provide the Client with regular progress reports as agreed upon in the Service Description. The Supplier shall maintain open and effective communication with the Client, promptly informing them of any issues or delays that may impact the delivery of Services.
Reporting and Communication. The Service Provider shall, as it relates to the LSSi Facility and the provision of LSSi therefrom, report to the AESO in accordance with the ISO Tariff and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, provide, at any time and from time to time at the request of the AESO, all information, data and reports required to enable the AESO to calculate the Monthly Payments. For the duration of the Term, the Service Provider shall also maintain the communication requirements as set forth in the LSSi Requirements.
Reporting and Communication.
A. Consultation with the SHPO. Consultation affords the SHPO a reasonable opportunity to comment on undertakings and guides the DOE in making informed decisions. Consultations between the DOE and the SHPO are documented for the administrative record through letters on official letterhead. These may be transmitted via email or regular mail or they may be hand delivered to the SHPO, the DOE, and other consulting party offices.
Reporting and Communication. Under this Contract,