Reporting Requirement 2. Within 90 calendar days of OCR’s approval of the training material(s) and trainer(s), the District will provide OCR with documentation that demonstrates that the training has been completed. This documentation must include, minimally, the date(s) of the training, a list of all School staff, and a list of participants.
Reporting Requirement 2. 1 Reporting requirement 2.2
Reporting Requirement 2. 2 Agreement Item 3
Reporting Requirement 2. 2 Item 3
Reporting Requirement 2. By January 1, 2020, the College will provide OCR with a copy of its food allergies plan (described in Action Item 2) and documentation showing that the College has disseminated the plan by email to appropriate College staff and administrators, including the Designated Employee, and Dining Services managers and staff.
Reporting Requirement 2. By May 15, 2017, the School will submit a copy of the proposed changes to the training and draft memo OCR’s review and approval.
Reporting Requirement 2. By November 30, 2017, the College will provide for OCR’s review and approval a draft of the revised notice of non-discrimination.
Reporting Requirement 2. If Dallas ISD determines through its assessment that the male and female athletes at WTWHS are not receiving comparable benefits and opportunities with respect to the scheduling of games and practice times, Within 120 days following OCR’s approval of its Scheduling Plan, and by the same date thereafter on a yearly basis, the Dallas ISD will submit a report on its progress toward implementing the Scheduling Plan. The Dallas ISD will provide OCR with a final report no later than 2 years from the date of OCR’s approval of the Scheduling Plan, containing information that demonstrates that it is in compliance with the requirements of Title IX with regard to the equivalent provision of athletic benefits and services. All implementation reports will include appropriate evidence to demonstrate that the Scheduling Plan is being implemented.
Reporting Requirement 2. Within 15 days of OCR's approval, the District will issue the memorandum and provide documentation (e.g., email, etc.) demonstrating that it has been disseminated.
Reporting Requirement 2. Within 20 calendar days of the District receiving notice from OCR that the Memo is approved and no further reporting is required for Term 4 – Reporting Requirement 1, the District will disseminate the approved Memo to required staff and submit to OCR documentation showing that the Memo was disseminated as required.14 The District will promptly and fully address OCR’s feedback, if any, until OCR notifies the District that no further reporting is required for Reporting Requirement 2.