Reporting Requirement 1. By June 15, 2023 the University will provide OCR with a report regarding the training it provided pursuant to Action Item 1. The report will include a detailed description of the training; the training agenda; a copy of any visual aids used at the training and materials distributed; the date or dates the training was provided; the length of the training; the qualifications of the individual or individuals who provided the training; and a confirmation list of the University staff members who attended the training. The University will notify the Complainant in writing, via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested, of the following:
Reporting Requirement 1. By January 1, 2020, the College will submit its proposed revisions to the documents, policies, and webpages (described in Action Item 1(a)) to OCR for review and approval.
Reporting Requirement 1. By July 1, 2015, the University will provide OCR copies of documentation to show the removal of the balance on the Complainant’s account.
Reporting Requirement 1. By June 1, 2020, the District will submit to OCR for review and approval a draft of the letter offering the Student education services for the Student to compensate for the time the Student XXX XXX XXX. The District will promptly consider and respond to OCR’s feedback until OCR approves the letter.
Reporting Requirement 1. By March 1, 2020, the District will provide OCR with the results of the District's accessibility evaluation including copies of all checklists and detailed photographs showing the measurements taken which were used by the District during its evaluation. The District will also provide OCR with a copy of its Remediation Plan identifying each barrier to access found through the evaluation, describing how it will address each barrier to access as described above and the date by which each barrier to access will be removed. For each barrier, the District may: (1) remove it in a way that complies with the 2010 ADA Standards, (2) propose a timeframe for barrier removal for OCR's consideration, or (3) propose a timeframe for alternate means of providing equivalent facilitation (for new construction or alterations) or program access (for existing facilities).
Reporting Requirement 1. By November 1, 2017, the District will provide documentation that it provided the training identified in Action Item 1.a, including a copy of the training materials, lists of attendees (or other documentation showing who attended and/or received the training), and the name(s) and credentials of any trainer(s).
Reporting Requirement 1. By November 1, 2017, the District will submit its revised attendance policy, revised Section 504 manual, and revised bullying policy for OCR’s review and approval.
Reporting Requirement 1. By September 30, 2017, the District will submit the revised policies and procedures referenced in Action Item 1 to OCR for review and approval.
Reporting Requirement 1. Within 10 days of the date notice is sent to the Complainant of the option to re-take the Adult Cosmetology final practical exam, EVIT will provide OCR with a copy of the notice and means of delivery to the Complainant. By June 15, 2018, or earlier if available, EVIT will provide OCR documentation showing whether the Complainant retook the exam, and if so, will include documentation that the approved accommodations were provided.