Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator Sample Clauses

Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. 6.2.1 The Settlement Administrator will facilitate the notice process by assisting the Parties in the implementation of the Notice Plan, as well as CAFA Notice.
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. The Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for: (1) preparing and disseminating the Class Notice to Class Members by either email or U.S. Mail; (2) promptly and simultaneously copying counsel for all Parties on material correspondence and promptly and simultaneously notifying all counsel for the Parties of any material requests or communications made by any Party; (3) promptly and simultaneously furnishing to counsel for the Parties copies of any requests for exclusion, objections or other written or electronic communications from Class Members which the Settlement Administrator receives; (4) receiving and tracking the Opt-out Statements submitted by Class Members; (5) keeping track of requests for exclusion; (6) calculating distribution amounts to Class Members; and (7) providing a final report detailing the results of Merchandise Certificate distributions and participation to Defendant s Counsel.
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. Plaintiffs’ Counsel has retained the Settlement Administrator to help implement the terms of this Settlement Agreement. The Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for handling publication of the Class Notice and all notification duties imposed by Mo. R. Civ. P. 52.08(c)(2), establishment of the Settlement Website, the processing, review, payment, and all other activities relating to the administration of all Claims made by Claimants pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, as well as all other administrative tasks, including, without limitation: (a) arranging, as set forth in the Notice Plan (Exhibit D), for distribution of the Long-Form Class Notice (in the form set forth in Exhibit B), the Short Form Notice (in the form set forth in Exhibit C), and the Claim Forms (in the form set forth in Exhibit A) to Settlement Class Members using the most cost-effective means available; (b) making any mailings to Settlement Class Members required under the terms of this Settlement Agreement; (c) answering written inquiries from Settlement Class Members; (d) receiving and maintaining on behalf of the Court and the Parties any Settlement Class Member correspondence regarding Requests for Exclusion from the Settlement; (e) establishing the Settlement Website that posts the Class Notice and other notices, Claim Forms, and other related documents; (f) receiving, reviewing, approving, and otherwise processing Claims and distributing cash payments to Claimants; (g) communicating with and reporting to Plaintiffs’ Counsel and Defendants’ Counsel; and (h) otherwise assisting with implementation and administration of the terms of the Settlement Agreement.
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. The Settlement Administrator shall administer the Settlement in accordance with the Settlement Agreement and as approved by the Court, and shall do so in a cost-effective and timely manner. The Settlement Administrator shall maintain reasonably detailed records of its activities under this Agreement. The Settlement Administrator shall maintain all records as are required by applicable law in accordance with its normal business practices and such records shall be made available to counsel for the Parties upon request. Without limiting any of its other obligations as stated herein, the Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for the implementation and effectuation of Class Notice; establishing and maintaining the Settlement Website; receiving and maintaining on behalf of the Court any correspondence regarding requests for exclusion and/or objections to the Settlement; distributing the Settlement Fund to Settlement Class Members who submit valid Claim Forms; paying Court- approved Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses, and Service Award; and providing all other related support, reporting, and administration as further stated in this Agreement. The Parties may direct the Settlement Administrator to assist with various additional administrative tasks in implementing the Settlement as the Parties deem appropriate.
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. The Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for preparing, printing, and mailing the Notice to the Putative Class Members; keeping track of any objections or requests for exclusion from Class Members; performing skip traces and remailing Notices and Individual Settlement Shares to Class Members; calculating any and all payroll tax deductions as required by law; calculating each Class Member’s Individual Settlement Share; providing weekly status reports to Defendant’s Counsel and Class Counsel, which is to include updates on any objections or requests for exclusion that have been received; providing a due diligence declaration for submission to the Court prior to the Final Approval hearing; mailing Individual Settlement Shares to Participating Class Members; calculating and mailing the PAGA Payment to the LWDA; distributing the Attorney Fee Award and Cost Award to Class Counsel; printing and providing Class Members and Plaintiffs with W-2s and 1099 forms as required under this Agreement and applicable law; providing a due diligence declaration for submission to the Court upon the completion of the Settlement; providing any funds remaining in the QSF as a result of uncashed checks to the Cy Pres Beneficiary, in the amounts directed per this Settlement, including the administration of related tax reimbursements; and for such other tasks as the Parties mutually agree.
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. The Settlement Administrator will help implement the terms of this Settlement Agreement and the
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. The Settlement Administrator will help implement the terms of this Stipulation of Settlement. The Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for administrative tasks, including, without limitation, (a) arranging, as set forth in this Section and in the Preliminary Approval Order, for distribution of Class Notice (in the form approved by the Court) and Claims Forms (in the form approved by the Court) to Settlement Class Members,
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. The Settlement Administrator will help implement the terms of this Stipulation of Settlement. The Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for administrative tasks, including, without limitation, (a) arranging, as set forth in this Section and in the Preliminary Approval Order, for distribution of Class Notice (in the form approved by the Court) and Claims Forms (in the form approved by the Court) to Settlement Class Members, (b) answering inquiries from Settlement Class Members and/or forwarding such written inquiries to Class Counsel or their designee, (c) receiving and maintaining on behalf of the Court and the Parties any Settlement Class Member correspondence regarding Requests for Exclusion from the Settlement Agreement, (d) posting notices on the Settlement Website, Claim Forms, and other related documents, (e) receiving and processing claims and distributing cash payments to Settlement Class Members, and (f) otherwise assisting with implementation and administration of the Settlement Agreement terms.
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. The Parties will retain JND Legal Administration to help implement the terms of the proposed Settlement Agreement. The Settlement Administrator will be responsible for administrative tasks, including, without limitation, (a) arranging, as set forth in the Notice Plan, for distribution of Class Notice (in the form approved by the Court), distribution of CAFA Notice, and Claim Forms (in a form approved by the Court) to Settlement Class Members, (b) answering inquiries from Settlement Class Members and/or forwarding such written inquiries to Class Counsel or their designee, (c) receiving and maintaining on behalf of the Court and the Parties any Settlement Class Member
Responsibilities of Settlement Administrator. Defendant’s Counsel has retained the Settlement Administrator to help implement the terms of this Settlement Agreement. The Settlement Administrator shall be responsible for handling publication of the Class Notice and all notification duties imposed by Xx. R. Civ. P. 52.08(c)(2), establishment of the Settlement Website and all other administrative tasks, including, without limitation: (a) arranging, as set forth in the Notice Plan (Exhibit A), for distribution of the Long-Form Class Notice (in the form set forth in Exhibit B) and the Short Form Notice (in the form set forth in Exhibit C); (b) answering written inquiries from Settlement Class Members; (c) receiving and maintaining on behalf of the Court and the Parties any Settlement Class Member correspondence regarding Requests for Exclusion from or Objections to the Settlement; (d) establishing the Settlement Website that posts the Class Notice and other documents; (e) communicating with and reporting to Plaintiff’s Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel; and (f) otherwise assisting with implementation and administration of the terms of the Settlement Agreement.