Safety Promotion Program a) District Safety Committee
1) The Union president or his/her designee shall be appointed as a member of the District Safety Committee.
2) At least one (1) member of the District Safety Committee shall be an SRP.
3) When meetings are held during duty hours, SRP committee members will be released without charge to Sick or Vacation Leave.
Safety Promotion Program a) District Safety Committee
1) The Union president or his/her designee will be appointed as a member of the District Safety Committee.
2) At least one member of the committee shall be a teacher. The teacher(s) on the District committee shall be selected from the lists of teachers who serve on worksite committees.
3) When meetings are held during duty hours, teacher committee members will be released without charge to sick or vacation leave.
b) Worksite Safety Committee
1) At least one member of the Worksite Safety Committee shall be a teacher at the worksite.
2) When meetings are held during duty hours, teacher committee members will be released without charge to sick or vacation leave.