Salary/Wages Grantee shall list personnel involved, position classification, direct salary rates, and hours spent on the Project in accordance with Attachment 3, Grant Work Plan in their documentation for reimbursement or match requirements.
Overtime-Eligible Employees Employees who are covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.
Salary Benefits and Bonus Compensation 3.1 BASE SALARY. Effective July 1, 2000, as payment for the services to be rendered by the Employee as provided in Section 1 and subject to the terms and conditions of Section 2, the Employer agrees to pay to the Employee a "Base Salary" at the rate of $180,000 per annum, payable in equal bi-weekly installments. The Base Salary for each calendar year (or proration thereof) beginning January 1, 2001 shall be determined by the Board of Directors of Avocent Corporation upon a recommendation of the Compensation Committee of Avocent Corporation (the "Compensation Committee"), which shall authorize an increase in the Employee's Base Salary in an amount which, at a minimum, shall be equal to the cumulative cost-of-living increment on the Base Salary as reported in the "Consumer Price Index, Huntsville, Alabama, All Items," published by the U.S. Department of Labor (using July 1, 2000, as the base date for computation prorated for any partial year). The Employee's Base Salary shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and the Compensation Committee of Avocent Corporation.
Salary and Wages Except in the case of a Permitted Termination or Furlough, the Recipient shall not, between the date of this Agreement and March 31, 2021, reduce, without the Employee’s consent, (A) the pay rate of any Employee earning a Salary, or (B) the pay rate of any Employee earning Wages.
Salary and Bonus Awards of stock, stock options, and stock appreciation rights. Use the dollar amount recognized for financial statement reporting purposes with respect to the fiscal year in accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 (Revised 2004) (FAS 123R), Shared Based Payments.
Salary Progression 1. For the purposes of determining annual progression from one step to the next, each teacher’s performance will be assessed annually against the appropriate professional standards. 2. When setting performance expectations and development objective(s) with individual teachers for the coming year, the appropriate professional standards against which the teacher is to be assessed should be confirmed between the teacher and the employer. 3. For each teacher to progress annually to their next salary step they will need to demonstrate that they meet the appropriate professional standards.
Salary Scale The salary scale applicable to Employees shall be set out hereinafter in the Wage Schedule.
Salary Range The 20 20 - 2 0 2 1 salary range for returning teachers is $39,000 to $75,846. The 2021-2022 salary range for returning teachers is $40,500-$77,392. At the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, the salaries of returning full-time teachers were between $40,000 and $79,346.
Separation Compensation In exchange for your agreement to the general release and waiver of claims and covenant not to sue set forth below and your other promises herein, the Company agrees to provide you with the following:
Extra Compensation The Board shall pay no fees, other than described above, to the PA/E unless authorized by the Board as follows: A. If the scope of the Project or site is changed, the Board and the PA/E shall negotiate a reasonable fee based upon the probable estimated construction cost in changing the scope of the work and the approximate percentage of the estimated construction cost which was used to negotiate this Agreement if, and, as such may be applicable. B. If the DOE or Board requires the PA/E to make major or costly changes to the Schematic, Preliminary or Construction Document Phase submittals, which changes are not caused by architectural or engineering error or oversight, the PA/E shall be paid to redesign for additional expenses in an amount agreed to by the parties. Under no circumstances will the principals of the PA/E and the principals of his consultants be paid a fee in excess of $125 per hour.