Screening Failure Sample Clauses

Screening Failure. All Screening failures will be paid to the Payee. The single screening failure will be reimbursed for all procedures conducted up to the point of the screen failure, according to the rates outlined in the attached Detailed Budget – Conditional Fees. Payee will not be reimbursed for any procedures conducted on a Subject that was ineligible based on historical or known data, such as in medical notes, that should have prevented the Subject from being screened. A screening failure is considered a Subject who signs the informed consent form and completes screening but fails under inclusion/exclusion criteria and will not be randomized to the maintenance phase. Payment to Payee will be made upon receipt of the corresponding invoice.
Screening Failure. Reimbursement for screen failures will be at the amount indicated on the screening visit of the attached budget, not to exceed ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒. To be eligible for reimbursement of screening visit, completed screening CRF pages must be submitted to Quintiles and any additional information, which may be requested by Quintiles to appropriately document the subject screening procedures.
Screening Failure. TFS, on behalf of Sponsor, agrees to pay Subject care costs for all screen failures, on a pro- rated basis based upon the number of procedures completed by Provider prior to Subject withdrawal up to , upon TFS’s receipt of correct, itemized invoices from Provider, TFS, on behalf of SPONSOR, will pay for screen failures upon Sponsor approval. NEÚSPĚŠNÝ VÝSLEDEK SKRÍNINKU:TFS se jménem zadavatele zavazuje uhradit náklady na zdravotní péči o subjekty, u všech neúspěšných skríninků. Odměna bude vyplácena poměrnou částkou dle skutečného počtu vyšetření provedených subjektu hodnocení poskytovatelem před jeho vyřazením z klinického hodnocení. Maximální výše odměny za neúspěšný skrínink je Tato odměna bude uhrazena po té, co TFS obdrží řádnou položkovou fakturu od poskytovatele, TFS vyplatí jménem zadavatele odměnu za neúspěšné skríninky pouze po schválení zadavatele. SUBJECT MEAL & TRAVEL FEES: TFS on behalf of Sponsor shall CESTOVNÉ A STRAVNÉ SUBJEKTŮ:Společnost TFS jménem zadavatele reimburse the Provider for reasonable expenses of trial subjects (meals, travel expenses) incurring for their participation in Study in a maximum amount of . The reimbursement of these fees will be done by TFS, on behalf of Sponsor, to Provider. Investigator on behalf of Provider will forward such amounts to each subject. uhradí poskytovateli přiměřenou kompenzaci nákladů na výdaje, které subjektům hodnocení vzniknou v souvislosti s jejich účastí v klinickém hodnocení, a to v maximální . TFS, jménem zadavatele, bude zodpovědné za úhradu těchto nákladů poskytovateli. Zkoušející, jménem poskytovatele předá tyto úhrady každému subjektu. IMAGING In case imaging the following additional payment will be made: ZOBRAZOVACÍ METODY V případě vyšetření pomocí zobrazovacích metod, bude za tato vyšetření vyplácena následující odměna: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX 4. Pro-Rata Payments: 4. Poměrné platby
Screening Failure. Reimbursement for screen failures will be at the amount - indicated on the visit of the attached budget table, Jednorázový nevratný poplatek za uzavření dodatku ve výši bude Poskytovateli uhrazen po zaslání faktury. Faktura bude vystavena po podpisu dodatku.
Screening Failure. A Screen Failure is defined as a Trial Subject who had met all eligibility requirements for participation in the Trial according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria specified by the Protocol, but who was ultimately deemed ineligible to participate in the Trial based upon the results of labs or other procedures which were re- ceived prior to randomization. Reimbursement will not be made for Trial Subjects incorrectly randomized. CRO will reimburse Payee at the amount indicated in the screening visit(s) of the attached budget, for con- firmed screen failures over the duration of the Trial. Completed screening data entry must be submitted to the CRO along with any additional information, which may be requested by the CRO to appropriately document the Trial Subject screening procedures. To be eligible for reimbursement of a screening visit specific screening information needs to be entered into the Interactive Response System “IxRS” along with any additional information, which may be requested by the CRO to appropriately document the Trial Subject screening procedures.
Screening Failure. A Subject may complete only Part 1, both Parts 1 and 2 or only Part 2 of the screening visits. Reimbursement for screen failures for Subject completing both Parts 1 and 2 will be at the Jakékoli náklady a výdaje, které vzniknou Zdravotnickému zařízení v souvislosti s plněním této Smlouvy a které nejsou výslovně označeny jako proplatitelné ze strany Quintiles či Zadavatele na základě této Smlouvy (včetně její části Rozpočet a Platební přehled), půjdou plně k tíži Zdravotnického zařízení.

Related to Screening Failure

  • Random Testing Notwithstanding any provisions of the Collective Agreement or any special agreements appended thereto, section 4.6 of the Canadian Model will not be applied by agreement. If applied to a worker dispatched by the Union, it will be applied or deemed to be applied unilaterally by the Employer. The Union retains the right to grieve the legality of any imposition of random testing in accordance with the Grievance Procedure set out in this Collective Agreement.

  • Random Drug Testing All employees covered by this Agreement shall be subject to random drug testing in accordance with Appendix D.

  • Inspection/Testing In order to assess Supplier’s work quality and/or compliance with this Order, upon reasonable notice by Buyer: (a) all goods, materials and services related to the items purchased hereunder, including, raw materials, components, assemblies, work in process, tools and end products shall be subject to inspection and testing by Buyer, its customer, representative or regulatory authorities at all places, including sites where the goods are made or located or the services are performed, whether at Supplier’s premises or elsewhere; and (b) all of Supplier’s facilities, books and records relating to this Order shall be subject to inspection by Buyer or its designee. If specific Buyer and/or Buyer’s customer tests, inspection and/or witness points are included in this Order, the goods shall not be shipped without an inspector’s release or a written waiver of test/inspection/witness with respect to each such point; however, Buyer shall not be permitted to unreasonably delay shipment; and Supplier shall notify Buyer in writing at least twenty (20) days prior to each of Supplier’s scheduled final and, if applicable, intermediate test/inspection/witness points. Supplier agrees to cooperate with such/audit inspection including, completing and returning questionnaires and making available its knowledgeable representatives. Buyer’s failure to inspect or test goods, materials or services or Buyer’s failure to reject or detect defects by inspection or testing shall not relieve Supplier from its warranty obligations or any of its other obligations or responsibilities under this Order. Supplier agrees to provide small business as well as minority and/or women owned business utilization and demographic data upon request.

  • Opening hours The restaurant must inform Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd of its hours of operation (the “Opening Hours”), and of any changes to such Opening Hours. If the hours of operation are stated on the menu, Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd shall be entitles to treat these as the Opening Hours unless the Restaurant informs Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd otherwise.

  • ODUF Testing 6.6.1 Upon request from TWTC, AT&T shall send ODUF test files to TWTC. The Parties agree to review and discuss the ODUF file content and/or format. For testing of usage results, AT&T shall request that TWTC set up a production (live) file. The live test may consist of TWTC’s employees making test calls for the types of services TWTC requests on ODUF. These test calls are logged by TWTC, and the logs are provided to AT&T. These logs will be used to verify the files. Testing will be completed within thirty (30) days from the date on which the initial test file was sent.

  • Statistical Sampling Documentation a. A copy of the printout of the random numbers generated by the “Random Numbers” function of the statistical sampling software used by the IRO.‌ b. A description or identification of the statistical sampling software package used by the IRO.‌

  • Laboratory Testing All laboratories selected by UPS Freight for analyzing Controlled Substances Testing will be HHS certified.

  • Alcohol Testing Alcohol testing will be conducted by using an evidential breath testing device (EBT) approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Non-EBT devices may be used for initial screening tests. A screening test will be conducted first. If the result is an alcohol concentration level of less than 0.02, the test is considered a negative test. If the alcohol concentration level is 0.02 or more, a second confirmation test will be conducted. Levels of .04 or greater on the confirmation test will be considered positive.

  • Stability Testing Patheon shall conduct stability testing on the Products in accordance with the protocols set out in the Specifications for the separate fees specified in Schedule C. Patheon shall not make any changes to these testing protocols without prior written approval from the Client. In the event that any batch of Products fails stability testing, Patheon and the Client shall jointly determine the proceedings and methods to be undertaken to investigate the causes of such failure, including which party shall bear the cost of such investigation, provided that Patheon shall not be liable for any such costs unless there has been a failure by it to provide the Manufacturing Services in accordance with the Specifications and cGMPs. Patheon will provide any and all data and results relating to the stability testing upon request by the Client.

  • Drug Testing (A) The state and the PBA agree to drug testing of employees in accordance with section 112.0455, F.S., the Drug-Free Workplace Act. (B) All classes covered by this Agreement are designated special risk classes for drug testing purposes. Special risk means employees who are required as a condition of employment to be certified under Chapter 633 or Chapter 943, F.S. (C) An employee shall have the right to grieve any disciplinary action taken under section 112.0455, the Drug-Free Workplace Act, subject to the limitations on the grievability of disciplinary actions in Article 10. If an employee is not disciplined but is denied a demotion, reassignment, or promotion as a result of a positive confirmed drug test, the employee shall have the right to grieve such action in accordance with Article 6.