Screen Failures definition
Screen Failures. Screened study patients who, following the Protocol screening period, did not fulfil Protocol Eligibility criteria that allowed them to be randomised in the IVRS or patients who, following the Protocol screening period decided not to participate further in the study and withdrew their consent prior to being randomised in the IVRS/IWRS. A maximum of 2 screen failures will be paid.
Screen Failures. A “Screen Failure” is a consented subject who fails to meet the screening visit criteria and is thus not eligible for enrollment into the Study. Screen Failures will be reimbursed as outlined in Exhibit 1 and must be invoiced for payment. Neúspěšný screening: „Neúspěšný screening“ představuje subjekt, který podepsal souhlas a nesplňuje kritéria screeningové návštěvy, a tudíž není způsobilý k zařazení do studie. Odměny za neúspěšný screening budou hrazeny, jak je stanoveno v příloze č. 1, a musí být fakturovány k proplacení.
Screen Failures. A “Screen Failure” is a consented subject who fails to meet the screening visit criteria and is thus not eligible for enrollment into the Study. Screen Failures will be reimbursed as outlined in Exhibit 1 and must be invoiced for payment.
Examples of Screen Failures in a sentence
For each payment, including any Screen Failures (as defined below) that may be payable under the terms of this Agreement, Payee will be paid the total amount earned, less 10%, for the Final Payment (hereinafter defined).
Screen Failures will be reimbursed, if at all, as outlined in Attachment B.
Screen Failures will be reimbursed, if at all, as outlined in Attachment B (Financial Arrangements Worksheet).
To receive payment for Screen Failures, the Screening CRFs must be completed.
The Trial Site will receive payment per Screen Failure for an initial [X] Screen Failures.
More Definitions of Screen Failures
Screen Failures. For purposes of this Agreement, a “Screen Failure” shall mean any patient, who initially appears to meet the criteria for screening, signs a Consent Document, undergoes screening procedures but does not randomize into the Study. The maximum number of Screen Failures for which the Institution will be reimbursed is 20% of the total randomized subjects. (For example only, if 20 subjects are randomized at the Institution, the maximum number of reimbursable screen failures is 4). Investigator will receive payment for reimbursable Screen Failures quarterly based upon the receipt of correct and itemized invoices received during the preceding quarter together with appropriate documentation.
Screen Failures. The Payee will be reimbursed for each Screen Failure per the Tables of Payments below up to a maximum of two Screen Failures for every three Clinical Study subjects enrolled. For purposes of this Agreement, a Screen Failure shall mean any patient, who initially appears to meet the criteria for screening, signs the informed consent form, completes the screening visit but is not enrolled into the Clinical Study. Payment for Screen Failures will be payable to the above listed Payee based upon the receipt of correct and itemized invoices.” Is replaced by the following new wording: „Screen Failures: In every invoicing period, the Payee will be reimbursed for each Screen Failure in the amount of 100% of the amount of the first visit as per the Tables of Payments below. For purposes of this Agreement, a Screen Failure means any patient, who meets the criteria for screening as shown in the Pre-screening Checklist, as set out in Appendix No. 1 (“Pre-Screening Checklist”) attached to this Amendment No.1, signs the informed consent form, completes the screening visit but is not enrolled into the Clinical Study. Payment for Screen Failures will be payable to the above listed Payee based upon the receipt of correct and itemized invoices. The Payee shall be reimbursed for all Screen Failures which occurred since the beginning of the Clinical Study.” The Payee shall be reimbursed for all Screen Failures which occurred since the beginning of the
Screen Failures. Screen Failures are defined as screened Study patients who, following the Protocol screening requirements, did not fulfil inclusion and exclusion criteria and were deemed ineligible to participate in the Study based on the results from Protocol required procedures and/or assessments prior to receiving their first dose of Study drug. 1. DEFINICE (pokud není definováno v protokolu jinak): (a) „Hodnotitelný pacient“ – pacient ve studii, který prošel screeningem a byl zařazen do studie v souladu s protokolem, xxxxxx alespoň jednu dávku hodnoceného přípravku a dodržoval postupy vyžadované protokolem. Do této skupiny patří i pacienti ve studii, jejichž účast byla ukončena z důvodu nežádoucí příhody nebo z jiného důvodu, za který nezodpovídají poskytovatel ani zkoušející, nebo pacienti, jejichž účast skončila v důsledku úmrtí během studie. (b) „Neúspěchy ve screeningu“ – neúspěchy ve screeningu jsou definovány jako pacienti, kteří podstoupili screening pro studii a po screeningových požadavcích protokolu nesplňují kritéria pro zařazení a podmínky pro vyloučení a nepovažují se za způsobilé pro účast ve studii na základě výsledků postupů a/nebo vyšetření vyžadovaných protokolem, které se provádějí před podáním první dávky hodnoceného přípravku.
2. Payment Per Visit (a) Institution and Investigator understand and agree that the terms and amounts mentioned in this Exhibit B, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 cover any and all fees to Institution and Investigator, including any costs which are to be allocated by Institution or Investigator to any other involved department or Research Staff for costs and expenses incurred in performance of the Study. (b) Major, disqualifying Protocol violations will not be payable under this Agreement or through any terms set forth within Exhibit B, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.
Screen Failures. [____]. Sponsor written approval is required for any additional payment of Screen Failures. For purposes of this Agreement, a Screen Failure shall mean any Study participant, who initially appears to meet the criteria for pre-screening, signs the informed consent form, completes the screening visit but who does not randomize into the Study. Payment for Screen Failures will be payable based on data entered into the Study participant eCRF system, and upon the receipt and verification of such data by CRO. Administrative Start-Up Fee: [____] will be payable to the Institution upon execution of this Agreement, receipt of IRB approval, completion of all regulatory documents and Site Initiation Visit (“SIV”), and upon the receipt, verification and processing of an undisputed invoice by CRO.
Screen Failures. A “Screen Failure” is a consented subject who fails to meet the screening visit criteria and is thus not eligible for enrollment into the Study. Screen Failures will be reimbursed as outlined in Exhibit 1. To receive payment for Screen Failures, the Screening CRFs must be completed. Institution shall request payment for each Screen Failure in accordance with Section 11 (Invoices & Payments), specifying the candidate’s screening number (or other unique identifier) and the date of the Screen Failure. 274176 C3601008 CZE 1040 INST PI CSA Xxxxxxxx Bilingual 1.0
Screen Failures. Screen Failures are defined as screened Study patients who, following the Protocol screening requirements, did not fulfil inclusion and exclusion criteria and were deemed ineligible to participate in the Study based on the results from Protocol required procedures and/or assessments prior to receiving their first dose of Study drug. 2. Payment Per Visit (a) Provider of healthcare services and Investigator understand and agree that the terms and amounts mentioned in this Exhibit B and its Appendix(ces) cover any and all fees to Provider of healthcare services and Investigator, including any costs which are to be allocated by Provider of healthcare services or Investigator to any other involved department or Research Staff for costs and expenses incurred in performance of the Study.
Screen Failures. A “Screen Failure” is a consented subject who fails to meet the screening visit criteria and is thus not eligible for enrollment into the Study. Screen Failures will be reimbursed as outlined in Exhibit 1. To receive payment for Screen Failures, the Screening CRFs must be completed. Institution shall request payment for each Screen Failure in accordance with Section 12 (Invoices & Payments), specifying the candidate’s screening number (or other unique identifier) za každý subjekt, který neprošel screeningem, v souladu s odstavcem 12 (Faktury a platby) a uvede při tom screeningové číslo kandidáta (nebo jiný jedinečný identifikační údaj) a datum neúspěšného screeningu. and the date of the Screen Failure.