Self-Monitoring. CONTRACTOR shall continually conduct self-monitoring utilizing a comprehensive self-monitoring plan providing for both Facility-level self-monitoring and corporate-level self-monitoring. CONTRACTOR shall designate an employee as the staff member responsible for continuous self- monitoring of the Facility. CONTRACTOR shall provide access to all self- monitoring to the On-Site Contract Monitor.
Self-Monitoring. If the System you have subscribed is Self-Monitored, you acknowledge that Bell or any other third party will not monitor your premises, nor will any signal from your premises register at our monitoring station. You understand and acknowledge that that this means Bell or any other third party will not contact or dispatch emergency responders to your premises in connection with any System notification, or emergency event.
Self-Monitoring. The Consultant undertakes to establish the necessary and usual framework and procedures to ensure the quality of the agreed tasks. The Consultant must establish necessary and relevant self-monitoring pro- cedures which in a detailed way internally in the Consultant’s organisation and with any subcontractors aim to ensure that tasks are delivered cor- rectly in accordance with the requirements of the Contract in this regard. MFA intends to follow up on the quality of the Consultant’s work. The Consultant is under a duty – at MFA’s written request – to submit documentation to the effect that the Consultant and any subcontractors comply with the agreed self-monitoring procedures.
Self-Monitoring. All participants agree to improve their self-monitoring efforts by actively utilizing the TBMP Internal Observation Form to directly contact a company who may not be observing the TBMP guidelines. These actions honor the spirit of TBMP and ultimately help all companies reduce tourism impacts in the community.
Self-Monitoring. The District will develop a written description (Self-Monitoring Report) of how the District will annually evaluate, based on data collected, the adequacy of the District's efforts to meaningfully communicate with LEP parents/guardians of students with disabilities, including through:
Self-Monitoring. A description of how the District will annually evaluate, based on data collected, the adequacy of the District’s efforts to meaningfully communicate with LEP parents/guardians of students with disabilities, including through:
1. Logs of parent and staff requests for translation and interpretation services maintained by the District and school sites for special education related activities. The logs will include:
a. The date of the request
b. The nature of the request
c. The language for which the request was made.
d. The name of the individual who provided the service and whether he she was qualified to do so.
e. The source of the interpreter/translator (e.g. District translation unit, school site employee, vendor).
f. The date the service or document was provided.
2. A service log for each District level interpreter and translator that includes the date, site, and nature of the service provided.
3. Maintenance of records of LEP parent/guardian complaints regarding interpretation and translation services by language group and type of problem (e.g. timeliness or competency).
4. A description of how the District will review the logs and take other steps to monitor schools to ensure that they engage in effective communication with LEP parents/guardians.
Self-Monitoring. Describe how the county is monitoring itself for compliance with civil rights laws and regulations, addressing the following:
1. Identify any barriers to civil rights compliance that were encountered in the past year.
2. Identify any problems encountered in the last year and describe how they were resolved.
3. Describe any policies and procedures that are going to be or have been implemented to ensure that problems do not recur.
Self-Monitoring. During the Start-Up Period, Contractor shall develop and submit to MHJFB for its approval a detail plan illustrating how Contractor intends to monitor operations of the Facility to ensure compliance with this Agreement.
Self-Monitoring. For Alarm Devices that are to be subject to Self Monitoring, the Customer is responsible for setting details of its selected responders (including instructions for dealing with an alarm call from the device) in the Protector Alarms Software and for those responders receiving an alarm call initiated from the Alarm Device and taking the Customer’s required action.
Self-Monitoring. If the System you have subscribed is Self-Monitored, you acknowledge that Xxxx or any other third party will not monitor your premises, nor will any signal from your premises register at our monitoring station. You understand and acknowledge that that this means Xxxx or any other third party will not contact or dispatch emergency responders to your premises in connection with any System notification, or emergency event.