Monitoring Report means the re- port containing economic information that must be filed at defined intervals with regard to certain agreements that are effective under the Act.
Monitoring Report. Means an annual report to be provided by Owner setting out the total number of Emission Reductions generated by the Project during the previous year according to the Kyoto Rules, international Monitoring rules and the PDD.
Monitoring Report means the document that records data to allow the assessment of the Reductions generated by the Project during a given time period in accordance with the monitoring plan set out in the Project Description, covering the Reductions generated from [DAY-MONTH-YEAR to DAY-MONTH-YEAR];
Examples of Monitoring Report in a sentence
NC PHP Claims Monitoring Report Monthly summary of claims that have been received, paid, pended, rejected, denied, accepted, and deemed clean by professional, institutional, and pharmacy.
PCP Operational Monitoring Report Report to gather data related to PCP assignment, provider panel and demographics, and ongoing assignment activities to facilitate the Department's monitoring efforts.
More Definitions of Monitoring Report
Monitoring Report means a report prepared by the [Owner/Developer] based on the effectiveness of the Full Travel Plan its progress and any changes as a result of travel survey findings to be submitted for approval to the County Council annually for [five] years following the approval of the Full Travel Plan]
Monitoring Report means the document that records data to allow the assessment of the Reductions generated by the Jurisdictional REDD+ Program during a given time period in accordance with the monitoring plan set out in the Jurisdictional Program Description, covering the Reductions generated from [DAY-MONTH-YEAR to DAY-MONTH-YEAR];
Monitoring Report means a report that has been provided in template form by the council to the operator, to be populated with passenger revenue and journey data at the month end.
Monitoring Report has the meaning given in clause 13.4;
Monitoring Report means the report(s) issued by the Monitoring Agency (monitoring the use of Net Proceeds) that the Net Proceeds have been utilized for the purpose as mentioned in the Utilization Schedule. The Monitoring Report shall be submitted to the Company in the format prescribed under Schedule XI of the SEBI ICDR Regulations.
Monitoring Report means the Primary Restoration Completion & 2018 Annual Post-Construction Performance Monitoring Report attached as Appendix C.
Monitoring Report. A report prepared by or on behalf of the Owner demonstrating how it has complied with its obligations in this Deed in respect of its management and use of the Mitigation Land, including a comprehensive list and plan showing the extent of the Mitigation Land that has become Credits Linked Land at the time of the report, the first such report to cover the period since the date of this Deed and thereafter the period since the date of the previous Monitoring Report "Notice of Purchase" A written notification (from the Owner to the Council) of the purchase of Credits to include the following information: • Name of developer purchasing the Credits; • Details of the Development to benefit from the Credits, to include application number, description and location; • Number of Credits purchased; • Nitrogen budget for the Credits Linked Land; • Details of the Credits Linked Land to include a plan with the Credits Linked Land clearly identifiable and specifying the size of the Credits Linked Land in hectares.