Shift Assignment Should the University elect to establish a shift on any other schedule than the regular day shift (Monday through Friday) or to assign employees to work on any such shift, the employee(s) with the most seniority in the classification affected or to be assigned on such shift shall have preference in moving to such shift. If an insufficient number of employees in the classification elect to move to such shift, then the employee(s) with the least seniority in the classification shall be assigned to such shift. If positions or shifts are reduced or eliminated or movement of personnel to other shifts is required, then the seniority of the affected employee will prevail in the selection of shift, provided the affected employee can do the required work. Such shift preference is only applicable within the employee's classification.
ASSIGNMENT/SUB-CONTRACTING The Contractor agrees that he will not sell, assign or transfer this Agreement or any part thereof or interest therein without the prior written consent of the Owner.
The Assignment On or prior to the Purchase Date, World Omni will execute and deliver the RPA Assignment.
ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-CONTRACTING The benefit and burden of this Contract may not be assigned or sub-contracted in whole or in part by the Contractor without the prior written consent of the Department. Such consent may be given subject to any conditions which the Department considers necessary. The Department may withdraw its consent to any sub-contractor where it no longer has reasonable grounds to approve of the sub-contractor or the sub-contracting arrangement and where these grounds have been presented in writing to the Contractor.