Services and Investments. The Parties to this Agreement recognize the growing importance of services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co- operation, in particular in the context of the European integration, they will co-operate with the aim of further promoting investments and achieving a progressive liberalization and mutual opening of their markets for investments and trade in services, taking into account the relevant provisions of the General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS).
Services and Investments. 1. The Parties recognize the growing importance of services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, the Parties will co-operate with the aim of further promoting investments and achieving a gradual liberalization and mutual opening of markets for trade in services.
2. The Parties will discuss this co-operation in the Joint Committee with the aim of developing and deepening their relations under this Agreement.
Services and Investments. 1. The Parties recognise the growing importance of certain areas, such as services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, in particular in the context of the European integration, they will co-operate with the aim of achieving a progressive liberalisation and mutual opening of their markets for investments and trade in services, taking into account relevant provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).
2. The Parties will discuss in the Joint Committee this cooperation with the aim of developing and deepening of their relations governed in this Article.
Services and Investments. 1. The Parties recognise the growing importance of services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, in particular in the context of European integration, they will co-operate with the aim of further promoting investments and achieving a gradual liberalisation and mutual opening of markets for trade in services, taking into account on-going work under the auspices of the WTO.
2. The EFTA States and Macedonia shall review developments in the services sectors with a view to considering liberalisation measures between the Parties.
3. The EFTA States and Macedonia will discuss this co-operation in the Joint Committee with the aim of developing and deepening their relations under this Agreement.
Services and Investments. 1. The States Parties to this Agreement recognize the growing importance of certain areas, such as services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, in particular in the context of Euro-Mediterranean integration, they will co-operate with the aim of further promoting investments and achieving a gradual liberalization and mutual opening of markets for trade in services, taking into account on-going work under the auspices of the WTO.
2. The EFTA States and Morocco shall review developments in the services sectors with a view to considering liberalization measures between the parties.
3. The EFTA States and Morocco will discuss this co-operation in the Joint Committee with the aim of developing and deepening their relations under this Agreement.
Services and Investments. 1. The Parties recognize the growing importance of certain areas, such as services and investments. In their efforts to gradually deepen and broaden their co-operation, they will co-operate with the aim of achieving a progressive liberalization and mutual opening of markets for investments and trade in services, taking into account relevant GATT work. They will endeavour to accord treatment no less favourable than that accorded to domestic and foreign operators in their territories on condition that a balance of rights and obligations exists between the Parties.
2. The modalities for this co-operation will be negotiated in the Joint Committee. Arrangements resulting therefrom will, where necessary, be subject to ratification or approval by the Parties in accordance with their own procedures and be applied within the framework of this Agreement.
Services and Investments. 1. The Parties recognise the increasing importance of trade in services and investment in their economies. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, they will co-operate with the aim of creating the most favourable conditions for expanding investment between them and achieving further liberalisation and additional mutual opening of markets for trade in services, taking into account on-going work under the auspices of the WTO.
2. If, after the entry into force of this Agreement, a Party concludes a free trade agreement with any third country or group of countries that contains provisions providing for a better treatment with respect to any measure affecting trade in services or investors and their investments than the treatment granted to another Party, that Party shall, upon request by another Party, provide adequate opportunity for that Party to enter into negotiation with a view to obtaining equivalent treatment.
3. Upon request of a Party, the requested Party shall endeavour to provide information on measures that may have an impact on trade in services or investment.
4. The Parties shall encourage the relevant bodies in their respective territories to co-operate with a view to achieving mutual recognition for licensing and certification of professional service providers.
5. The EFTA States and Croatia will, in the Joint Committee, review developments related to investments and trade in services with a view to developing and deepening their relations under this Agreement in these fields.
Services and Investments. 1. The Parties recognise the growing importance of certain areas, such as services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, in particular in the context of Euro-Mediterranean integration, they will co-operate with the aim of further promoting investments and achieving a gradual liberalization and mutual opening of markets for trade in services, taking into account on-going work under the auspices of the WTO.
2. The EFTA States and Jordan shall review developments in the services sectors with a view to considering liberalisation measures between the parties.
3. The EFTA States and Jordan will discuss this co-operation in the Joint Committee with the aim of developing and deepening their relations under this Agreement.
Services and Investments. 1. The Parties recognise the growing importance of certain areas, such as services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, in particular in the context of Euro-Mediterranean integration, they will co-operate with the aim of further promoting investments and achieving a gradual liberalization and mutual opening of markets for trade in services, taking into account on-going work under the auspices of the WTO.
2. The EFTA States and Xxxxxx shall review developments in the services sectors with a view to considering liberalisation measures between the parties.
3. The EFTA States and Xxxxxx will discuss this co-operation in the Joint Committee with the aim of developing and deepening their relations under this Agreement.
Services and Investments. 1. The Contracting Parties recognise the growing importance of certain areas, such as services and investments. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their co-operation, in particular in the context of the European integration, they will co-operate with the aim of achieving a progressive liberalisation and mutual opening of markets for investments and trade in services, taking into account relevant provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).
2. The Contracting Parties shall examine within the Joint Committee the possibilities to extend their relations to the fields of foreign direct investment and trade in services.