SHC Sample Clauses

SHCThe general education common course pathway includes study in the areas of English composition; humanities and fine arts; social and behavioral sciences; natural sciences and mathematics. UNIVERSAL GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER COMPONENT(All Universal General Education Transfer Component courses will transfer for equivalency credit.) English Composition (6 SHC) The following two English composition courses are required. ENG 111 Writing & Inquiry (3 SHC) ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disciplines (3 SHC) Select two courses from the following from at least two different disciplines (6 SHC) Communications COM 231 Public Speaking (3 SHC) Humanities/Fine Arts ART 111 Art Appreciation (3 SHC) ART 114 Art History Survey I (3 SHC) ART 115 Art History Survey II (3 SHC) ENG 231 American Literature I (3 SHC) ENG 232 American Literature II (3 SHC) MUS 110 Music Appreciation (3 SHC) MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz (3 SHC) PHI 215 Philosophical Issues (3 SHC) PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics (3 SHC) Social/Behavioral Sciences (6 SHC) Select two courses from the following from at least two different disciplines: ECO 251 Principles of Microeconomics (3 SHC) ECO 252 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 SHC) HIS 111 World Civilizations I (3 SHC) HIS 112 World Civilizations II (3 SHC) HIS 131 American History I (3 SHC) HIS 132 American History II (3 SHC) POL 120 American Government (3 SHC) PSY 150 General Psychology (3 SHC) SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology (3 SHC) Math (8 SHC) Select two courses from the following: MAT 171Precalculus Algebra (4 SHC) MAT 172 Pre-calculus Trigonometry (4 SHC) MAT 263 Brief Calculus (4 SHC) MAT 271 Calculus I (4 SHC) Natural Sciences (8 SHC) Select 8 SHC from the following course(s): AST 151 General Astronomy I (3 SHC) and AST 151A General Astronomy Lab I (1SHC) BIO 110 Principles of Biology (4 SHC) BIO 111 General Biology I (4 SHC) and BIO 112 General Biology II (4 SHC) CHM 151 General Chemistry I (4 SHC) and CHM 152 General Chemistry II (4 SHC) GEL 111 Introductory Geology (4 SHC) PHY 110 Conceptual Physics (3 SHC) and PHY 110A Conceptual Physics Lab (1 SHC) PHY 151 College Physics I (4 SHC) and PHY 152 College Physics II (4 SHC) PHY 251 General Physics I (4 SHC) and PHY 252 General Physics II (4 SHC) ADDITIONAL GENERAL EDUCATION HOURS (11 SHC) An additional 11 SHC of courses should be selected from courses classified as general education within the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Students should select these courses based on their intended major ...
SHC. TECHNICAL CORE Courses required for the diploma are designated with * Required Courses: * EDU 119 Intro to Early Child Education 4 SHC * EDU 131 Child, Family, & Community 3 SHC* EDU 146 Child Guidance 3 SHC * EDU 151 Creative Activities 3 SHC * EDU 153 Health, Safety & Nutrition 3 SHC * EDU 221 Children with Exceptional 3 SHC EDU 234 Infants, Toddlers & Twos 3 SHC EDU 280 Language & Literacy Experiences 3 SHC EDU 284 Early Child Capstone Practicum 4 SHC *Child Development. Select one set:EDU 144 Child Development I 3 SHC & EDU 145 Child Development II 3 SHC OR PSY 244 Child Development I 3 SHC & PSY 245 Child Development II 3 SHC B. Transfer Specialty Area: Required Specialty Subject Areas for students pursuing early childhood education birth to kindergarten transfer per the Early Childhood Articulation Agreement (ECAA); Not required for non-transfer students. 35 - 41 SHC 25 SHC Select one specialty area**: 1.Birth to Kindergarten (B-K) Licensure Transfer EDU 216 Foundations of Education (4) 3 SHC EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Preparation (1) 3 SHC *If Praxis requirement is met by ACT/SAT scores, take any 3 SHC EDU course. 2. Early Education Non-Teaching Licensure Transfer EDU 261 Early Childhood Admin I 3 SHC EDU 262 Early Childhood Admin II 3 SHC Refer to Blocks 3 and 4 of Block Degree Plan for more information about required EDU courses in the proposed Early Childhood Education Statewide Articulation Agreement.
SHC. (Depending on selection of math and ensemble courses) of courses should be selected
SHCThe general education common course pathway includes study in the areas of English composition; humanities and fine arts; social and behavioral sciences; natural sciences and mathematics. UNIVERSAL GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER COMPONENT(All Universal General Education Transfer Component courses will transfer for equivalency credit.) English Composition (6 SHC) The following two English composition courses are required. ENG 111 Writing & Inquiry (3 SHC) ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disciplines (3 SHC)
SHC. Select an additional 13-14 SHC of courses from courses classified as general education within the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.
SHC. SHC" shall mean the federal corporation that will serve as the "subsidiary holding company," as defined in 12 C.F.R. Section 575.1(q), for First Federal and the Bank following the Reorganization.
SHC. Students would complete UNCP General Education requirements within the 45 required hours with the exception of 2 Physical Education activity courses. Students would be required to complete 2 1-hour PED courses for the fulfillment of General Education requirements at UNCP. Students would complete the Other required hours (15 SHC) to complete the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science in Teacher Education including: EDU 187 Teaching and Learning for All 4 EDN elective 4 EDU 216 Foundations of Education Completed at UNCP through dual-enrollment 3 EDN 2100 Introduction to Education ~requires a grade of B- or better for admission to the EPP 3 Professional Studies Core *Required for EPP admission EDU 279 Literacy Development and Instruction 3 RDG 2000 Foundations of Reading and Language Acquisition 3 Professional Studies Core EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Preparation 3 EDN elective 3 Students completing EDN 2100 and EDU 250 with passing Praxis Core scores would be prepared for admission to the Educator Preparation Program at UNCP. A cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher is required. In addition, we would recommend these courses to transfer to UNCP as they fulfill a requirement in any Educator Preparation Program: PSY 241 Developmental Psychology 3 PSY 2050 Childhood and Adolescence 3 Professional Studies Core Development course required in all EPP majors
SHC. Within nine months of the Effective Date, the Recipient shall have established a process to review SHC organization and have developed a plan within one year of the Effective Date, acceptable to ADB, for the long term structure, extent and reorganization of SHCs and the rural health sector. The aim for SHCs shall be to move towards centers of primary care with a mainly ambulatory and outreach focus.
SHC.  Consists of credit awarded by the constituent institutions’ for nursing course (NUR) content taken as a part of the AAS degree program.